This is sooooo far off topic that you may need to squint. I was perusing Angela Lansbury’s bio on IMDB when I came across this little gem. I’ve read (some time last year) a rumor online that there would be a remake of “The Last Unicorn” but now it seems that it will be a
LIVE ACTION!!!!! Do you feel the epic-ness yet?!.
Here is what IMDB has to say:
She will be reprising the role of Mommy Fortuna in the live action remake of The Last Unicorn (1982), while Christopher Lee will be reprising his role from the 1982 animated version of King Haggard and Mia Farrow, who was the voice of the Unicorn/Amalthia, will be portraying Molly Grue.
I wonder if Rene Auberjonois will reprise his role as the Skull that Speaks?
This is squeal worthy! EPICwin