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randomfan17 (Chapter 41) - Wed 13 Apr 2011

Now that is Kagome worried thought process, it's so funny when she's worried and starts running thoughts through her head like wild fire. Sesshomaru almost lost it eh, now that would have been horrible for that poor lecherous lord, and very confusing for Kagome hehe. Yeah! he's moving along now, i was going to ask you half way through if his mother could come back and grab him by the ear to make him get to it, lol. I loved this chapter, pretty please update soon.

cakeiton (Chapter 41) - Tue 12 Apr 2011

yay!!! i'm so anxious for all of this to come out into the open, but i love the way it is developing!

COAIM (Chapter 41) - Tue 12 Apr 2011

YAY!<3 you update so fast! i love it!!!

TruGemini (Chapter 41) - Tue 12 Apr 2011

I soooooo love you Amber(gives huge hug and jumps up and down)! That was just what I was looking for. I ha completely forgotten about the Lord that wanted t marry Sango. That was great!!! Thank you very much love!!!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 41) - Tue 12 Apr 2011

hahahahahah silly lord almost got himself mauled by a big inu :d 0o0o0o0o love does funny things to usually violent puppies

martha (Chapter 41) - Tue 12 Apr 2011

nice just need males to paid attention to her to get him all riled up. Thanks can't wait to see what gonna happen next.

1CarinoInu (Chapter 41) - Tue 12 Apr 2011

Geeze, JEALOUS MUCH?  I think that's the most emotion that's come off of Sesshomaru...ever!

I can't wait to see what he has up his sleeve....

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 41) - Tue 12 Apr 2011

Believe me: I know all about writing chapters out of order. *headdesks* For my Inuyasha/YuYu Hakusho crossover on fanfiction dot net the Current chapter has been on hold for too many months now but I have the chapter after that one finished and the next four or so nearly done or done as well. Muses can be fickle beings. *hugs*

Loved this chapter. Honestly though... with the title I was thinking we would see more of Kagome's jealousy in a way that Sesshomaru would notice, and not his. How this worked with His jealousy showing more of Her devotion to him was unexpected and brilliant. I loved it!

I also loved how you brought back a rather small background character like that. ^_^ Things of such nature always amuse me and I feel this lord really fit in well.

Thanks for writing!

Sala (Chapter 41) - Tue 12 Apr 2011

Poor Kagome!  Sesshoumaru better get his head out of his ass and put her out of her misery soon!

Azurena (Chapter 41) - Tue 12 Apr 2011

It just keeps getting better! I seriously can't wait for the next chapter! I'm sitting on the edge of my seat, face pressed to the computer screen as I read LOL

Hope you update soon!

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 40) - Tue 12 Apr 2011

Gotta love Shippou! :heart: ^_^ :heart:

On one hand... I wish for Shippou's own state of mind he had seen the hope in the daiyoukai's eyes, but objectively it's probably better that he didn't so as not to innocently and accidentally reveal Sesshomaru's hand to Kagome before the Western Lord is ready.

Now I'm wondering... will Sesshomaru really need more encouragement before making a move?

Thanks for writing!

dayna (Chapter 40) - Mon 11 Apr 2011

man its getting better and better with every chapter. I cant wait till the "real" courting begins so to speak. I love when the relationship moves rather slowly it makes for a much more interesting story, keep up the good work.

Azurena (Chapter 40) - Mon 11 Apr 2011

OMG . . . I'm addicted XD

I just sat here and read your entire story in like two hours! Lol

Wow . . . this is one of the best SessKag stories I've read in a really long time! I'm so unbelievably excited for the next update! I hope it's soon!

randomfan17 (Chapter 40) - Mon 11 Apr 2011

Aw, i love shippo right now. Hopefully Sesshomaru will just take her aside now and ask if she would like to mate and she'll jump him (sigh, i know it won't happen that way but a girl can dream) I loved this chapter, please update soon.

Margie (Chapter 40) - Mon 11 Apr 2011

:) Thanks for the update! Shippo is so cute....

TruGemini (Chapter 40) - Mon 11 Apr 2011

So, he's made his intentions known to Shippo,,,but how will he do the same for Kagome? So excited!!

martha (Chapter 40) - Mon 11 Apr 2011

ahh Shippo may be young but he is wise some times i think you capture his little heart just right in this chapter thanks. Also can't wait to see how Sess handles the new information he was just given.


cakeiton (Chapter 40) - Mon 11 Apr 2011

god i LOVE shippo!!! great chapter, as always!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 40) - Mon 11 Apr 2011

i totally see him having a happy puppy moment right here :3 this is awesome!

martha (Chapter 39) - Mon 11 Apr 2011

ahhh so now they each admit it to themself just need to realize what the other is thinking. So did the big dragon die? Thanks for the update 

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