Something Worth Protecting by Alexandra
Chapter 1
Author’s Notes: Hello everyone! So besides one I attempted to make but never finished when I was younger, this is my first fanfiction! So bear with me through it if I make any mistakes or faux-pas. I have some great ideas for this story and I’m really excited to write it so here it goes! Please review!!!
PS. I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters!
Chapter 1
‘So the blue shirt is cute and friendly and would make me seem more approachable… but this red shirt just looks so sexy on me…’ Never underestimate the importance of first impressions on your first day of school. I had learned this the hard way at previous schools and knew not to make this decision lightly. I have been to 7 different schools in my lifetime thanks to my parents’ jobs forcing us to move every couple years or less. My parents were both wealthy business owners who had spent the last decade or so expanding their business across the globe, which caused them to need to move around a lot. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying your outfit will determine if you will be liked and make friends at a new school, but you can’t say it won’t contribute to your first impression.
I finished putting on the blue shirt and finished getting ready. This time was different, I needed to play it safe. You would think I would be used to moving around and having to start over and yet I have still so fearful. Before I would move all the time with my parents knowing that within two years I’d be leaving again, but this time I was here to stay. This time I wasn’t with my parents. This time I was in university.
Last week I had moved into my apartment that was only a kilometer away from campus. Nothing big or special but it was exactly what I wanted. I hadn’t met anyone in the area yet despite walking around my neighborhood many times with that exact intention. It’s always nice to start at a new school with the advantage of already knowing someone there, but this time I seemed to have no luck. I made myself a coffee and headed out the door with my bag of books and supplies. This was it.
As I got closer and closer to my campus I could see more and more of my classmates. Okay first up is CHEM 101 in C300. Wait C300?? Is that supposed to mean something to me? That doesn’t sound like a building it sounds like a room number! How am I supposed to be able to find it with this little information! Uh oh. I started looking around for a directory or people giving out maps somewhere when I found a girl with ‘volunteer’ written across her shirt in big letters and I walked up to her.
“Hi could you please help me find my class?” I asked timidly. The girl had long black hair tied back into a high ponytail. She looked to be really in shape and yet still curvy. Some girls were just so lucky. Not that I could really complain I had a similar body to this girl’s except a little less defined. I was toned but not muscular and had decent curves. I prided myself on staying in shape and made sure I went on runs every morning.
“Of course I can! My name is Sango, welcome to Shikon University! Could I please see your schedule?” I handed it over to her. “Hmm so you’re a science major, all your classes will be close together in the science buildings! To get to your first class you just need to follow this path that you’re on now and at the end the path will split and you’ll see two buildings, yours is on the right and once you enter you’ll see your lecture hall straight away!” She explained as she drew a path on one of the maps she help and highlighted my other classes as well.
“Thank you so much! Hey could I... um ask you a question?” I bit my lip trying not to let my nervousness show.
“That’s what I’m here for!”
“You’re a second year right…?” Sango nodded. “So what is it like here? Are the people all as friendly as you?” She looked at me in understanding.
“Don’t worry you’ll fit in great here! If you’re nervous, I noticed we both have breaks from classes at 12! Why don’t we meet back up here and you can join me and my friends for lunch!”
“Oh that’s ok re-“
“Nonsense! They’ll love you! Heck I already know we’re going to get along great! Here’s my number, just text me when you’re out of class!” She held out the map she had been writing on earlier, now with her name and number written in the corner. I stood there stunned for a moment before I laughed nervously and grabbed the paper.
“Thank you Sango, I guess I’ll see you later!” I waved my goodbye as I walked off in the direction she pointed me in. Wow. Well that was unexpected.
As I walked down the path I felt a powerful presence around me. I slowed but tried to act normally despite the hairs on the back of my neck sticking up. I should probably explain now… I’m a miko, and a strong one at that. So I am able to sense people’s auras around me even if they are trying to conceal them. For most mikos, when youkai conceal their aura’s that is enough for them to not be able to sense them, however I was stronger. I knew I couldn’t show any signs that I could sense this power but it was just so dark. I had never felt anything like it. I swallowed as I looked around casually and locked eyes with a tall man with piercing eyes. He wasn’t the only person around me but I only saw him because of his overwhelming aura. His long dark hair moved with the wind and his sharp red eyes shook me to the core.
Snap out of it! He’ll figure out that you can sense him! No, I couldn’t let that happen. I forcefully pulled my gaze away from his and kept walking, though I could still feel is eyes locked on mine.
Mikos and youkai live peacefully together now in the modern era, but like with every species, there’s always the bad apples. I kept concealment spells on my powers and auras to avoid any unwanted attention. Normally youkai don’t care about mikos, especially the powerful youkai, but when they’re as strong as me it tends to put them a little on edge. Although we live peacefully now, their instincts still want to eliminate any threats. Just as mine do and get this on edge when I encounter such a powerful youkai, however this one was different. He wasn’t on edge because of my power, no, it was something else. Something very dark within him that had nothing to do with me being there. That is why I feared him so much.
