
A New Life by Meitenshi

Chapter One

A loud thud could be heard throughout the forest as a raven haired beauty slammed her head repeatedly against a tree.

"Stupid," thud, "Stupid," thud, "Stupid," she cursed to herself. Kagome had, yet again, followed Inuyasha into the forest, she saw them...again.

"Why do I keep doing this to myself," she asked as she felt the tears fall gently down her cheeks. The images kept flying through her head, Inuyasha holding Kikyo, whispering in Kikyo's ear, kissing Kikyo, gently lying Kikyo down onto the forest floor. Kagome cried out in anguish as the voice of Inuyasha echoed through her head telling Kikyo he loved her. Kikyo, not Kagome who was the girl that Inuyasha saw as a little sister and not someone to do THAT with.

After five years Inuyasha still saw Kagome as a naïve fifteen year old. Now a grown woman of twenty that had just finished her miko training with Kaede and had surpassed the power of even Kikyo, he still couldn't see her as a woman, only a stupid girl who couldn't do a thing on her own.

"Damn him."

Kagome let out a sigh as she turned her back to the tree she had been using to abuse her head with and slowly slide down the trunk until she was nestled into the roots at the base. She looked up through the canopy, at the stars, as she wiped her face clear of her salty tears.

"Maybe," she said to herself in a quiet voice, "it is time for me to let go, I mean, why bother, why keep doing this to myself... Naraku is gone, the jewel is completed, and Sango and Miroku are off in marital bliss. What if I just took Shippo went off..." she stopped herself mid rant, "but, where would we go, I have no home."

"Home," she thought. After the final battle with Naraku, Kagome thought it would be a good idea to go home to rest, heal, and to let her family know she was alive and well. Unfortunately, the jewel had other plans and refused to let her go through the portal. After the first attempt Kagome had climbed out and tried again, and again, and again until she fell onto her ankle wrong and ended up with a sprain. She had let out such a cry of pain and sorrow that Inuyasha had come rushing from the village, Tetseiaga drawn, thinking she was being attacked.

That had been almost a year ago. After her ankle healed and not knowing what to do with herself, she took up training under the watchful eye of Kaede. She learned quickly and after honing her miko powers she learned how to handle different weapons, being taught by Sango. She had a natural talent for both swords and daggers but she had trouble with using staffs. She had eventually gotten the hang of it but wasn't anywhere near as good as Miroku, who had trained her in that area claiming it was his area of expertise. That and Sango had recently become pregnant and he refused to let her near any form of weapon.

Kagome envied her best friend, Sango; she had a home, a loving husband and in a few months will be blessed with a child. Of course Kagome had Shippo and loved him like a son but that was still one out of three.

Kagome sighed deeply, "It's time I found a new place in life and stop acting as though Inuyasha is suddenly going to come running into my arms, he has Kikyo after all, "she spat bitterly. She stood from her spot at the base of the tree and brushed herself off of any debris before turning to head towards the village. She held a new resolve first thing tomorrow she would pack her things, say her good-byes, shoulder Shippo and go off to find a home. Yes, a new home and maybe just maybe someone to love her.

Early the next morning Kagome had just finished going through her mental check list before closing her big, worn-out, yellow backpack. Suddenly the flap to Kaede's hut was shoved harshly to the side.

"What the hell do you think you are doing? You are just going to leave, just like that?" Inuyasha yelled at her. Kagome closed her eyes and took a deep breath in before replying.

"Yes I am."

She had broken the news to the rest of the group the night before Kaede, Sango and Miroku, who happened to be over for supper that night, were all saddened by the news but after recapping what she had witnessed in the forest between Inuyasha and Kikyo they were able to understand.

"Are ye sure child, ye always have a home here with myself," Kaede said.

Kagome smiled at the elderly woman, "I know but I feel as though I should go and find a place for myself and Shippo, besides we can't be a burden on you forever."

"Oh Kagome," Sango exclaimed throwing her arms around her neck and sobbing. Sango had gotten a lot more emotional due to her pregnancy and burst into tears when she heard the news.

"I understand why," Sango sobbed, "but I will miss you so and you will miss the birth of your god-child, promise you will return before the baby turns one."

