I got this in an e-mail today and since i know several here do write things other than fan fiction, I thought i would pass it along...
Breathless Press, a romance and erotic publisher, is accepting general submissions as well as M/M romance. Be sure to check out our Valentine Contest
as well:
Length: We classify our lengths as follows:
Temptations: 1,500 - 5,000 words
Novelette: 5,000 - 10,000 words
Novella: 10,000 - 50/60,000 words
Novel: 50/60,000-100,000 words
File format: We will only accept electronic submissions. Please send a query letter in the body of the message along with the full manuscript: .doc-compatible (or .rtf) file as an attachment.
Query letter: Please include your name and email address in the body of your email. Your query letter should also include your title, genre and word count, a brief synopsis of your story and any relevant credits you may have.
Send query to: acquisitions @ breathlesspress dot com.
For more information on our subs and contests go to: www.breathlesspress.com
S.S. Hart
Marketing Director
Breathless Press
here is their website where it details what they are looking for and what they do/don't accept...