The Demon's Ball by KPO4
The Demon's Ball
Kagome sighed. Other than the demon slayer’s exasperated punishment of the perverted monk, the camp was fairly peaceful.
Naraku had been defeated long ago and the jewel was in Kagome’s possession with the exception of the two shards in Kouga’s legs. After his defeat, the team resolved to travel the country helping others and ridding the world of Naraku’s misdeeds. The evil hanyou had left a number of creations behind that continued to cause trouble regardless of their master’s defeat.
Currently the team was unwinding after several stressful days of trying to make peace between two neighboring tribes of cat demons. The infighting had caused the destruction of a nearby human village. After three long days of negotiations, the nekoyoukai had finally settled their differences. However, the days had taken their toll and on the return trip back home, their exhaustion set in. They were barely three hours out when everyone needed a break.
Kagome stretched her arms and legs out, allowing her sore muscles a break. She found a tree to lie against and sank into the embrace of the downy soft grass and closed her eyes. The leaves rustled softly as a cool breeze blew past. The sun was shining and warm but the cool shade was a temporary relief.
Inuyasha had taken Shippo fishing; every now and then Kagome could hear the occasional splash of Shippo diving after a fish and the aggravated growl of the inu-hanyou.
“Stupid, I told you to wait! If you can‘t even do this, you got no hope of surviving on your own. Jeez, maybe you should just give up.”
Kagome rolled her eyes.
“Inuyashaaaa….” she sang out.
There was a long silence; Kagome could just imagine those puppy ears of his flattened against his head. Moments later she could hear Inuyasha’s voice, it was softer and had lost its abrasively harsh edge. He corrected Shippo’s posture and gave the young fox demon advice on how to predict the fishes’ movements. Kagome sighed and decided that she’d had enough rest. She still had a lot to do. She rose from her relaxed position and grabbed her bag. She had been meaning to catch up on some work anyway.
Meanwhile, Sango straightened and stretched her back until she heard a resounding crack. She was sore after having dragged an unconscious monk closer to camp. The demon slayer hovered over her best friend, curious at what the girl was doing.
Kagome sensed the questioning look she was receiving from behind and turned her head to meet it, smiling in invitation.
“What do you have there?” Sango asked as she lowered herself close enough to see what lay in Kagome’s lap.
Kagome glanced back down at her work. She had been working for several days, stitching a silver, pearl beaded lotus pattern into a silky, blackest black cloth. She smiled at how well it had turned out.
“What? This?” She lifted her stitching up to eyelevel. “It’s what I’m planning on wearing to Shippo’s coronation ceremony.”
Sango made a noise of approval and nodded in admiration, not even the nobles had such lavish fabrics and adornments. Kagome had once told her that the beads she brought from the future weren’t glass or stone but a material called plastic. Nevertheless, they still resembled the rare crystals that were so coveted during the time. The demon slayer fingered the beadwork, admiring the craftsmanship and detail that went into its making.
Kagome smiled fondly at her best friend. She’d have to be careful to execute her plan, the slayer was sharp.
“I could help you make an outfit too,” she lifted out a light fabric from her yellow bag, it slipped out with fluid ease, “I have this color that I think would look good on you.”
Sango fingered the shiny white cloth in awe, bringing it closer to her face. She shook her head and pushed it back toward her friend.
“I couldn’t take this from you, it’s too much. I could never accept it.”
Kagome smiled and looked down at the white fabric in her hands, “I picked this material out especially for you but I knew you wouldn’t accept it so easily. So I’d like to hire you and service rendered, with the cloth as payment.” She glanced up to see if she had the slayer’s attention.
Sango crossed her arms, lowered her brow, and watched her friend with suspicion, “I’ve already taught you the ways of combat and demonic behavior. You know everything I know, so what could I possibly do for you….that you can’t already do for yourself?”
Kagome carefully kept her friend in the corner of her eye while she moved to smooth imaginary wrinkles from the soft white cloth that had become her bargaining chip.
“Well”, she began, “I’m already busy with making outfits for Shippo and Inuyasha so I was wondering if you would be kind enough to make Miroku’s. I already have all the materials you’d need but I just can’t think of a pattern for him.” She glanced at her friend’s expression before continuing.
