Reviews for Broken Promises by Oroyukae

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SakuraDreamHeart (Chapter 10) - Wed 22 Apr 2009

Damn this is getting good. Wow I kinda hate Sesshomaru at the same time I think hes cool in this fic. Like..he remembers her so theres SOMETHING in there..but at the same time he's an asshole. But I guess you don't know that you had something wonderful until it's gone. Kagome is gone now...I wonder will he regret his decision? Or will he hear about her doing her job at a gentlemans club through friends/coworkers O:
But wow I honestly thought she'd be a stripper and im like NO KAGOME CANT DO THAT DX
XD; But wow a major twist your amazing I come home immediatly from school just to read it on my psp XD;


Noacat (Chapter 1) - Wed 22 Apr 2009

This story is starting to remind me of Gloria Gaynor's song "I Will Survive". God, I want her to become strong so that when he comes whimpering back to her, she can kick his ass out the doo.




Sorry, couldn't help myself. For your viewing pleasure:

BennaBear (Chapter 1) - Wed 22 Apr 2009
Yay for another chapter! I love you so much for updating so frequent *huggles* I'm happy that things are finaly looking up for Kagome hehe and I love how you put the flashbacks but maybe make them a little shorter and focus more on what is going to happen in the story? Because I feel very anxious to find out whats going to happen and then all of a sudden it goes into a flash back! Keep up the awesome job! BennaBear ^_^

Sesshoumaru's Lady (Chapter 1) - Wed 22 Apr 2009
Woo-Hoo! Another great chapter! Finally, kagome is getting out of her funk and moving on and Sesshoumaru seems to be doing a somewhat downward spiral... I love it! Great job on this chapter and this story! I can't wait to see what you have cooked up for the next chapter... Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading your next installment. Your Fan, Sesshoumaru's Lady

Koishii_Beloved (Chapter 9) - Tue 21 Apr 2009
Go Kagome! GO, GO, GO! ^__^

Tana_san (Chapter 8) - Tue 21 Apr 2009
Sesshoumaru may have sent her away but his Inu didn't and it's that part of him that mates for love and life. His incessant need to know her whereabouts stems from that part of him but I also believe him to be a total control freak bording on OCD. What I still can't quite figure out is, why? I can usually come close if not dead on the reason but this one still eludes me like an intricately woven mystery. I am just so happy that you update so often as with fics written like this the waiting can be so intense. JEN

knifethrower (Chapter 8) - Tue 21 Apr 2009
XXL Magnum...

knifethrower (Chapter 7) - Tue 21 Apr 2009
Oooh, I'm so glad he's looking for her! I bet his beast misses her! He's still got to learn a really hard lesson, though!!!

Inu Guardian (Chapter 7) - Tue 21 Apr 2009
IloveitIloveitIloveit!!! But I'm so confused!! Why is Sesshoumaru acting the way he is? If he loved her so much, why is he acting like a jerk??

Dani (Chapter 7) - Mon 20 Apr 2009
Their souls. mating marks, or whatever must be calling to one another. Poor poor Kagome. To not be able to find a job and to have to sell her car and to still have him looking for her sucks for her. I wonder how they will react when they see each other again. Oh and when I first read the story I thought she was at the doctors to see if she was pregnant. I'm glad she wasn't.

Tana_san (Chapter 6) - Mon 20 Apr 2009
I am so very impressed with this storyline. I have been wondering when someone would come up with the nerve to show that a youkai is not infallible from disease. Just the thought of any being able to live as many centuries as he has and not get himself killed is a great feat, but life is forever changing and diseases have grown expidentally to the point that one can die within 24 hours or less after contracting it. So I say bravo for taking this ground breaking step. I am intrigued and excited to see what you might come up with. I'm having a hard time seeing Sesshoumaru as cruel but it sure does keep my curiousity glued to the screen wondering what else will he do. I like the change of pace. JEN

Dani (Chapter 6) - Mon 20 Apr 2009
Oooh another good one! I really do hope that Sess' piece will fall off. He deserves it. And poor Kagome! Oh, I hope that she makes it somehow and gets revenge on the prick. Great work, I can't wait for the next chapter!

