Great update!!! I wonder what Inuyasha's reaction will be after the initial shock is worn off. I am really looking forward to reading the next update.
Yea! Kagome has finally come back! I can't wait for the next chapter! I did, however, feel a little bit sorry for the Neko who was trying to impress Kagome so badly. But think, he was trying to impress the one who killed his own parents for godness sake! I think his brain was a bit messed up! Somehow I don't see Sesshomaru or Inuyasha wanting to mate the female who killed their parents. I see bothe of them wanting to kill them instead.
Hum will she still have a familiar scent? Will he know her aura? Glad she FINALLY saw shippo .
Leaora (Chapter 10) - Mon 25 Apr 2016
Hey! Hey! The gang's all here! We're gonna have a party, it won't be over early! I wonder who else will do something to piss Kagome off? Ne, do the subjugation beads still work?
Wow. . Keep it coming!!!
Moko-Moko-Mayhem (Chapter 10) - Mon 25 Apr 2016
I just love how you aren't rushing everything and that we can still see the small moments of possible romance between she and our dear fluffy Lord.
I'm soo happy that they are all meeting again!!! Please update soon it makes my day.
How is it the omashu's appearance??
Moko-Moko-Mayhem (Chapter 9) - Sun 24 Apr 2016
This has just opened up so much drama in such a small chapter! More please!!!
aiko (Chapter 9) - Sun 24 Apr 2016
well, here comes the love rival ..... time for sessh to see kags as mate material.... can not wait :)
Sorry to hear you was sick glad you feel better now. Thanks for the update. Looking forward to next chap hope she reunites with shippo and others son.
snow (Chapter 8) - Sat 23 Apr 2016
i find this story most interesting i cant wait to read more :) thank you for such an interesting story!
Pls update soon im loving the fanfiction.
Aka- this is one of my fav fanfictions right now! XD
Moko-Moko-Mayhem (Chapter 8) - Fri 22 Apr 2016
Oooooooh I'm so excited for the meeting with the great tree! Keep it up!
L.M. Bluejay (Chapter 8) - Thu 21 Apr 2016
Took a 5 year break from Dokuga. This is a very good series to come back to. Awesome work!! :D
Another great chap thank you
Mona (Chapter 8) - Thu 21 Apr 2016
Great update, hope to read more, I wonder what will happen now since the Lord and Lady both died by Kagome's hands. Does that make her ruler now? Or will the people dishonor her victory by bringing war to her?
Great chapter. The battle scene was good and I was able to keep up with the fight. It wasn't too long either which is okay and you didn't power up kagome knowing she only had a day or so before Oma showed up. This story is getting really good. What will happen in the northern Isle now? Will they want kagome for there new lady or blame her? Or will they just leave her alone? I'm looking forward to hearing what bokuseno has to say about kagome and her new life.
Update soon onegai
Ja ne
Yes she is going to be a powerful youkai. . Yry
Pamela (Chapter 8) - Thu 21 Apr 2016
Yeah! Nice fight scene. Kagome is back to her old self, well sort of, hehe!
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