Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 48) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

AWWWWWWWW! YES! I am late..... *hangs head low like Sesshoumaru had just done* Work has been driving me crazy. I had started reading this the day after it came out and then I had to stop mid way! After he finds out Kagome is still a virgin. Oh! And, ::whispers:: I agree w/you on the smelling the virginity part. ::normal:: it is weird =D Anyways! I was in the middle and I had to start getting ready for work and totally wished Dokuga had an AP and that I had an iphone so I could read this on break times! But that's besides the point here =,= . Like I was saying 0,o, this dood quits after he only works two hours of his shift because he got lectured about something he was doing and he wasn't getting enough hours but this week he was! So his shift was 3-10 mine was 2-8 so I had to work MY shift AND his shift. It was just us two in the department and let me tell you... it's no easy pickin'. There were so many costumers it was ridiculous and has been since he quit. I finally got my day off today and I slept forever. @,@

SO I just had to get up and finish reading c; hee hee! I must say, I just about started crying! And I was talking to the story too =,= on the scene where he was wondering who's fault it was or if he should blame Kagome for not telling him/trusting him enough to tell him about her true identity, I was saying, "Oh no! Don't you blame it on her! She thought you would have killed her! Jerk! =c". lol, and then I almost started to cry when it said he shed some tears. Ah, all of this fic is like a movie in my head. If I read it I can picture it in my mind as if it was a movie. c; So romantic ♥ WELL onto the next chapter. I'm so excited cx!!!

His Lady (Chapter 49) - Sun 14 Mar 2010

you did great research on the way abused women would act and the honorable way a samurai would die, i remember studying that in my history class....this is really really good i cant wait for the next update and i hope sesshomaru can make kagome get back to her normal self although it is going to take sometime before she gets close to being her normal self

Jenis Miranda (Chapter 49) - Sun 14 Mar 2010
beautiful!!!!!! so amazingly beautiful, yet so so sad! ugh, the heartache in that room is unbearable! but, the tenderness you wrote about.. *sniffle* it's breathtaking. you are SO GOOD!!! :) i love every second of this story. keep it up! you're great!

Trynia Merin (Chapter 2) - Sun 14 Mar 2010

Excellent first two chapters. I really like how you set up the story and introduced the characters.  I know I'm only at the very beginning but I'm determined to leave some reviews of what I think of it!

Also I love the flow of your language.  It's sophisticated and enhances the character's actions. Instead of just showing what happens we get a good reason why.


iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 49) - Sun 14 Mar 2010

Oh man, this is so sad!  I feel so bad for the both of them, after all they've been through they just need happiness.  You do angst very well :)

Wonderful chapter!

Sala (Chapter 49) - Sun 14 Mar 2010

I know that he has no experience with this sort of situation, but for someone who ran himself ragged searching for her, and who so patiently waited by her side for her to awaken...he doesn't seem to have much left now that she is awake.  You'd think with his superior senses, he would be able to sense her anxiety and (eventual) sorrow.

kagomesirene (Chapter 49) - Sun 14 Mar 2010

sigh....poor kagome...she has a long long way ahead of her, and as painful as it is to say but i really think that kagome won't be able to stay in sesshoumarus presence once she realizes all the soldiers that witnessed her violation (maybe even anticipating to have a little fun with her too) are safe and sound, and part of sesshoumarus army...what does sesshoumaru expect...kagome is an independent woman, she won't just stay inside the castle or the gardens, so it's bound to happen that she will meet the soldiers, even if she may not remember everyone, she will for sure remember the lizard...could live with the permanent fear of so many people so close to you all the time...i mean hey, they saw more of kagome than even sesshoumaru...

