This was hawt! Please, update soon. and with some SMUT! <3
I LOVED THIS!!!! *squee*
*fangirl faint*
julia (Chapter 11) - Tue 19 Jan 2016
awesome story
That's for the update
Poor Kagome. LoL!
Funny good chap. I really thought this was abandoned glad it wasn't. Looking forward to seeing more.
julia (Chapter 9) - Mon 14 Dec 2015
this story is amazing please update soon
Lol poor Sess... he just can't win with her can he! LOVE this story and I hope to see more soon!!!!!
The demons ball poem is beautiful! Did you write it, or is it from something?
Lorena (Chapter 9) - Thu 05 Nov 2015
Wow~ I can't wait to read Sesshomaru's reaction when he realizes that Kagome felt anything for him, and is trying not to now that he is at war with himself! I don't know where you plan on taking this story, but I'm interested and hope you update soon :)
me (Chapter 9) - Sat 10 Oct 2015
Love the story so far. I really like the way Sessh is fighting his instincts.
Shinji is is a wonderful character. I like him.
cant wait for the next chapter.
HaRa (Chapter 1) - Thu 08 Oct 2015
I don't normally review stories, no matter how much I like them. I am making an exception. Because this story is quite amazing. I am impressed in how you made up a very different story plot. I have repeatedly read stories which, though being well-written, have all exactly the same story lines. Your grammar is good and though there are a few mistakes, I believe your story exceptional. Keep it up. I will look forward to your updates.
Melissa (Chapter 9) - Thu 08 Oct 2015
Love it.Can't wait for more!
VivWolf (Chapter 1) - Thu 08 Oct 2015
Love this. please update.
Great story, keep it coming.
Ashatan (Chapter 9) - Tue 06 Oct 2015
Wow!!! This is some story you have here! It's definitely something I've never read before. I couldn't stop reading! ! ! I look forward to reading more Sesshy and Kags! ! !
Marie (Chapter 9) - Tue 06 Oct 2015
This story is different. UNIQUE! I LIKE IT. PLEASE UPDATE
I AM IN LOVE A WITH THIS STORY! (sorry for the caps) i like your take in the story and can't wait to see where you go with this~
Love this!!!!!
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