Reviews for To Be Free by sesshykagslvr

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Fanfic Reborn (Chapter 13) - Fri 17 Aug 2012

OMFG! I LOVE this so far. I mean... I don't ove that two little babies are suffering so much but, I love this different and new plot. I can't wait to read more! Please update ASAP!


Tessitura (Chapter 13) - Fri 17 Aug 2012

Being a mother, dog boy is sooo dead.  There wouldn't be a rock he could hide under that I wouldn't find him.  Death is too swift, bind the turd, and taking his manhood would be best suited of course after ripping out his vocal cords. or cutting all his tendions.  Considering Miyo is a nurse all can be done neatly and cleanly.   Hmmm, the ways to torture.  I can wait for the others reaction on this.

KEdakumi (Chapter 13) - Fri 17 Aug 2012

Oooo.... Inu's gonna get it.  We are still in the past, correct?  So she's leaving the baby with her Mama while she goes back?  Can't wait for more.  (tosses cookies in your general direction)

cassandra (Chapter 13) - Fri 17 Aug 2012

I can't wait to see what Kagome has in store for Inuyasha! Update soon!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 13) - Fri 17 Aug 2012

0o0o0o0o0o yEy! an update! I'm so EFing excited! As for Inuyasha, well, I'm kinda hoping that his inner demon tries to make him crazy over what they did to kagome, and that Sess takes out Kikyo with tensaiga, that Kagome refuses the lseft over soul so it rots in hell, before his eyes, and then kagome purifies his youkai, so that he's left a weak human. I would still love for inupapa to some how come back and take action too. i cant see that he'd take too kindly, or even izayoi to what inuyasha did to their grand child! MORE!

Amanda (Chapter 12) - Thu 16 Aug 2012

Beautiful. Just beautiful. I want to cry tears of sadness and joy. 

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 12) - Tue 14 Aug 2012

Keep it coming.

cassandra (Chapter 12) - Tue 14 Aug 2012

Yes! Her baby's saved! You know what would be so cool? It would be awesome if Kagome and Sesshomaru got together and raised their pups together.

tina (Chapter 12) - Tue 14 Aug 2012

like I said reading and loving and wishing I could get a stick and beat inu over the head right now too

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 12) - Mon 13 Aug 2012

oh if hat baby dies i'm going to be so upset. i seriously want the worst things to happen to him. I literally hope that in some way, kagome gest to take demon law out on inuyasha, after all, he did the same thing, knowling and perposfully harming his pup, thae same thing that sesshoamru's wifey is doing. in my eyes they are one and the same. I really would love it if inuyasha was strong up like sesshaomru's mate, and that tensaiga kept waking him up again, and again, after everydeath until finally it refuses so that inupapa can take his time with the boy!

even if inuyashsa's his son, he's grown, that child was unborn, innocent, a pup, of inupapa's blood! i'm so riled up again! MORE!

*wiggles update bribery c0okies at you dangerously*

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 11) - Mon 13 Aug 2012

okay I'm home now and can scream at him! i seriously seriously hope and want for inuaysha's time to come to an end. I hope that even Kikyo resents him, not only for sleeping with kagoem but for forsaking an innocent, and killing it. then i want Sess to murderize him, and finally papa to rise from the earth and destroy him. -nods-

Amanda (Chapter 11) - Mon 13 Aug 2012

Aww. Noo. I knew just knew she was gonna have a baby. But I didn't think it would die! It made me wanna cry. Still do. I'm like 'no that can't be the end'! It was so sad. 

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 11) - Mon 13 Aug 2012

Keep it coming.

KEdakumi (Chapter 11) - Mon 13 Aug 2012

There is a special, dark place in hell for those that knowning hurt children.  I hope you keep that thought of Inuyasha oweing a life debt to Kagome in the story.

I am enjoying this story.  I will say, though, that it seems a bit confusing when we're talking about Kagome and Inuyasha's secret in the past (flashback), then jumping to the present with Sesshoumaru.  I6t seems like there should be a mention at the top of Kagome's flashbacks like "6 months ago".

Can't wait to see where you go next with this.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 11) - Mon 13 Aug 2012

Fucking hell I'm at work and can't yell like I want to but I assure you as soon as I can get hm I'm so blowingkip your review 

Tessitura (Chapter 11) - Mon 13 Aug 2012

the last two chapters captured my attention.  The others just neede a beta to help your smooth out the choppy parts.  Interesting enough you hit a taboo in the Japanese culture.  It is considered to be a direct sin against the kamis to harm a child.  In this case an unborn child.  You could go in so many directions on this.  For instants, Kikyo would know the loss.  She IS apart of Kagome's soul.  Remember in both the magna and movies Kagome has a large soul.  It would be interesting if Kikyo shared that sorrow.  Then helps her with her powers.


As for Inuyasha, as part inuyokai he went against all instincts in killing his offspring.  In the animal kingdom the only the weak is killed off.  The pupp was fully formed.  This pup screwed up big time and honestly there is no forgiveness in this.  If all whom crossed InuYssah didn't try to kill him then, this would change the playing field dramaticly.  As for the sword it would reject him.  It was created to protect humans, his daughter more human than yokai died due to his selfishness. 

 So many ways to slowly torture the idiot

Not bad for a first fic.  You have your readers invested. 

cassandra (Chapter 11) - Mon 13 Aug 2012

What a cold hearted bastard! I hope Kagome never forgives him, I know I wouldn't. Poor Kagome!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 10) - Mon 13 Aug 2012

All two chapters are great, keep it coming.

mango (Chapter 10) - Sun 12 Aug 2012

OK, I'm hooked! You gotta update! More plz!?! Imma be a stalker on this fic. I can't wait to see Inuyasha get his a** kicked, killed, revived, tortured, killed, revived,... you get the picture! Sess's dragon mate needs to be introduced to Kagome too. I would love to see how Kagome dishes out the justice on that one. Great job on this fic! Look forward to reading more of this one and any more you come up with!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 10) - Sun 12 Aug 2012

omfg. i seriously, seriously SERIOUSLY want sesshoamru Or kagome, or even Naraku to EFing murder inuyasha. I want inupapa to come back from the grave to rob him of his soul. omfg your so right i want him dead. please dont ever go soft on him, dont let kagome forgive him, please god i'm so mad right now. more please!

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