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Lillian (Chapter 186) - Sun 29 Apr 2012

1. I was thinking about you and where you were today (wait that sounds creepy)and if you were okay/if you were coming back.

2. Great chapter.

3. Glad you're back!


Tana (Chapter 181) - Thu 29 Mar 2012

Have not been able to stop laughing while reading your story and my Basenji puppy is looking at me like he thinks I've officially lost my marbles (not that I had any to begin with, after all, I have a Basenji!). Love the story and hope you continue. The interaction between Kagome and Sesshoumaru is priceless!

Loveyaa (Chapter 181) - Tue 17 Jan 2012

Hahaha...oh poor Sesshoumaru. Although he seems to be helping even though he is not trying to in the slightest. And Kagome to just believe that its a piece of cake...that was naive of her. Hope everything turns out ok though and quite enjoyed the interactions between everybody (esp Kagome trying to get Sesshoumaru to play along) :)

GreyEcho (Chapter 181) - Fri 06 Jan 2012

hhah the thing that stresses kagome out is helping in child birth.. honestly I be tweaked too not know what to do. And Poor sessh. lol :P

Allyonora (Chapter 181) - Thu 05 Jan 2012

Ow, loved it!

Sess is pretty much in deep, isn't he? I mean, he does whatever Kagome wants! So sweet!


And I died laughing at the last to chaps. Crazy Kags and innocent bystander Sess!

Bird That Flies At Dawn (Chapter 181) - Thu 05 Jan 2012

Ha. Kagome's nervous. Great story, I really enjoy it.

insomniac_amy (Chapter 181) - Thu 05 Jan 2012

I love the latest updates. The last chapter was so funny! It was so funny how she was having a one sided argument leaving poor Sesshomauru confused. Lmao!  Great udate.

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 181) - Thu 05 Jan 2012

I love your updates, I love this story, I love that I can reread all of the chapters and still laugh like mad. 

This latest drabble totally has me cackling like a madwoman, because I can see it in my head perfectly. You're doing an amazing job of portraying them, and I hope you update soon!

KEdakumi (Chapter 181) - Wed 04 Jan 2012

I love it!!  Who's more stressed... the Mom to be or Kagome. :P  (Or Sesshoumaru?)

Loveyaa (Chapter 177) - Wed 28 Dec 2011

I like this latest arc that you have incorporated. The way that kagome and Sesshoumaru act around each other and then how they act around each other with other people present is very interesting. For Sesshoumaru to not take credit seems like something he would do since it was as his thank you and she enjoyed it. I can't wait to see what happens next and how the baby delievering goes :)

raindancer13 (Chapter 177) - Wed 28 Dec 2011
You should be sorry! I was looking forward to updates on this! As for Sessy, how nice of him to continue bringing her dinner even in the village. He's starting to fall! :) Can't wait for all the lemony goodness!!

EtherealCrescent (Chapter 175) - Wed 28 Dec 2011
I missed this story! I laughed so much at this chapter. -E.C.

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 177) - Wed 28 Dec 2011

As always I love your updates. I don't know how you manage to pack so much in so few words, but it is an amazing talent. Wonderful updates!

CookieAsylum (Chapter 177) - Wed 28 Dec 2011

Oh yay! An update to one of my favorite stories! Definitely made my night. I adore reading Crooked Teeth. Their interactions are so funny - and so well in character. Wonderful job! lol Sesshoumaru should have more faith in Kagome. She certainly knows how to turn his world upside-down, being stubborn one minute and boasting about him the next.

I'm glad you were able to find time to update this. This is such a lovely thing to read! Keep up the amazing work!

- CA <3

Lillian (Chapter 177) - Wed 28 Dec 2011

Cute as usual! You double posted the chapter, though, love.

henandchicks (Chapter 173) - Mon 12 Dec 2011

It had been a little while, then four chapters all at once!  Wow!  Thanks!  Enjoying this one very much!  :)

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 173) - Mon 12 Dec 2011

Oh the updates have been AWESOME to read, and have made my night, seriously. I needed the laughs sooooooooooooooooo bad. So thank you. Please update soon!

CookieAsylum (Chapter 173) - Mon 12 Dec 2011

Oh, you updated! What a joyous occasion!
I've been looking forward to updates for this story - because I love how you write their (Kagome and Sesshoumaru's) interactions. You keep them so well in character. But it just made my day that you posted these. A wonderful note for the day to end on.
Keep up the awesome work!

- CA <3 

evilynmetal (Chapter 173) - Sun 11 Dec 2011

Awwwwwww, hahahahahhaa, both at the same time for that. 

Sessy is jealoussssss. lol Like a grown man child xD

This story is simply adorkable. Good work of it !

Allyonora (Chapter 173) - Sun 11 Dec 2011

hahahahaha!! I never laughed so hard!!!

Kagome strong-arming Sess was priceless! “Four words: Toxic berries and murder.”

And his sulking!! Awww, so cute!

Please send mooooooore!


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