pauly (Chapter 6) - Mon 20 Apr 2009

Just a few words for you, make him SUFFER .....A LOT!!!!   I totally love your story, and I totally hate him!. :)

Koishii_Beloved (Chapter 6) - Mon 20 Apr 2009
I really love this story and can't wait for more! Yes, it was quite hard to believe that Sesshoumaru could contract a disease, but that's freaking funny as hell! XDD

SakuraDreamHeart (Chapter 6) - Sun 19 Apr 2009

Awww sesshy got rejected D; by someone who looks like kagome too...maybe that's why he mated her O:

OHMY please continue your pulling out all the good stuff :D
I'm glad you update fast ^^ Makes me happy :D dancing with joy :D

InuYoukaiLiz (Chapter 1) - Sun 19 Apr 2009
holy shiz.....Sessh got rejected? Ouch. I can't wait for more. This is coming along nicely :D

knifethrower (Chapter 6) - Sun 19 Apr 2009
Oh, I'm starting to get a little idea of what's going on in Sesshomaru's messed up head. No matter how powerful or intelligent, our past comes back to haunt us all. Especially our beloved "cough" parents. And my heart is wrenched by what Kagome is going through. Her methodical way of rebuilding her life, being willing to live anywhere and take any job, is just the way I imagine her. Plus, many of us have been there, done that! It's why we identify so strongly with her. How will Sess or Jaken find her? I know that's going to be an interesting moment. (That ring is out there, but they won't be able to trace it to her, will they?) Maybe Kagome will find a job on the poor side of town, either working in a real dive or having to do something less than respectable? I can't wait to find out!!! Love the way you update, it keeps me going!

Starlyte (Chapter 6) - Sun 19 Apr 2009

OMG! I just started reading this fic and let me say its awesome!!!

It's sad dat so much bad stuff is happening to Kagome, and its aggravating that Sesshomaru is such an ass! But it does make for a very good story line and i honestly can't wait to see how everything turns out!!!!

Thanks for writting another great fic!!!!

Mutnodjmet (Chapter 5) - Sun 19 Apr 2009
WOW!!!...Talk about mental abuse. Sess is my hero but so far I'm loathing him with a passion. I sure hope this is part of his plan to make her a stonger person because if not, then he is just plain evil. He probably has that doctor and nurse on his list of people who are scared of him and will do anything he tells them. I believe that thing with STD was staged as well and actually she may be pregnant. Oh well, those are just some of my thoughts. I'm probably way off the mark here. I noticed a few spelling and grammtical errors but that is something I overlook because this is a great story with a good plot thus far. I am so looking forward to the next chapters. Well kudos to you and lots of *hugs and smiles*

Sesshoumaru's Lady (Chapter 5) - Sun 19 Apr 2009
I love this story,your previous stores and you as an author, I really do. However what I am about to say is written with the ultimate respect and I hope to convey this in hopes that you do not take offense. While I do love this story there are some things that I am kinda irked about. The first is how Sesshoumaru is. I know that in your summary and also based on the title that he wasn't going to be the most honorable character however based on these flashbacks, it's confusing how he can go from one way to another. Another is how Kagome is once she muses in Ch 4 about her awareness of how he is and knowledge of his unfaithfulness and how when he called her at the dr's office to throw her out, she wanted and hoped for him to "take it back". I personally hope that she doesn't continue to play the victim and hope that she will become stonger in character from this situation. I mean she went to the dr office to get tested for STD's. If that is not a wake up call, I don't know what is. The way I look at it, for a story to get any reader to get a reaction from it, whether it is good or bad means that you as an author are doing something right so on that note, I do truly respect you as an author and hope that Kagome gets out of this funk and show Sesshoumaru that she truly doesn't need him and move on from him and for Sesshoumaru to get his own wake up call and realize that maybe he did actually need her when he claims he didn't but then realize it maybe just a little too late. I look forward to your next chapter and hope that you don't take any offense, that is not what I was trying to convey in this review because I do luv ya and your stories! Your Fan, Sesshoumaru's Lady

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