Candy Striper by MomoDesu
Candy Striper
A/N: Written for Week 7 of the LJ community ebony_silks, for the prompt solitary.
Also, before you go and click the lowest rating that you can, please give me a reason. I can't improve if you don't leave me anything to go off of!
Before him lay four pallets, the body of a healing fighter tucked in each. It was he alone that was left to care for them, pray to Kami-sama that they would be able to see the new Naraku-free world that they had helped create. Funny, the great general was now reduced to a simple sentinel, not to mention he was rather curious about this 'nurse hat' that Kagome mumbled something about while he was tending to the few superficial wounds that she had.
With all but one of his patients stable and sleeping soundly he sat next to the last pallet in the row. "Miko, you need to rest."
"I'm too excited to rest," she said, barely a whisper. Her injuries were the least fatal, yet the energy that she put out during the battle was enough to leave her as weak as a new born.
He gave her one of his rare smiles. "If you do not rest now you will not be able to celebrate with your companions. They will be in good health while you, who did not want to rest, will have to stay in bed."
Kagome looked up at him, giving him her best puppy dog eyes. "Hold my hand while I sleep?"
His chuckle just sounded like a longer version of his normal 'hn'. "If that is what the great miko who defeated Naraku wishes, I will not deny her request."
There they sat, hand in hand, both with high hopes of what tomorrow would bring.
A/N #2: I wanted to add more, but there was a 250 word limit for the drabble.
"You are starting to push it, miko."
Fluff City! XD