Reviews for Clutter by forthright

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EAConwell (Chapter 71) - Sun 02 May 2010

roflmaoooo. awww, poor sesshoumaru XD

Black Light Brightness (Chapter 71) - Sun 02 May 2010

This story is AWESOME! i'm adding it to my subscriptions and fsves list!


Black Light Brightness (Chapter 71) - Sun 02 May 2010

This story is AWESOME! i'm adding it to my subscriptions and fsves list!


LM Bluejay (Chapter 71) - Sun 02 May 2010


JeniNeji (Chapter 71) - Sun 02 May 2010

Nice chap :)


And look what I found ^^

sesquipedalianism \ses-kwi-PEED-l-iz-uhm\, adjective:

1. Given to using long words.
2. (Of a word) containing many syllables.

Snowfall (Chapter 71) - Sun 02 May 2010

ROFL  Sesshoumaru's response to Kagome's assertion that he was safe actually made me laugh.  ^_^

naqaashi (Chapter 70) - Sun 02 May 2010

My favourite slimeball! Keep him slimy, but keep him classy too, do!

kedala (Chapter 70) - Sat 01 May 2010

He may have seen her first, but all bets on Sesshomaru.



Janey-jane (Chapter 70) - Sat 01 May 2010


I'm still awed by how much charachter (or in Naraku's case sliminess) you can convey in so few words.

Heh - youki pissing match. I love it when Sess gets territorial.

Fluffy Lady (Chapter 69) - Sat 01 May 2010

Okay, I just read 1-69 in one night. It's a good thing you seem to be updating often! Ready and waiting to read more.


loveyaa (Chapter 69) - Fri 30 Apr 2010

OoOoOo...I can see the storm approaching and I can't wait!! til next time that Sesshoumaru tries to win Kagome over so he can win :)

Krazy (Chapter 69) - Fri 30 Apr 2010

I hope Naraku sparkles something between them!!!!!!

Thank you SO much for updating like this ^^ I *heart* it!

xoxo Update :P soon :P

Angelicatt (Chapter 69) - Fri 30 Apr 2010

Ooo, Sess' lil beastie is not going to appreciate Naraku's slithering ways on his poor Kagome.

day2day_girl (Chapter 69) - Fri 30 Apr 2010

You have so many great stories going on right now and this is another favorite of mine, especially since my husband is a very neat man and I am. . . well, not. :) I love this new turn in the story!  Kagome has her guard dog with her ;) Can't wait to read more!

naqaashi (Chapter 69) - Fri 30 Apr 2010

Woo-HOO! My favourite hunky villain appears! And he's as slime-bally as ever, I see! Woot woot!


Sesshoumaru vs Naraku - FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT ::nosebleeds and faints::

kedala (Chapter 69) - Fri 30 Apr 2010

Naruka...the letch.


How befitting.

Angelicatt (Chapter 67) - Thu 29 Apr 2010

I am sure that broke something inside of her..

Mishikaiya (Chapter 68) - Thu 29 Apr 2010


Priestess Skye (Chapter 68) - Thu 29 Apr 2010

oh how the mighty have fallen as she learns she needs to call him rather than avoid him. Loving this so far!

blu_luna07 (Chapter 67) - Thu 29 Apr 2010

haha!! they are getting somewhere! who knows maybe you might have rin come into play to meet Kagome and Shippo... haha can't wait for more >.<!!!

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