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AnimeLady04 (Chapter 17) - Mon 14 Jul 2014

ah I think I understand. If Sesshomaru had stepped in and stopped the fight, then the lower ranking Jaki would have continued to believe that Inuyasha wasn't strong enough to hold onto the title and would have continued their blatant disrespect. Sesshomaru must have believed that Inuyasha was strong enough to defeat anyone willing to challenge him and that is why Sesshomaru allowed the fight. Now, no one can question Inu's strength because he beat his opponet injured, meaning when Inu isn't injured, he will be even stronger. Now that Inu also showed compassion to someone in his rank, perhaps he will also get some deserved respect.

I hope Kagome does not say anything to Sesshomaru in anger and instead realizes what Sesshomaru did. He actually assisted Inuyasha in carving himself a place in the youkai society.

Now Inukimi on the other hand is probably sneaky and intelligent. She may seclude Kagome and find out the real reason why Kagome is Inu's intended mate and while she loves him as a friend, she is actually falling for Sesshomaru but just in denial right now.

I did notice Emiko was "distraught" when Inu was injured - hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wonder if it was more than just worry for a prince of the West......interesting interesting

Moonlit Rose (Chapter 17) - Mon 14 Jul 2014

Okay, I must admit guilt. There was a part of me that kinda....sorta...wanted something to happen to Inu-yasha to get him out of the way. I'm a horrible person. But come on! Sesshoumaru FINALLY admits he has fallen in love with Kagome, to his mother of all people, and she is fussing over Inuyasha and even kissed him. That scene was painful to watch. I felt horrible for Sesshoumaru.

Once again, nicely done. I don't think I've read a chapter yet that didn't have me emotionally involved in some way. I eagerly await your next chapter. You never disappoint. :)

Melissa (Chapter 17) - Mon 14 Jul 2014

I cant wait for your next chapter. This is great!

beachvilla (Chapter 17) - Mon 14 Jul 2014

I wonder what Sesshomaru's mother will do with that information. Can't wait for the next update. 

Stella (Chapter 17) - Mon 14 Jul 2014

Oh!  That was surprising!  I thought he would deny it!  Thanks for the good read! I really enjoy your updates!

Himura Asami (Chapter 17) - Mon 14 Jul 2014

I always get so excited when I see this in my inbox!


Ooh! The ceremony. These always excite me too! I missed them whike they were gone; there's always so much drama!


Aww! Rin and Shippo (going to be honest: they're my 2nd favorite couple).


Yasha! I'm so worried about him. Goodness...


Snap. The Jiki rank. I knew this would be good. I haven't heard anything about them since the beginning when they were mentioned in passing. Dang!  I'm so excited for this!


... I'm just disappointed that he doesn't want her to stand up for him. That's my favorite thing about her!  I hope she does it anyway. If she could stand up to the Sho leader she can take on the Jiki. Have a little faith, Yasha. Besides, she has the promise of Sesshomaru's protection. No worries. Hopefully...


*Jaw drop* 


Sessh!mom is here? This is going to be the best day of my life. I adore her!  I can't wait to see her impact. 


Oh! Snap. Momma is asking questions he won't want to answer...! Seeing Sesshomaru get tortured has never been more fun! Hahah! You can't hide anything from Mommy. The fact that tthere's only one human there will tip her off quickly! I cannot wait.


He is so giving himself away!  I'm worried about what will happen next. I mean... excited worried, but still worried. Anxious? In a good way? How would yoy describe this feeling? It's so intense!


*Blushing* I can't believe he just said that out loud! You're supposed to have better self control, Sesshomaru! I mean, I know she makes you lose it, but your mom is there! You're tipping her off! She's going to find out by the end of this chapter,  isn't she? And I'm not too sure that's a good thing...


Snap. That was an instant way to get on her bad side.


I'm geowling now! I want her to beat the heck out of them!


*Jaw drop*










Poor Sesshomaru. You t

ruly are evil, and I feel like crying. Becausen I'm pitying Sesshomaru or in admiration of your evilness and skill, I can't be sure.



And now Momma knows for sure.


Oh no, he ignored her. She doesn't know why, so she's hurt,  and this might be a set back. I'm so worried about their relationship now,

However, I'm glad Yasha is kicking butt!

She rocks. Seriously.  This was the best battle ever.

And now he's defending her! He's so bipolar I wonder if they'll ever have a healthy relationship... Well, he's definding his brother, but still... 

That hand. It always gives him away, doesn't it. He should work on that.

Oh, Momma! She just asked it all out loud!

. And he said yes. He's not denying it. Oh goodness. What will this be? I can't even begin to imagine. 

You're brilliant! 

This is so sad. You're so evil. I know I was crying in admiration now!



Sakura (Chapter 17) - Mon 14 Jul 2014

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -flails around everywhere- Its all I can say...-falls over twitching-

Nicole (Chapter 17) - Mon 14 Jul 2014

Finally it's about time he realizes that he loves her :)

Night Wraith (Chapter 17) - Sun 13 Jul 2014

WOW!!! FINALLY!!!  You've just added a whole knew layer to the story.  I was not ready for his realization to come so quickly.  I am, however, very glad it did and now you've left us on a cliff hanger.  I HATE cliff hangers but I love this story. Can't wait to see how this will continue to progress.

InuYoukaiOfMoonlight (Chapter 16) - Sat 12 Jul 2014

//aghfdgasjhfhajkfhaskjfnakjhfkadhbfakjfhakjfhdkajhhfkdjahfakjfhdaqkfhakjfgskafhakjfh, i love it xD :333333333333333//


Ritsuki: More? or is it done? @.@  i love it so much

4kagome (Chapter 16) - Thu 10 Jul 2014

Please update soon 


I love this story and the direction you have chosen!  


