Awesome chapter! Love that they are getting closer and that he gave her a ride home:)
Great!!! Just a few spelling errors, like, get it instead of get in, when Sesshoumaru pulled up next to Kagome in his BMW.
im hooded and adicted to this story i cant wait toget more
rose (Chapter 5) - Sun 04 Oct 2015
next chapter please
Haven (Chapter 5) - Sun 04 Oct 2015
That was a good chapter :D
I can't wait for another update and if you're looking to write another fanfiction, but don't know what to write I have some ideas!
Saiya (Chapter 5) - Sun 04 Oct 2015
so Sweet.
I like this alot. I look forward to reading more in the future.
this chapter made me want to hug sesshomaru.
Saiya (Chapter 4) - Wed 30 Sep 2015
Sesshomaru Happend that's What!!!!
Nicole (Chapter 3) - Wed 30 Sep 2015
I like how you wrote this chapter.
Pamela (Chapter 4) - Wed 30 Sep 2015
I like this story. Possessive Sesshomaru is hot:) Yep! Naraku is still creepy and Kouga well he's just Kouga:) it's interesting to read a new spin on Kagome. I don't picture her as lying to friends. Naraking definitely messed her up. Love that Sesshoumaru is picking up the pieces and is claiming his territory. Can't wait to read what happens next.
rose (Chapter 4) - Wed 30 Sep 2015
next chapter please
Saiya (Chapter 3) - Tue 29 Sep 2015
Well Damn why the hell were her Powers failing her. Like Damn was Naraku trying to kill her. Also Sesshomaru you Rock. and who ever the mystery person who saved her was.
im eager for more of this story its great!
I liked the chapter. Kagome always seem to fall apart or lose her powers at the most critical of times and then she never wants to talk about it to her close friends or family. These would be her best support system. Anyway, nicely written an you did a great job. Looking forward to more chapters.
Mona (Chapter 3) - Tue 29 Sep 2015
Great!!! I wonder, when Kagome blacked out did Naruka do more damage to her? Or was that the moment someone came upon the scene and rescued her?
rose (Chapter 3) - Tue 29 Sep 2015
next chapter please
sounds in-ter-es-ting! :) I'll keep watching
Saiya (Chapter 2) - Mon 28 Sep 2015
OMG WHAT THE HELL I LOVE YOU YOU CLIFFHANGER MAKER. That was so Sweet&Cute. I Like all her friends. RUN KAGOME.
This seems like its going to be an intriguing story and fascinating too. Will there be a little romance between S/K or a full blown out romance with these two with a little lemonade on the side? I would like to read the second choice myself. LoL. Great job in writing. Very nicely written so far.
I'm not a big Naraku fan but depending how the story is written and how his character is developed I could like him a little bit. I have read a couple of stories where Naraku was the good guy and the stories were very well written. I wish I could remember the names of the stories because I would like to read them again.
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