“Sooo, since you’ve gotten to know each other so well over the years, I thought you’d be able to help me.”
Sango froze. She lowered her head to hide her eyes, a light pink blush could be seen from under her bangs.
“The monk already has his ceremonial robes. He looks presentable enough half of the time anyway. Even if his robes are a bit worn, he always looks nice.” Sango’s voice faltered, “I mean, nice as in approachable, not like nice as in attractive. I mean, it’s not like I’ve ever seen him without his robes on but he’s probably attractive with or without them--no, I mean approachable without them--like when he’s not wearing clothes I’d just assume he’d be easy to approach--oh but not like when he’s nude but just when he’s not wearing those specific clothes, even though he never takes them off…NO, okay, It’s just that I don’t think he’ll need new clothes just for Shippo’s coronation.” The poor girl was bright red as she ended her explanation. She was glad that the subject of their discussion was unconscious. They glanced at the lifeless monk who laid only a few meters away.
Kagome shook her head, “Those robes aren’t in any state to be seen by the sort of beings attending the Demon’s Ball. You of all people should know that this occasion is not to be taken lightly.” She hardened her gaze “I will NOT have Shippo be thought of as a joke.”
Sango couldn’t conceal her surprise at the seriousness in Kagome’s eyes. She corrected her stance and reflected her friend’s stoic mind-set in trained ease, “I accept your assignment, Lady Kagome. It shall be done to the best of my abilities.” She bowed and straightened with perfect etiquette and grace.
Kagome watched her friend’s brisk movements.
‘Splendid…’, the miko cackled wildly in her mind and gave a triumphant smile.
The priestess laughed and waved her hand with a carefree atmosphere, as if shooing the seriousness away.
“M’kay Sango, thaaaaanks.” She went back to work on her lotus patterned formal wear.
Sango was again in shock, ‘I feel like I’ve been tricked somehow…’ she warily eyed her time-traveling friend and laughed.
“Then I suppose I better get to work and think of a few ideas for my kimono. And I guess I’ll have to think of a pattern for Miroku too.”
“I guess so.” Kagome continued to stitch with her silver colored thread, “Maybe you could even make them match.”
“…..” Sango glared at the girl who sat nonchalantly, innocently stitching away at her cloth. “Now you’re just teasing me.” She lifted her hand in playful threat, “Don’t think I can’t still teach you a thing or two about discipline.”
They both started to laugh when suddenly a hand shot out of nowhere and grabbed Kagome’s hand
“Believe me, she knows her stuff.” Miroku groaned, still facedown in the ground. He lifted himself up into a sitting position; letting go of Kagome in favor of rubbing the new bump on his head.
Sango blushed, ‘how long has he been awake?’ She shifted her gaze to the ground.
Miroku smiled at the slayer, having awakened only moments after being dragged to the campground. He stood, dusted himself off and smiled his most charming smile.
“Shall we get to work then, Miss Sango?” The monk took the offered materials from Kagome’s arms and ushered Sango toward a rock that would be perfect for using as a table for their project.
Kagome watched and smiled with victory. It had been 4 years since she first met her friends and she wanted them to be happy. If they could do that by being together, well that’s two birds with one stone.
The young priestess went back to work, in only a week, the Demons’ Ball would have arrived. It was a special occasion that only happened once a year and finally, Shippo’s year had come. The event marked a coming of age for full blooded demons who came from noble blood lines. For this reason alone, she was scared of how the event would go. Since Inuyasha was not of pure demon descent he had never received the honor of attending the Demons’ Ball when he came to age. However, the half-demon had been very laid-back in his consent to attend Shippo’s event.
