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Allyonora (Chapter 139) - Wed 09 Nov 2011

Oh, Kagome... I think we all would be criminals if we'd find ourselfs in your position...


jgem (Chapter 139) - Wed 09 Nov 2011

As always, some wonderful drabbles have been added to the collection. I really liked the last chapter out of the bunch though.

Terry Lynn (Chapter 139) - Wed 09 Nov 2011

I have a bad feeling that Kagome has set herself for embarassment. Hope for a mass update on this fic from you really soon~

Loveyaa (Chapter 135) - Fri 04 Nov 2011

I like how Sesshoumaru is willing to give comfort but not offer it. I like the depth you have given both of them and like the interaction of both as they learn more about the other. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Houjin Shikaku (Chapter 135) - Wed 02 Nov 2011

lol that was a terrible pun! but I loved it anyways. I'll wait patiently for the next update so you can work your magic.

Kar (Chapter 135) - Wed 02 Nov 2011

that was cute in a corny way lol so whats next? i'm insatiable, but i will be content with this.... for now at least, till then,


Allyonora (Chapter 135) - Wed 02 Nov 2011

Ooooh, so many questions!!!

What did he had to say to her? Who were the "ally" who died?? His mate?

Anyway, great chapters! I want more!!!


Kar (Chapter 131) - Wed 02 Nov 2011

hmmm, will sessh call her on it? till next time,


Loveyaa (Chapter 127) - Sun 30 Oct 2011

Hmm...wonder what he has to say to her. I like the insight that we are getting about Sesshoumaru and how it helps shed some light on his relationship with Inuyasha. I can't wait to see what happens next and if by the time they get there its too late to use Kagome for his purposes :)

Kar (Chapter 127) - Sun 30 Oct 2011

what will he say? will be waiting for that answer.... till then,


Kar (Chapter 122) - Fri 28 Oct 2011

i wonder how sessh will take that, so what happens next, till then,


Loveyaa (Chapter 122) - Tue 25 Oct 2011

Wow. Sesshoumaru is turning into quite the chatterbox but Kagome is on a roll. I love her insight and her stories. I wonder how Sesshoumaru will take all of this and if it will change their changing relationship even more. I can't wait to see what happens next and to see if Sesshoumaru shares a lesson he learned :)

henandchicks (Chapter 122) - Mon 24 Oct 2011

I liked Kagome's insight about the swords.  Thought provoking!

headalphafemale (Chapter 118) - Sun 23 Oct 2011

Soo, Soo, Cute! The way Sesshomaru is covering his feelings and confusion about Kagome and things. He's really a softie inside but is so rattled about it showing to anyone. He believes in Truth and Honor but the feelings get in the way sometimes. He always has reasons and excuses and explains away when his softer side speaks. Maybe this is what his father was trying to tell him, but thought better to allow Sesshomaru to experience for himself. Sesshomaru is like a new pup when it comes to learning about love. I guess that is Kagome's job. The part about Koga was good too. Thank you very much.

jgem (Chapter 118) - Sat 22 Oct 2011

I've been meaning to leave a comment for this one for awhile. 

Love this story too! Compared to your other story which is very intense and emotional, this is very lighthearted and fun. Also, I noticed that you are doing a great job of keeping the drabble progressing, while still filling in the details. Some drabbles seem to linger to much on one topic or the drabbles just don't interconnect very well so you come away feeling "disjointed".

EtherealCrescent (Chapter 118) - Sat 22 Oct 2011

Out of all the stories I've been following this is my absolute favorite...I also wanted to be the 100th review lol. You are so very talented.

Houjin Shikaku (Chapter 118) - Sat 22 Oct 2011

lmao!!, poor sesshoumaru has to suffer getting teased lol hilarious by the way!

GreyEcho (Chapter 114) - Sat 22 Oct 2011

I'm curious to know if he'll like pocky. :D


criticat (Chapter 114) - Sat 22 Oct 2011

The big bad lord of the West has got a sweet tooth hehe.

Thank you for the many many lovely updates!

Jennifer (Chapter 114) - Fri 21 Oct 2011

Guh!  I love this story!  More please!

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