Superior Work 



NorthPeach (Chapter 16) - Thu 10 Jul 2014


I love it ever so much when I get online and there's always a update from you... You rock!

Update sooner?


LoveAndFaith (Chapter 16) - Wed 09 Jul 2014

Good chapter, keep it coming.

Tasha A. (Chapter 16) - Wed 09 Jul 2014

No! No storm. Let the just stay in limbo,  in naive bliss.  It's so adorable >. < but seriously,  I look forward to the drama. 

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 16) - Wed 09 Jul 2014

yey Rin has appeared!!!!!!!

I'm glad Kagome can see Rin's loneliness, perhaps Sesshomaru did as well but he didn't know what else to do since he has very few he actually trusts. Rin is so perceptive to notice Sesshomaru remembered Kagome's favorite types of flowers - so sweet! I wonder if she realizes how important that is? Remembering a special day (like a birthday or the day Naraku died) is one thing but to remember such a minute detail about Kagome really shows how close Sesshomaru is paying attention to her. While Kagome decorates his office with lillies, she only told him once it was her favorite flower and why, and yet he remembered.

I think it's awesome that Sesshomaru also is letting Kagome help him with his work. Although, I honestly think (by his actions in this chapter) he has finally stopped fighting himself and allowed himself to care more for Kagome. Now he struggles with the aftermath - like Rin had innocently asked about Kagome's relationship with Sesshomaru, I think he realized then and there he wants her for himself and only Rin caught his emotions in his eyes. Kagome is a bit naive when it comes to males and their reactions around her. Now Sesshomaru is in a bit of a pickle - Kagome is loyal and has already declared herself to be Inu's intended mate, regardless that she loves him only as friend, and now Sesshomaru wants her to see him as a male not just a future in-law or a friend, but an attractive male.

The plot thickens!!!!!!

Sakura (Chapter 16) - Wed 09 Jul 2014

So happy I came back to a couple of chapter. Stupid work keeping me from reading. Gah! My heart is being thrown everywhere. I'm so in love and its nice to see Kagome is being effected when being around him as well. And yay Rin-chan! I love how you have included her in a way that makes sense with the entire story. It's safer for her to be in one of his keeps and not near any of the demon court. I feel like on the edge of my seat as I wait for more. I need to know what is going to happen next with them and I'm also hoping Inuyasha gets happiness also because I love how you have made him mature into his role that he must assume. =3

Himura Asami (Chapter 16) - Tue 08 Jul 2014

Courage, Kagome! Endless courage! You can do this!

Awww!!!! Seriously, I'm just loving this right now. He only said come in, but he said her name! I love when he says her name; it's a weird thing I have.

AWWWWW!!! Look at how sweet he is!!!

But seriously, the guy must be having it rough. I can't even imagine... man. (Not going to mention how totally bipolar he is. He can't decide whether to keep pushing her away or draw her closer. That's cool. It makes it more... vortex-ish. That's really the only way to describe this story).

AWW! This is awesome. If you keep this up, I'm going to have an adorability overload. Seriously. I mean it. I really loved that part earlier, by the way. She was just staring at him... I mean, come on! Doesn't that say something...? Or maybe I'm reading to much into this. (I've got my fingers crossed because I love Sessh/KAg-love! Obviously. Why else would I join this site? Sorry, this chapter just really has me excited and, thus, loquacious).

Ooh! Sadness at his departure? Revelation of secrets? This is love!!!  (So excited... so...)

*Mouth dropped open*

I'm dreading this trip for some reason. Almost in a good way, though, if that makes any sense. So much could happen... And! So much could happen...

... Wow. She's so affectionate. Poor Sesshomaru.

Poor, poor, poor Sesshomaru. Just... wow. She's like a sadist, only she doesn't know it. Wow. Poor Sesshomaru. There's just a lot of pity for him right now. That's probably why I'm dreading this trip. 

...Wow. I dodn't realize how much more of the chapter I had to go. Yay! 

Wait a second! How are they going to travel, exactly? Please, please no... Please...

Why does she have to be so freaking awesome all the time!?!?!?! Poor Sesshomaru!! She's not going to betray him, she's just going to accidently break his heart into a zillion pieces... repeatedly... again! Is that why you wrote this chapter? To stir up a well of pity for Sesshomaru? Because I'm totally feeeling it.

Thank goodness! They walked. Wooh! Any other method of travel probably would have had me crying for Sesshomaru since he can't cry for himself. Thank you. I really appreciate that.

Snap! The hesitation and the hand on the small of the back! I know that move! I use that move all the time in my writing! Just... wow. That's a classic. Very nice touch.




Oh. So that's definitely the reason you wrote this chapter. Plus, we get to see that both Kagome and Rin, the two people he cherishes most, are actually oblivious sadists. Nice. Does he enjoy this? Is he a masochist?

I feel so bad for him. 

Thank you, Rin, for being so perceptive. Thank you. I almost cried. I probably would have cried if she had continued. That was... that was pretty sad.

That whole flower thing was just extremely heart-warming. And sad, at the same time. How do you do that? It's brilliant.


You are evil. An evil genius. Evil to the core. Heart of black stone.


I really admire you. Will you teach me? Seriously. Please?

I love you. 

JeniNeji (Chapter 16) - Tue 08 Jul 2014

I knooow. Something wiiiiiilllllll happen

elizabeth (Chapter 16) - Tue 08 Jul 2014

i like to see sesshomaru and kagoome everytime  closer

Marie (Chapter 16) - Tue 08 Jul 2014

Okay, im locin the directikn of the story.  Hurry and vting yasha back.  Next chapter please

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