The letter that announced the coming occasion was delivered by a wind demon riding atop a gray feather. And though the nobles called it a celebration, their motives were questionable. The fact was that it was a mandatory event that allowed the Lords and Ladies to inspect the new generation of demons and the challenge the young would present. Sango had told her that it was an elaborate affair that could launch or end a demon’s chance of success. Inuyasha had added that it was extremely important for everyone to look presentable, since the demons would already have formed negative opinions on the young fox’s upbringing because of his company, they would undoubtedly look down upon Shippo with pity and disgust. He was, after all, a full-blooded demon who traveled with 3 humans (1 being a demon slayer by profession and the other 2 being a demon’s natural enemy: Purifiers) and of course, Inuyasha, a famed half-breed with ties to what was considered the most powerful of families within the nobles.
The young priestess clenched her hands. No one would laugh at her and her friends based on biased misconceptions if Kagome had anything to do with it. She would never have anyone look down on her for her bloodline and family. She would only be judged for her character, for herself. She certainly hadn’t lived through all the trouble of trying to save the feudal era, only to be laughed at by it’s residents. She had done a lot in this era when it wasn’t even hers. She trained herself till she could hold a sword to Inuyasha’s and could now defeat him in ease. Her movements were graceful and not one of them was a waste of energy, each minor adjustment of muscle, speed, and breath was done for a purpose. Each shift of balance, weight, and spirit, a calculated gesture, a sweeping glance, a millimeter step backward; each was done for one intent: winning. It was like a grand chess board that required sacrifices, confidence, and a trained eye for deception. During the years, she’d acquired each--with a great amount of trouble, one might add--she had lost many battles while undergoing her transformation but she was now regarded as one among the best. All that AND she had also graduated from high school successfully. She had even gotten over her love for Inuyasha and he was now one of her closest friends.
‘No,’ Kagome thought firmly, ‘we will definitely not be laughed at by those spoiled, arrogant demons who traipse around without ever having lost or sacrificed a thing.’
But before that, she had a lot of work to do.
“That’s enough day-dreaming! I don’t have time for this!” Kagome looked through her work.
Inuyasha’s haori was already finished, it was white with a simple classic cut, its cuffs had large stripes of black and red, as did the hem and collar. It was dramatic, a simple yet loud statement that seemed to go well with the dog’s personality. The hakama were yet to be finished but they would be white; similar to Sesshoumaru’s. This fact, however, she hoped would go unnoticed by the hanyou.
Shippo would wear a black haori with silver and bright acid green stripes in exactly the same manner as Inuyasha’s had been. Those two were very much alike, after all. Since Shippo’s clothes would not use as much fabric as everyone else’s did, Kagome had gone to a silk dealer in her modern era for the cloth. Granted, the little fox had certainly grown, coming up to Inuyasha’s waist, but it was still a lot less fabric than what everyone else’s outfit required. The silk was incredibly expensive but Kagome paid for it with the money she’d gotten from selling a few feudal era artifacts; namely a few coins and an old bow she’d received at a village as payment for killing a weak demon. She usually considered this ‘taboo’ since she didn’t like to risk mixing the past with the present for her own personal gain but this was a special occasion.
Her kimono was the only thing that was left to make. The cut was finished and the pattern was nearly done. It was elegant and not overdone. Silver lotuses were embroidered on the dress, five of them all together each about the size of a fist and placed as if they had grown naturally. On the back was a large blooming lotus and in the bloom was the shikon jewel, represented by sewing tiny pearl beads into its image onto the fabric. She stitched a pattern that resembled water throughout the flowers, using the tiny pearl beads and the silver thread. Her pale silver obi tied in the back, the bow flowed down to give a somehow fluid movement to the entire image. All in all, it was a beautiful outfit that anyone would admire. She was proud of her work and all that was left was to finish the rest of the water pattern.
The young miko put down her work and stretched, all she needed was to get the hair ornament she had commissioned Totosai to make. It was a weapon fashioned into the shape of a hair stick made of an alloy of metal from the staff once used by Midoriko and demon scale that wouldn’t break. On the end of it was a charm that would prevent it from dulling and also loaned the weapon its singular abilities. The charm was a pair of what looked like--fragile, dangling paper cranes. In reality, the cranes were made of the same alloy. At her disposal, she could either extend the body of the ornament to the size of a pole or extend the chain the held the cranes, turning it into a whip, the cranes working for the purpose of cutting into the opponent.