...i as a woman would really doubt the fealings of sesshoumaru that has apparently no problem with the fact that so many man watched the attempted rape, and maybe planned to do the same with kagome afterwards...i could not understand how some who claims to have fealing for kagome would expect her to face such persons...does he not understand how humilated kagome would always feel, and how smug the soldiers would have to feel, witnessing her moment of weakness, getting away with their part in her abduction and torture, getting the chance to climb the ladder in an even stronger army....dunno but does sesshoumaru really believes some of them would ever show kagome any respect?

sigh....i feel sorry for sesshoumaru...he is a product of his time and i'm really eager to know how will try to fit both kagomes and sesshoumarus views into a life together :)

keep up the great and and of course keep up the fast updates *lol*

Tana_san (Chapter 49) - Sun 14 Mar 2010

So sad for them both. Each one's reactions for a different reason but still...I know what Kagome is going through. What woman wouldn't know, but poor Sesshoumaru, he's going through many agonizing feelings. I can imagine the torture he's putting himself through because he left her without protection when he sent her away. That and so much more.

He left her alone and to me that was wrong. I feel sad that she was left alone to cry all night long. If he felt the need to leave, then he should have sent Koyama in to watch over her. I know he doesn't fully understand what she is going through but she shouldn't be left alone with her thoughts. Now she that she's awake, she needs another woman's companionship and understanding when he isn't with her. Hopefully he doesn't back away like most men tend to do because they aren't sure what they should do not to upset her.

It was a good chapter though. I loved how devoted he was to her and how all he wanted to do was show her he loved her. It was nice to see his emotions and thoughts. Who knew that this feared InuYoukai could love a woman enough to shed tears?  JEN


Saide (Chapter 49) - Sun 14 Mar 2010

Baby steps...a trauma is a bit hard to overcome, especially with an ordeal like that.

Man...this is too much, I'm having a heart attack while reading. My eyes are practically glued to my laptop's screen. :D I'm loving it. :D

Yohko (Chapter 49) - Sun 14 Mar 2010

Huhuhu. Poor Kagome. I really hope the story would get better for them soon.

RayRay (Chapter 49) - Sun 14 Mar 2010

Waaaah!!! T_T I'm crying with Kagome and dying a little on the inside with Sesshomaru! So sad! But i, none the less, enjoyed every word I read. Much love to you my dearest Jasmine!

Madeline (Chapter 49) - Sun 14 Mar 2010

:'( Poor poor Kagome :( Sesshy needs a hug.... but thats not possible right now :( They need some happiness :( 


Great story you keep up that amazing work!!! Update as soon as you can!! Thanks again!!! :D

mary (Chapter 49) - Sun 14 Mar 2010

awww! i felt so sad for the both of them!

tis_kate (Chapter 45) - Sun 14 Mar 2010

Oh my, I really love the quick updating! :D This story is totally worth reading, and is the best story  I've been able to find here. These last few chapters have almost made me cry, which is really strange for me. XD You're writing allows me to picture what is happening perfectly! I can't wait to see what happens next. 

88pieces (Chapter 49) - Sun 14 Mar 2010

oh that is so sad for them

that stupid bear!!  I could kill him again. lol

Melly (Chapter 49) - Sun 14 Mar 2010

Oh, the poor, traumatized girl!  Just how long was she actually in captivity/ unconscious or in a coma-like state?  I honestly have no idea where it will go from here.  I can't wait to read more!  Keep up the good work and please update soon!!!!! ^______^

JessiCeleste89 (Chapter 49) - Sun 14 Mar 2010

Thanks for the update! Well Sesshoumaru has Kagome back. Yay. I feel sad for the both of them.  I hope Sesshoumaru didnt take he rejection as he not liking him. I hope he stay by her side and help her get thru this

Starlyte (Chapter 49) - Sun 14 Mar 2010

Oh that was heartbreaking, but understandable especially with what Kagome has gone through, but still sad none the less. But it does fit the story, and i love how your not trying to rush things! Keep up the good work, and i look forward to the next one!!

REDWOLF (Chapter 49) - Sat 13 Mar 2010

Ok, that was heartless even for Sesshoumaru. To leave her alone like that, well he needs help. Poor Kagome!

Snowfall (Chapter 49) - Sat 13 Mar 2010

Awwww, that was so sad for Sesshoumaru, but for some reason, I'm glad that he's suffering.  At the same time, I'm also glad that he is showing affection for Kagome.  Very emotional chapter and well done.  ^_^

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