Reviews for No Other Will Do by Azaray

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Mecca (Chapter 10) - Tue 16 Jun 2020

Oh my goodness. I'd be so mad if I was Kagome! What a tease Sesshoumaru is being! Ugh!! That bathing scene would've probably literally killed me... she should've shocked him a little with her reiki lol! The heck... she should go and find some dude now and maybe go let out some frustrations, maybe that Hanyou or something, maybe it'll teach Sess a lesson! I can't wait to see what you have planned for the next part! 

Orotami (Chapter 10) - Tue 16 Jun 2020

Ugh... what a horribly frustrating place to leave all of us! 

bookgirl813 (Chapter 10) - Tue 16 Jun 2020

Great chapter, very seductive and unfulfilling for our poor little priestess. I wonder, was Sesshomaru not even remotely affected?  Hmm. He appears to have only shown his back to her as he left (yes? no?). He wouldn't want to reveal that he actually felt something now would he?

A little annoyed with Kagome and her self-esteem issues as I'm sure Sesshomaru is too. Inu did a number on her. 

Sandra sirake (Chapter 10) - Tue 16 Jun 2020

Hola,me apasiona tu historia, está buenísima, no puedo esperar por ver cómo Sesshomaru trata de "conquistar" a una hembra y la reacción de Kagome...pero siendo el quien es calculo yo que tendría que ser en una reunión o baile algo así se me parece, también no puedo esperar a que aparezca Inuyasha porque ahora sí Kagome está preparada para defenderse  a si misma, voy a estar esperando ansiosa el fin de semana o por ahí otra actualización temprana plis,????

GothRiotGrrl (Chapter 10) - Tue 16 Jun 2020

I cannot wait for her to mouth him off for his jackassery. You are building up to it sooooooo beautifully! 

Eris (Chapter 10) - Tue 16 Jun 2020

Excellent!!  Can't wait for the next chapter!

Mecca (Chapter 9) - Sun 14 Jun 2020

Ack. Cliffies are just not my thing. I do just want to scream at Kagome and tell her to stop beomg such a ridiculous prude. She is a virgin through and through; but Sesshoumaru is a demon, nudity isn't something of a big deal to demons but it seems she affects despite that. I'm guessing she's gonna torture him a bit, feigning disinterest while shedding some modesty to get him to break down lol! I hope you update soon! I am enjoying your writing style. 

Miss C (Chapter 9) - Sun 14 Jun 2020

OMG That last line!!! LOL Undercover Miroku!

Mecca (Chapter 7) - Sun 14 Jun 2020

I'm loving it so far! The idea of Kagome courting some guy even hurts my feelings - I can only imagine Sess's reaction!

Yasmine (Chapter 9) - Sun 14 Jun 2020

I was smiling throughout the whole chapter until I reached the end... now I’m dying with curiosity as To what happens next ! *cries 

Shereise (Chapter 7) - Thu 11 Jun 2020

Ugh! I love this story! I really enjoy the banter between the two. My favorite aspect is how you are showing Sesshoumaru's playful side without having him ooc. I also like the fact that Kagome is showing her haughty side. It's all so refreshing!  I'm excited to see what happens next!

Jennifer (Chapter 7) - Wed 10 Jun 2020

Very interesting story! Please update soon!!

Fenris (Chapter 1) - Wed 10 Jun 2020

Um what is a yoki?

Maeline CHAREF (Chapter 1) - Sun 07 Jun 2020

Excellent, I'm waiting formation thé next chapter. Thank you!! 

bookgirl813 (Chapter 7) - Sun 07 Jun 2020

Interesting story so far.  I like that Sesshomaru is not quick to accept his instincts direction to claim Kagome immediately. Although, how will he feel if the new male takes a shine to her?  It will be fascinating to see how that plays out.  

Zauberer di Vent (Chapter 7) - Sun 07 Jun 2020


He wants to get rid of her? Good luck, Sessho, you are your worst enemy in that sense

S4toonee (Chapter 6) - Thu 04 Jun 2020

I love the by-play between Kagome and Sesshomaru. Looking forward to how this 'dance' progresses. 

Ryo chan (Chapter 6) - Thu 04 Jun 2020

I loved it, you did such a good job expressing there word play with eachother I can't wait to see what you come up with 

Mecca (Chapter 6) - Wed 03 Jun 2020

Ah, that was a great interaction, I am surprised at how playful Sesshoumaru is being, without him thinking she could be a potential mate, yet wanting to play with her a little bit. Maybe the idea will dawn on him when they train a bit more together, or she will do something that he will deem her worthy in his eyes. This should be interesting. I didn't think it was too forced compared to some others I've seen - this was playful yet not totally out of character. I would think being almost 1000 years old and youkai, Sesshomaru has seen his fair share of naked women, therefore he is as forward as he is now that he knows Kagome a little bit better. Can't wait to see more! 

Mecca (Chapter 4) - Wed 03 Jun 2020

I am loving the story so far! Both Sess and Kag seem to be in character and I appreciate that. They aren't instantly simpatico, which one would expect if it's starting off in the canon universe. I love that little quip from Sesshoumaru, "you could always go naked..." uhhh well that's a thought hehe! Can't wai to continue to see these two get closer together! 

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