Kagome would never venture into enemy territory without a way to defend herself, even if the occasion was a formal celebration.
Totosai had promised her that he would be done in three more days, that left her four days to train with her new tool and get used to the weapon change
In the distance, Kagome could hear the sounds of Inuyasha and Shippo returning. By the sounds of Shippo’s laughter, she could guess that either Inuyasha had made a fool of himself or the fox kit had successfully caught enough fish for all of them.
‘Maybe both…’ Kagome thoughtfully guessed.
She smiled to herself and moved to gather wood for the fire. She loved all of her friends so much. Kagome hardened her expression, ‘And in just seven more days, we’re all going to be in enemy territory.’
Sesshoumaru frowned, ‘Seven more days of this hell’, he thought to himself, ‘just might be able to kill this Sesshoumaru.’
The demon considered this idea thoughtfully, putting full consideration into the concept. ‘Death by irritation?…Or would it be considered Annoyed to death? No, that sounds like murder, it would have to be suicide since no one has the skill capable of defeating this Sesshoumaru….Then again, why kill yourself when you can just as easily kill everyone else…Yes, why not indeed?’
Every year, the four lords would gather together at Umbra, a fortress that was constructed in the place at which all the territories of the four lands met. There, the lords passed news to one another and made all necessary negotiations and contracts for the coming new year. It was their capitol. Today was the first of seven days of negotiations, treaties, and all other troublesome affairs. And to top it all off, all the lords held a social gathering at the end, inviting every noble known to the demon society and the new ones that would be introduced into their realm.
“Taiyoukai of the Western lands, do I bore you?”
Sesshoumaru turned his gaze upon the speaker.
“Taiyoukai Kayashima, think before you bother me. If you had, you would have realized the answer clearly.” The inuyoukai returned his gaze to the window.
Kayashima was lord of the Eastern lands, a dragon demon to the scale. He had a fiery personality, black soot hair, and loved to fight. But despite his forceful attitude, he was also wise with words and actions. That demon loved to spew peaceful, dreamy sentiments all day long. He was also patient and saw humor in everything.
A spark lit in the dragons eye at Sesshoumaru’s response.
“Than shall we discontinue negotiations for the use of my river as the central source of irrigation for your land?” Kayashima carefully rifled through several different scrolls, making sure that the dog didn’t have any leverage over him.
Sesshoumaru blinked in amusement at the dragon.
“Shall we? And I was under the direct impression that the Eastern lands desired access to my medicinal fields. How unusual, that the sickness sweeping the East would suddenly vanish.” Sesshoumaru watched the shocked expression of the dragon demon from a mirrored reflection in the window and smirked to himself.
Kayashima quickly recovered, he knew spies for the dog demon were scattered everywhere but he had been careful in concealing the sickness that had even effected his younger brother. Only the plants grown in Western regions were able to cure it. He quickly ruffled through the facts in his head. He didn’t need many of the medicinal plants, possibly a quarter of an acre.
“Lord Sesshoumaru, I believe it would benefit us both if we were to come to an agreement. I will give your people permission to draw water from the Eastern river if you will give us an acre of your medicinal herbs.” The dragon taiyoukai considered this a fair trade for all parties involved.
Sesshoumaru, meanwhile, was watching the dragons reflection carefully. Being a lord was like a game. And he was the best.
None of the lords knew it, but Sesshoumaru had seen their cards, predicted their moves, and could willingly reveal his hand to take their stakes of land. However, he knew it would be difficult to hold control of every region, so he allowed the other lords to govern his would-be winnings.
And for this knowledge alone, the Western lord was generous with negotiations that benefited the well-being of all the territories -since it was his property- and the other lords -who were actually serving him by governing his land, like they were his servants- (this way of thinking is only his own concept, luckily unbeknownst by them).
“Lord Kayashima, water is free and can be drawn from many areas. Western herbs, however, can not. However, if the Eastern lands are willing to open their borders for the use of their rivers, then the Western lands shall open their borders for the purpose of medicinal trade, something I have restricted over the years.”
