This is probably one of my favorite chapters so far! Sesshomaru is a known tactician, so this will show that if he sets his sights on something he wants, he will meticulously plan and scheme to get it. Oh, but turnabout is fair play. If only there were other males for Kagome to turn the game around on Sess if she ever figures out what it is he's up to bringing that inu-youkai female around. I can see so many potential moments but Kagome isn't stupid. She will usually run from situations where she feels she isn't wanted, so if Sess overdoes it with the jealousy card, she'd be outie, abandon ship. BUT... if she figures out Sess's game, maybe she can scheme to bring out his possessive side, as he already sees her as his judging from the mark he left on her. I love where you're headed so far in the story and can't wait to see what you've got planned, their cat and mouse game is super delicious, I like the idea of things heating up before they eventually boil over and one or the other explodes from the sexual tension xD Kagome should play with the fact that Sess can smell numerous things, like arousal... but she doesn't have to keep it tied up to when only he's around... ;) I see so much potential here. Good luck!
Is it terrible that I want Sesshomaru's plans to backfire?
Storm (Chapter 13) - Fri 03 Jul 2020
I love it. Sesshomarus way of flirting is adorable and I love how kagome reacts to it. It awesome to see they both can be dark though
Miss C (Chapter 12) - Tue 30 Jun 2020
Sess just can't resist to touch her so casually. I thought he was going to find someone for her. I hope she lets him have it.
Good riddance to Inuyasha!
Great chapter.
Koree (Chapter 12) - Tue 30 Jun 2020
I love how the story is coming along , Kagome is learning quickly just as Sesshomar'a control around her is fading quickly lol . I definitely didn't think Inuyasha Would be catching up so soon much less actually coming in contact with them but I wasnt expecting the fight between him & Kagome upon meeting . It was a good & bad thing lol made me dislike Inuyasha on top of probably hurting Kagome in a different type of way that he would actually physically harm her & Sesshomaru sees once again she's a badass on top of making his attraction waaaaay more noticeable lol anywho amazing chap keep up the great work
Storm (Chapter 12) - Mon 29 Jun 2020
I need more chapters!! Love it
I loved the fight scene, it was perfect I felt the tension. Cant wait to read more
Why do I feel like Inuyasha will come crashing in at the most inopportune time again
Alison (Chapter 12) - Mon 29 Jun 2020
Freezing is very common. Especially when you add their history together. Great chapter. Can't wait to get into Sesshomaru's POV on it. And Inuyasha's POV on just everything.
inuwoof (Chapter 11) - Sun 28 Jun 2020
Love it
inuwoof (Chapter 11) - Sun 28 Jun 2020
Alison (Chapter 11) - Sun 28 Jun 2020
So glad I found this story!!!! It's amazing I love Sesshomaru's personality. Yes, he's an alpha jerk but I find that attractive in my fanfiction. Please keep updating!
>w> me waiting for Inuyasha to catch up so Kagome can officially get over him and onto sessh
I can't tell you enough of how much I love this story. Sesshomaru is such a jerk and selfish ass but that's so like him, taking amusement and pleasure out of watching others suffer. He loves to tease Kagome a great deal though and takes complete advantage of her innocence and trusting nature to make her do what he wants.
What I find funny is how, despite thinking he has the upper hand, he inevitably falls for Kagome's charm and strength. Earlier he identified his own lack of control and composure and that's why they searched for Takeda. He felt so uncomfortable with the thought of leaving her to someone else he decided to outright "test" her as a mate candidate. Sheesh, I see him flirting pretty badly with the poor girl and even can't wait to take advantage of her sense of justice and innocence to touch her all he wants. But then he bit more than he could chew and had to run away before he finished what he started all the way to a mating.
As much as I understand why he pulled away I also feel bad for Kagome, she's too confused and humiliated about the episode. It's like he got her all worked up just to dump her as an insult. I hope she gives him the silent treatment and keeps him at arms length through purification. No girl should feel like that. My only consolation is that Sesshomaru is basically torturing himself.
Storm (Chapter 10) - Thu 18 Jun 2020
Eeek! Cant wait for more!!
Koree (Chapter 10) - Wed 17 Jun 2020
lol love this so far , great work
I'm confused just like Kagome, whats with him? We need some POV from Sesshoumaru, please! *sad puppy eyes*
He is supposed to teach her how to behave towards a male, but I can't help but think that if he manages to find her a partner, it's as if he delivers a second-hand product, after all the handling to which he subjects her :(
Am I wrong?
Miss C (Chapter 10) - Tue 16 Jun 2020
He doesn't want her to have the scent of another male on her, but has the nerve to encouraged her responses. He was most definitely affected. I hope she leaves him. No sane woman would tolerate this.
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