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Moko-Moko-Mayhem (Chapter 7) - Wed 20 Apr 2016

Dum Dum Duuuum! The drama escalates!

Molly Hooper Holmes (Chapter 7) - Wed 20 Apr 2016

This is one of the best SessKag flics I've read in a while-VERY interesting story! Keep it up, can't wait to see what happens nex!

roberta. (Chapter 7) - Wed 20 Apr 2016

This chap was amazing. Love the why sesshy handled the situation. And rin so smart.

Mia (Chapter 7) - Wed 20 Apr 2016


Getting more and more awesome. Didn't think that was possible. ;)

Mona (Chapter 7) - Wed 20 Apr 2016

Great update!!!  Maybe her humanoid eyes will be emerald to match her kit.

Leaora (Chapter 6) - Wed 20 Apr 2016

This is fabulous! Please keep writing!

Katrina Kee (Chapter 6) - Tue 19 Apr 2016

Now they meet! And someone is very angry that her mate is missing/killed and thinks that Sesshomaru may be the culprit. So Kagome is quite probably going to have a fight on her hands. I predict that she will kill this Lady and, by default, inherit those lands and all the problems that go with being a ruler. Of course, this may just be the power she needs to finally come to her final change. Or perhaps her feline companion will kill the so-called Lady and morp into a Daiyoukai as well.....oh the possibilities! Can't wait to see what comes next!

I wonder what Sess will say about little Rin's outburst? What will Kagome do? Confess Doesn't matter though, Sesshomaru will sniff out the truth one way or another! no pun intended!

I still want to know what kind of youkai Kags is or if she is even anything yet.

I also cannot wait to see what the Inu gang will think when they find out that Kagome is alive!

aya (Chapter 6) - Tue 19 Apr 2016

Shit i reviewed twice by accident. NBD. 

aya (Chapter 6) - Tue 19 Apr 2016

Really original and interesting. I love the story, and appreciate how fast you update! Keep up the good work!!! :) ;) And dont stop writing! Im really curious to see what will happen between seshy and kagome and what type of youkai is kagome 

aya (Chapter 6) - Tue 19 Apr 2016

Really original and interesting. I love the story, and appreciate how fast you update! Keep up the good work!!! :) ;) And dont stop writing! 

Moko-Moko-Mayhem (Chapter 6) - Tue 19 Apr 2016

I love Rin and how smart she is. Please add more to this very soon and nice pic.

Moko-Moko-Mayhem (Chapter 5) - Tue 19 Apr 2016

All these changes and that ending was kinda gross but cool too you know? So happy she is the same as Sesshy now!

Moko-Moko-Mayhem (Chapter 4) - Tue 19 Apr 2016

That list was the best anbd kudos for making Toutousai not as barmy as usual. He can still be wise despite being senile.

Moko-Moko-Mayhem (Chapter 3) - Tue 19 Apr 2016

Is her weapon going to have cool attacks like Sesshomaru and Inuyasha do cause that woudl be so cool! Then Kagome can protect herself just fine and be flashy while doing it!

Moko-Moko-Mayhem (Chapter 2) - Tue 19 Apr 2016

She sounds awesome and I liek how she had a little breakdown. Sometimes it's better to get it off the chest.

Moko-Moko-Mayhem (Chapter 1) - Tue 19 Apr 2016

I feel so bad for her she doesn't even know what's going on!

Christine (Chapter 6) - Tue 19 Apr 2016

Great story,  can't wait to read more! 

Mutnodjmet (Chapter 6) - Tue 19 Apr 2016

Finally they meet but of course no words are spoken between them. I thought it was cute when Rin recognized Kagome just by her saying a few words. Rin is so smart and catches on quickly. I wonder if Sesshomaru will figure out what has happened to Kagome or will he ask her the questions he always needs answers to. 

Was the Dai that Kagome was fighting the mate to the irate demoness? It seems as powerful the Dai was I figure he must have been a cardinal lord. I am so looking for more updates soon. Loving this story more and more. Great job.

metsonalli (Chapter 6) - Tue 19 Apr 2016



I am really enjoying this story! nice work and I am glad that you have put together all mini chapters in one big one.

hana sora (Chapter 6) - Tue 19 Apr 2016

She is not fully daiyoukai... i just hope for her beautiful face come back and she will become a great daiyokai then sesshomaru would notice her then court her. . Keep it coming!

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