The Eastern lord contemplated this. It was true that the Western lands had stopped trading medicine with the others due to a conflict, many years ago and had never reopened their trade. And it was certainly true that the West could make use of the plants far better than the East could, after years of mastering the art of refining the herb, not even the best doctor in the East could come close to matching the skill of the worst physicians in the West.
‘This will greatly benefit the Eastern lands,’ Kayashima calculated ,‘even if we can’t have the plants, having access to the top product from the herbs is a great opportunity. But if I know Sesshoumaru, it means I’m somehow losing out .’ Kayashima needed to question the dogs motives.
“There will, of course, be a mandatory trading tax?” The dragon began his inquiries.
“Of course.”
“And I suppose the medicine itself would be quite expensive.”
“And that you’d probably want unlimited access to my river in return?”
Kayashima knew that the dog demon was becoming impatient with his curious prodding and decided to seize the offer before it was rescinded.
“Lord Sesshoumaru,” the dragon nodded his head, laid his scrolls before him, and laughed, “the Eastern boarders crumble before your might.”
The dog demon smirked at his longtime dragon friend. “Perhaps one of these years, it may be strong enough to withstand a blow or two.”
Kayashima laughed, “Indeed.” He waved one of his councilors over to draw up the agreement.
Sesshoumaru twitched his finger, signaling one of his councilors to help and oversee the contract. The advisor to the dog demon rushed over, prepared with all of his lords specific outlines for the bargain in hand. Kayashima chuckled at that.
‘Always 2 steps ahead of everyone, as usual,’ he glanced at the outline and saw guidelines of water usage during times of drought and proper ways of drainage during floods. He also spied something about constructing a canal.
‘Perhaps he’s 10 steps ahead….’ The dragon tapped a finger to his head thoughtfully, ’Maybe a mile or two…’
Meanwhile, Sesshoumaru’s face fell back into stoic contemplation. He lazily watched the other two lords bargain about Northern hunting grounds for Southern fruit orchards. He already knew that the North would eventually win out, since much of the animal life in the South was killed while protecting the development of the fruit trees. While fruit was rare in the North, vegetation was not; making the North a very habitable place for stock animals. Its mountainous areas also provided safe breeding places for more wildlife to hide, ensuring a prey-rich hunting ground.
“Fruit? Ahh, who needs it? I never have.” Lord Kouga leaned back in his chair. “And just look at me now, I grew up just fine.”
‘Yes,’ thought Sesshoumaru, ’he is a miracle, being able to survive so long without a properly functioning brain…’
A Northern councilor rushed to the wolf demons side and whispered something in his lords ear, making Kouga freeze.
“Wha? What do you mean ‘the humans need it’?”
‘Idiot’, thought Sesshoumaru.
The Southern lord smiled, “Yes, humans need to eat it to stay healthy. Human females especially enjoy the fruit trees in spring when the flowers blossom. It’s a truly astounding sight.”
The Taiyoukai of the South, Kazuhiko, was a bat youkai, usually naturally curious and clever. He’d thoughtlessly planted as many fruit trees as he could, he loved the sweet taste and also enjoyed the many insects that inhabited his fruit fields. However, in his fervor he had destroyed much of the surrounding brush around the area which served as home to wild animals. Kazuhiko needed to reinstitute animals back into the forests or they’d disappear altogether. His people were getting tired of eating fish.
‘Kagome might like those flower blossoms’ the wolf thought hard. His brow furrowed as he weighed his outcomes.
Sesshoumaru wanted to roll his eyes. He could almost hear strained creak of the rusty gears attempting to turn within the wolf demon’s head.
Kouga recalled that the human villages had planted many tangling bushes of fruits and berries around their dwellings, he had gotten tangled in one just a few weeks prior. Trees would certainly save him the ground space. He thought carefully before arriving to his decision.
“If we do this, then for the meat you catch and take from the Northern lands; you give us equal its weight in fruit.” Kouga straightened his chair and looked straight into the bat’s eyes, “But if you take an animal alive, ya gotta give us a tree, a mature one that blooms and has fruit growing on it already.”
