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ladyhikikomori (Chapter 1) - Sun 04 Aug 2019

This story has been beautifully written and I'm constantly checking Dokuga to see if you've updated it. I would classify it as one of my favourite even! Admittedly though Kagome has started to highly irritate me with her behaviour towards Sesshomaru. It's not a criticism of your writing or portrayal of her, in fact it speaks to how well you've written her to be that she can invoke such a strong response from a reader! I would be lying though if I didn't say this is the rare story where I think it's Kagome who needs to be slapped with a wake up call to shape up.


I think your portrayal of Sesshomaru is spot on for the context of how he would need to be personality-wise to mate with a human. I feel like you've kept the essence of his character true without twisting it too much to be able to fit the general pairing possibility. As much as Kagome is making me want to slap her I can also appreciate your ability to write a selfish, emotionally weak Kagome instead of going the route of physically weak, submissive Kagome that is so often portrayed. I feel like grief is one of the biggest factors that would really bring out these negative human characteristics of her and separate her from her more selfless, pure of heart standard portrayal. 

KEdakumi (Chapter 510) - Sun 04 Aug 2019

This is funny... sounds like when my aunts and uncles all get together ????

bookgirl813 (Chapter 508) - Sun 04 Aug 2019

I started this yesterday and just finished it this morning. A warning should be posted for first-time readers to have a box of kleenext nearby because I was in tears a various points of this fic. Especially in the latter chapters.  Well done!  I love the slow progression of the relationship and the honesty between them. There are rocky times in any relationship and I love how you deal with each bump in the road.  Kagome is still young but able to learn from her mistakes.  Sesshomaru may be older and more mature, but I don’t think he has experience in relationships. Just from observatio?

Anyway, a very enjoyable read and I look forward to reading this to competition. Thank you for sharing!

Neelixonee (Chapter 508) - Sun 04 Aug 2019

That last "Halt" was spicy.  Poor Sesshoumaru did what had to be done.  Kage seems to be in complete Mamabear mode not realizing that by staying, none of that future would happen. 

Lammy (Chapter 507) - Sun 04 Aug 2019

Not cool Kagome...not cool at all. 

Orotami (Chapter 508) - Sun 04 Aug 2019

Pregnancy tantrum. We blame the pregnancy roller coaster. 

silence (Chapter 508) - Sun 04 Aug 2019

I wonder how much more of their future selves we'll see in this story. I thought now that the business with panthers is over and their younger selves returned to the past we wounldn't see them anymore and just focus on their younger selves and their newest trial.

Sesskagaddict89 (Chapter 506) - Sat 03 Aug 2019

You have no clue how much reading and keeping up with this was for me. It was heart wrenching and heart warming. 

Neelixonee (Chapter 504) - Sat 03 Aug 2019

Big Papa ^___^

genie48 (Chapter 505) - Sat 03 Aug 2019

As always, great updates, great twists, and a wonderful read. I love the story and I look forward to reading more every day.

Shanika (Chapter 504) - Sat 03 Aug 2019

Soooooo they had about 14 kids huh? I know they gave them a ring for their money. I'm glad we got a glimpse of their future kids. I can't believe it ending soon cuz I am loving the story. Never seen any type of chapters updates lole that. Hope you'll do it for the next story and maybe 2 paragraphs lingers? Finger crossed.

Amanda Moen (Chapter 504) - Sat 03 Aug 2019

Look how powerful she's become! That she can now purify the entire shrine property from the steps. We knew older Kagome had to be around, somewhere. Not surprised that she didn't make an appearance until after they jumped through the well, and the destruction of the well house/well. 

Orotami (Chapter 503) - Sat 03 Aug 2019

She'll get over it in a hot minute when she realizes a wish has to be made in two seconds flat. More important things have to come first, Kagome. Get those twin pregnancy hormones under control!

silence (Chapter 501) - Sat 03 Aug 2019

I liked these updates. Those were funny. But why does Sesshomaru need to forgive her? I'm getting a little nervous now. And dammit Kagome, stop being so stubborn!

Miss C (Chapter 499) - Sat 03 Aug 2019

OMG I love this story!!! Breath of fresh air.

Faith (Chapter 499) - Sat 03 Aug 2019

Ha ha ha, omg! These kids are hilarious, you must be having so much fun writing them.

Orotami (Chapter 499) - Sat 03 Aug 2019

LOL the ever loving gift of children and their mouths!

Buttercream (Chapter 499) - Sat 03 Aug 2019

Love it . I just love how the kids broke out laughing while fighting the panthers. This scene is priceless.

Darkness living in Hope (Chapter 499) - Sat 03 Aug 2019

Hands down the best chapter EVER!!

KEdakumi (Chapter 499) - Sat 03 Aug 2019

I love the banter with the kids

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