Reviews for To Be Free by sesshykagslvr

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Pricila (Chapter 25) - Sun 23 Sep 2012

Wow, just totally awesome.  You have done a magnificent job with your story; I look forward to your next chapter!

Tessitura (Chapter 25) - Sun 23 Sep 2012

Now what is there to complain about?  It is a good chapter, the characters thoughts and actions were understood.  Your your plot isn't jumbled with needless banter or action, so what's the fuss?  So hard on yourself.  just have fun writting. 

There is no doubt we fans are sooo loving this. 

I know I can't wait for the confrontation btwn the inu brothers.  Maru is an intelligent being with many human lifetimes of experience, I am sure he will figure out why Kagome acts the way she is.  Punishment would be delt by his hand.  As alpha..hmmm, killing the hanyo would be too easy and quick.  The aristocratic assisian would know so many ways to punish, especially if the Hanyo isn't permitted to have more pups.  Then there is the avenging dead miko...whoa boy SMaCk DoWn anyone??!!! 

Oh, I loved what you did with InuYasha's sad.  Can we keep him?

My muses aka pixies are in the back conjuring such unsightly things for the hanyo.  Cackling and such.  *sigh*


NicoRavenPen (Chapter 25) - Sun 23 Sep 2012

~~YAY! Finally, a Kagome & Sesshomaru chappie again! :D These make me smile, and the end was adorable! ^______^ Can't wait for more!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 25) - Sun 23 Sep 2012

I am so rather in love with this chapter! i love all of it! even shippo and Kazu's stairing contest! i bet she'll have a temperment of utter nothing and then either grinning like mad or anger like a volcano! i cant wait to see how this develops. Aditionally, kagome seems so inchacater for what's happened to her! i just really adore this! i'm sorry your not happy with it but i do so love it.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 25) - Sat 22 Sep 2012

Keep it coming.

Laura (Chapter 25) - Sat 22 Sep 2012

Amazing! That was the only word that came to mind after reading this chapter, and then OH MY GOD!!!!!!! It wasawesome, please write more soo, pretty please!


cassandra (Chapter 25) - Sat 22 Sep 2012

I can't wait to see what you have planned for these guys next!

Xian Pendragon (Chapter 25) - Sat 22 Sep 2012

Awesome chapter! Please update soon!

KEdakumi (Chapter 25) - Sat 22 Sep 2012

Awww.... her crazy emotions almost drove him crazy.  Gues he'll understand why she acted the way she did when he finds out what happened with Inuyasha.

I love the way you ended this chapter by making him admit, at least to himself, that he was a liar and owes her so much.

I can't wait to see what happens next!

Alii (Chapter 25) - Sat 22 Sep 2012


Fanfic Reborn (Chapter 24) - Sat 22 Sep 2012

UGH! Inuyasha Butt the fuck outta shit will ya?! I can't for him to get what's coming to him! Or for that lizard bitch too! Excuse my language! I love the updates PLEASE update ASAP!

Maryssa (Chapter 24) - Sat 22 Sep 2012

I hope things go well for kags and sessy and wat is kikyo trying to that she is running out of time to do?

Amanda (Chapter 24) - Sun 16 Sep 2012

Wow, so evil does follow evil people..He will regret it. Ihope Kagome helps Sesshomaru-dono, soon, and he can return to his castle/home in time to save it, and kill the bitch of a 'mate' and her sire..

KEdakumi (Chapter 24) - Sun 16 Sep 2012

Poor Inu-beast.  I hope he finds out his little 'gift' is still alive and kicking. :)

Can't wait to see Kikyo kick some red-clad tushie.  I like how she's helping Kagome.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 24) - Sat 15 Sep 2012

oh! i really love inuyasha's beast atm! i kinda love that it knows it did wrong, but that it was so devoted to kagome. and now just wants to die, i wonder how that's going to effect inuyasha's strength and his ability to use tetsaiga! wonderful chapter! and as always MORE!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 24) - Sat 15 Sep 2012

Keep it coming.

Xian Pendragon (Chapter 24) - Sat 15 Sep 2012

WOW all I can say is I feel sorry for Inuyasha's beast.  Please oh please update soon!

cassandra (Chapter 24) - Sat 15 Sep 2012

I think Inuyasha is begining to lose his marbles! Update soon!

mango (Chapter 24) - Sat 15 Sep 2012

OMG Inuyasha needs to DIE!!! Wait, no, he needs to SUFFER!!! GAAHHHH!!!  I feel sorry for Inu's beast now.... Maybe Inupapa can come back, seperate the two sides, then let beasty help beat the shit outa human Inuyasha! YAH!!! I like what your doing now with Kikyo. She gonna play some twisted mind **ck-up games with him, then on to the torture!!!! I can't wait to see what happens next with Sesshomaru!

cmsully (Chapter 24) - Sat 15 Sep 2012

You know, as I've been reading this story, I've grown to like it more and more.

However, it was how you wrote Kikyo in this latest chapter that finally propelled me to write a review.  I LOVE how she's secretly helping Kagome by thwarting Inuyasha's plans, rather than joining in them like so many other stories do.  I wonder though... will she ever reveal to Kagome what she knows about Inuyasha's plans, and how she helped to thwart them?

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