Sesshoumaru closed his eyes in surprise and silent appraisal, it was a good deal on the wolf’s side. The North would trade equally if the animal was already dead but would receive a large amount of fruit trees if the South had any hopes of replenishing their animal population. After all, it took two animals to mate but one tree could last a lifetime all alone and still provide many offspring. It was a “give a man a fish vs. teaching him to fish” kind of deal. Having one meal vs. having the investment to learn to feed yourself. The South had many mature trees and could handle the loss, it would also clear enough room for suitable breeding grounds for the animals.
The inuyoukai could hear sounds of the wolf and bat coming to agreement. He silently meditated, waiting for his own contract with the Eastern lord to be finished.
“So Sesshoumaru, I hear that the mutt’s coming to the Demon’s Ball. Do ya know if Kagome’s coming too?”
‘I will kill you,’ thought Sesshoumaru as he opened his eyes to find the wolf demon, invading his space, staring at him.
Kouga continued to stare, patiently awaiting his answer. He knew that Sesshoumaru would eventually respond, but only on his terms. Which meant waiting quietly….while being glared at.
There was a long silence in the chamber until finally, the Western lord spoke.
“Who is this person of which you speak--the slayer or the priestess?”
At this response, the chamber became still. There wasn’t even the sound of breathing.
Suddenly Kayashima let out a roar of laughter, causing Kouga to tear up with guffaws of disbelief, even the composed Kazuhiko let out a chuckle behind his hand.
Kouga wiped his eyes, “I didn’t even know you knew how to joke Sesshoumaru.” He clapped a hand against the dog’s back.
Kayashima was gasping for air, still laughing, “Lord Kouga, ..ehehe..hah…ah….he doesn’t!” The dragon lord held his left side, “That’s what makes it so funny! Ahaha…he…he really doesn’t know. Even when he has so many spies all over, he must not have any of them watching his half-brother. Ahahaha…gasp…hahah…gasp…Oh my kidney!” The Eastern lord dropped in a heap on the floor, rolling with laughter.
At this, Kouga doubled over, holding his stomach, peals of laughter escaping him. All too soon, he joined the Eastern lord on the floor.
Kazuhiko let out another chuckle before he smiled and put his hand carefully on the shoulder of the angry dog taiyoukai, who was not pleased at the idea of being laughed at. The bat continued to smile despite the dogs threatening atmosphere, “Please forgive us Sesshoumaru-sama, for it is not like you to make a mistake and that is why it is such an exciting occasion.”
The dog taiyoukai growled, “And who says I have made a mistake? It is not necessary to know what my half-brother’s group of vagabonds and misfits do, much less their names. So I do not waste resources on them. They are not a threat to this Sesshoumaru’s power.”
Kayashima eventually suppressed his laughter and managed to speak, “And therein lies your mistake Lord Sesshoumaru. In that pride that blinds you and prevents you from watching what’s right under your nose.”
Suddenly the room grew cold, poison staining the air. It dripped from the claws of the Western lord.
“You will tell me what you find so amusing about my decision.”
Kouga ceased movement at the sight of Sesshoumaru’s eyes. The wolf gulped, tucking his tail between his legs in submission. “It’s just that…Kagome…she…” Kouga trailed off.
“Yes?” Sesshoumaru dared the wolf to continue.
Luckily for the Northern lord, Kayashima came to the rescue. The dragon sighed.
“Kagome Higurashi, age: 19, profession: priestess, current weapon of choice: sword, description: Beautiful, deadly, and blunt. Has displayed contrasting personalities in different situations. Purehearted and innocent nature when in comfortable, familiar surroundings but becomes defensive and calculating when in a hostile environment. She has also been known to display the cunning of a true master of fighting: agile, precise, resourceful, and powerful.” He thought hard for a moment, trying to determine if he’d forgotten anything , “AND…she’s quite single.”
“She’s very popular amongst the masses, Sesshoumaru-sama,” the bat demon cut in. “Both among the demons and the humans. They say she’s quite a beauty, though I haven’t been able to judge for myself,” he added regrettably. “But she’s become quite the renowned fighter. People are calling her ‘the goddess of battle’. I’ve heard she even beat the master sword-maker Totosai in a serious battle. Supposedly, she staked herself for the prize and lured the perverted codger to fight to his full strength. I know she won the battle but I’m not entirely sure what her prize was.”