I arrived at my class and sat with my 300 other classmates as we listen to our professor go on with his introductions to the course and himself. That is how the rest of my classes went that day as well, not reaching the course material itself but rather its overview. When I started walking out of class I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Sango.
‘Hey it’s Kagome, the girl you met earlier :)’
My phone immediately buzzed again and I saw instructions on where to go to meet them for lunch. When I got there I looked around and saw Sango waving at me enthusiastically surrounded by a group of people.
“Hey Kagome! I’m so glad you came to join us! Here let me introduce you to everyone! Okay so this is Miroku…” she gestured towards the man sitting next to her. I could tell immediately that he had spiritual powers like myself. His eyes had a glint in them as he looked my way and smiled. He had medium length black hair that was just long enough to pull into a pony tail. His smile was a little too charming and made me think he may have been a bit of a player, but hey, looking around at the rest of the group they were all so attractive they must all be!
“… and Inuyasha…” She gestured towards the white haired hanyou who nodded at me. He had a rough edge to him that worked well for him. Long messy white hair and clothes to match his roughness. I could see through his concealment that he had little white ears on top of his head that were absolutely adorable! I stared at them until I noticed him giving me an annoyed look as I quickly drew my eyes away not wanting to further incriminate myself.
“… and his girlfriend Kikyo” she said and I could hear her disguised annoyance and she looked at Kikyo. Kikyo was beautiful. She had long silk straight black hair with bangs. I could tell she was a miko as well with strength almost as great as mine. She was skinny and yet had amazing curves… maybe it was surgery. Her eyes were as dark as her expression towards me. Apparently she didn’t like newcomers, or maybe she just didn’t like anybody besides the boy she had herself glued to.
“… and then there’s Bankotsu...” she continued. Wow. This boy was amazing. Tanned skin, long black hair, and very muscular. When I looked over at him he winked at me causing me to blush a little bit. I could see a marking on his forehead through his concealment but after learning my lesson the hard way with Inuyasha, did not let me eyes linger on it at all.
“… and lastly is Sesshomaru.” Finally my eyes moved over to the last figure. Before I even noticed his appearance I felt his aura. It was strong and screamed of his heritage. He was stronger than anyone I had ever encountered before. My body shuddered in fear as I tried to keep my calm near him. I could sense his link to Inuyasha but they must have been half-brothers considering its weakness. Sesshomaru looked like a god. His hair was long and white like Inuyasha’s but much straighter and softer. His face was angular and strong showing no emotion but rather a mask of indifference. His golden eyes were cold as he looked me over and nodded his acknowledgement of my presence.
What an interesting group this was. A monk, miko, human, hanyou, youkai and daiyoukai all together. I brought my attention back to Sango as I smiled at her and said “Thank you” I looked back towards the rest of the group and said “Hi, it’s nice to meet all of you, my name is Kagome.” I bowed slightly towards them.
“Oh and we’re missing Kouga, Ayame and Shippou but I’m sure you’ll meet them at some point!” Sango mentioned.
Talking to them wasn’t nearly as hard as I thought it would be. Once I got past my initial shyness, I found I really liked the group of them. Inuyasha was a little brash but seemed to have a great heart. Kikyo was just as cold as she initially seemed but I didn’t see any malice behind it. Sango was just as enthusiastic as before and very upbeat, I knew we would get along well. Miroku was a huge flirt but I made sure to lay down my boundaries and Sango helped with enforcing them with a few hits to the back of the head when needed. Sesshomaru didn’t really talk much or engage but soon it was just Sango, him and myself left at the table as others left for their various classes. Then Sango informed me she had to go to a class as well and asked if I wanted to hang out later. I said yes and got ready to leave myself, not wanting to stay too long at the table with Sesshomaru because Sango had already left.
“You need not fear me miko, I will not harm you.” His voice was magical. It was the first time I had heard him speak, and his voice was deep yet soothing. I wonder if it was always that way. Wait a second. Did he just call me miko? How could he sense that I feared him? I froze and tried to think of how to react but all that could come out of my mouth was undecipherable.
“Although your spells are strong, my senses are superior. They would never work on someone like me.” He explained.
“Well I’ve never encountered someone with your strength before, and they have never failed me in the past.” I defended. “You are taiyoukai aren’t you? It’s strange I can’t see through you’re concealment but I can sense your power. You’re impossible to read so excuse me for being fearful of you. I do not like being unable to sense people’s intentions, it makes me suspicious of them.” I was getting offended by his arrogance. But his mask momentarily dropped and showed his amusement to my reaction. He smirked at me! It was gone as fast as it appeared though.
“You are right. I am inu taiyoukai. However you have no reason to suspect me, if I wanted to harm you it would already be done. I will be going now. It was nice to meet you Kagome.” And with that he was gone. I stood there collecting my thoughts. I decided to take him at his word. Why would someone with his strength bother lying to me about his intentions, he could do whatever he wanted either way. I put on my backpack and headed home.
What a day!
Authors Notes: Alright guys please let me know what you think! I’m really excited for this story and would love any constructive criticism you have! PLEASE REVIEW!