Kouga jumped up, excited that he could boast about the girl.
“She’s not just great at swords. She trained with Shinji.”
Sesshoumaru finally snapped to attention, his ears straining so as not to miss a word about the man who was like an older brother. His former weapon’s master and friend.
Kouga continued, oblivious to the dog’s change in manner.
“Yeah, Shinji’s always been a tough, stubborn old dog about students. But when MY Kagome went to him, he just flopped over and gave her everything she wanted. He taught her everything he could during the short breaks she got. She finished the training last year but Shinji still always drops by and visits her.” Kouga frowned, “Damn dog almost bit my hand off when I tried to hold my woman.” The wolf flexed his hand, “It hasn’t even healed yet because of that damn poison in his fangs.”
Sesshoumaru sighed, ‘stupid wolf.’
“Lord Kouga, you are mistaken. Dog demons of Shinji’s stature have a larger bite radius. If Shinji even attempted to do as you say, at least half your body would have been separated from you in the endeavor.”
Kouga rubbed the new skin that had formed over the row of teeth prints that had been embossed in his flesh. “I’m not mistaken. I told you, Shinji’s like the size of a regular dog when he comes to visit her. He used to come in human form but lately he’s always in his dog form. Says it’s easier to travel unnoticed if he’s at that size.”
Sesshoumaru was confused and for that reason, he was annoyed. Shinji was his sensei and was equal in strength to Shesshoumaru and, last they met, their beasts were almost equal in size. The more strength a demon had, the bigger it’s demon form was. Could his former master have lost his powers? And what could have happened to make Shinji lower himself enough that he would train a priestess?
‘I should investigate this matter for myself. Shinji is a high-ranking noble; he should be attending the Demon’s Ball.’
Inuyoukai prided themselves in being able to grow to enormous sizes. Being in canine form was undoubtedly more comfortable for dog demons and brought out their natural ability to sense, smell, see, hear, and taste tenfold. Only touch was dulled, due to the fact that they wore thick protective coats of fur. Being in dog form was truly enjoyable. However, being in that form had its downfalls. It attracted attention and made your presence noticeable. The beasts did not have enough control and restraint that is necessary to maintain low power levels so going incognito was out of the question. The human form was much like a dam of rocks which blocked a stream’s flow. It controlled an outpouring of power and reserved it for times of need. It was simple to remove rocks to allow more water to pass through but you just couldn’t remove all of them. However, a demon form was the opposite, it was like a sweepingly strong current; if you tried to slow it’s outflow by putting a rock into the stream, it would be carried away immediately. So if Shinji really wanted to blend in, his demonic form was the worst idea. The uncontrollable output of power would easily attract attention from other demons and demon-hunters.
The inuyoukai mentally filed the matter away. ‘More pressing issues await. Especially the subject of a strong miko.’
Meanwhile, Kayashima and Kazuhiko were listening intently to Kouga’s descriptions of the miko. It seemed that the Northern lord had taken it upon himself to carefully illustrate every part of the girl, starting from the bottom up. The wolf was currently on the subject of the priestess’s lengthy torso and toned stomach. Sesshoumaru studied the wolf’s slowly fading blush and was grudgingly curious at what they must have been talking about right before they reached her stomach.
‘How vulgar’, he thought after he realized he had started listening to the other lords’ gossip and was trying to conjure up an image of the miko’s curvy figure.
‘It is the influence of these fools that loiter in my company.’ The Western lord waved away the leery image of the girl’s midsection and silently offered his thanks to the gods for sparing him the description of what lied just below it. The dog demon growled in deep sub tones, inaudible to the human ear but capable of startling the other lords out of their gossip.
The bat, dragon, and wolf turned to face the most fearsome of them all.
“You will inform this Sesshoumaru of all the news you have concerning this new development.”
Thank you for reading and I hope you'll review. I posted this story on AFF and my commenters told me to come here too! Hope you enjoy and forgive any spelling errors!
*Ahh, just realized there's no automatic disclaimer! Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story.