"I promise," Kagome wheezed, "but I'm going to have to ask you to loosen you grip on me I can't breathe!"

Sango immediately dropped her arms and blushed a deep red before mumbling an apology and cursing her hormones. It was Miroku's turn next.

"Well Kagome, I wish you well and hope to see you soon," he smiled widely at her and gave her a hug.

"Thanks Miroku that's-" Kagome stopped mid-sentence as she felt a hand on her bottom. Kagome shrieked and slapped Miroku.

"It's the hand!"

"You groped her! Oh you must find me so unappealing because I'm so fat!" Sango gasped before sobbing even louder.

"No my turtle dove, that isn't it at all!"

"You think I'm fat and ugly!" Sango ran out of the hut sobbing.

"No my sweet maiden it's not that at all. It's the cursed hand I tell you! The hand!" he yelled as he ran after her.

Kagome just stood there and smiled, oh how she would miss her friend's antics. A tugging on her pant leg made her come back from her thoughts.

"Are we really leaving mama?" Shippo asked.

"Yep," Kagome said crouching down to meet him at eye level, "Just you and me, discovering what this world has to offer us, aren't you excited?" she asked him.

Shippo nodded vigorously.

"Good then go pack your things and get a good night sleep we leave in the morning," Shippo nodded and the bounded off happily to a corner of the hut to make sure he didn't leave any important toys behind. Kaede looked over at Kagome from her place by the fire pit and smiled as Miroku and Sango came back into the hut, Sango was no longer crying but smiling brightly. 'Crazy mood swings' Kagome thought shaking her head.

Now here she was standing in the same spot but facing a completely different person with a completely different reaction.

"You stupid wench, if you go out there you will get you and Shippo killed."

That did it, Kagome lowered her bangs to cover her eyes before snapping her head back up with fury and balling her fists at her sides.

"In case you haven't been paying attention for the past year I-nu-ya-sha, I have been training very hard and am now fully capable of protecting myself and MY son even better than you and KIKYO combined so why don't you go back to your clay pot of a lover and let me live my life and make my own decisions." She was so angry the she didn't notice that she had squeezed her hands so tightly that she had punctured the skin.

"I don't need you anymore," she yelled as she picked up her bag and strapped her sword onto her waist, "I will be perfectly fine on my own, no thanks to you. You were never there once to help me train. You were always to busy going off to fuck a piece of animated dirt!"

Inuyasha gaped at her, he didn't know that she had known about him and Kikyo and had never seen her eyes flash as darkly as they had when she proclaimed her last statement.

Kagome pushed her way past Inuyasha before stopping at the door way, turning her head slightly to the side and calmly saying, "I hope to see you again one day Inuyasha and maybe by then I will have forgiven you for trampling on my heart." And with that she left, leaving a stunned hanyou in her wake.


Woot! First Sess/Kag fanfic commence! Tell me how you all like it ya know the usual stuff like whether or not it sucks yadda yadda yadda....

Sesshoumaru: *snorts*

My, wasn't that classy Sess.

Sesshoumaru: *snorts again* Woman when will this Sesshoumaru make his appearance in this lame excuse of a "fanfic" as you so eloquently put it.

*growls* if you keep this up bud you will end up having a love scene with Koga!

Sesshoumaru: *cold glare* than you shall die pitiful human

Hey look at the name it says tenshi there for I am an angel *puts hands in prayer position and floats off the ground while heavenly music starts to play*

Sesshoumaru: As if

*comes crashing to the ground* OW! My butt! Kagome tell Lord Fluffy to stop being an ass.

Kagome: Nah uh I am not getting into this fight.

*sighs* Fine *throws Sesshoumaru a cookie* Here eat this and shut up.

Sesshoumaru:*catches cookie before glaring* You have won this time wench *munches on cookie after grabbing Kagome and placing her on his lap*

Kagome: Hey where is my cookie?!

*shakes head* you guys are so whiny *throws Kagome a cookie*

Kagome: Yay! *hold cookie up in triumph before munching on it happily*

*rolls eyes at the cutesy antics* As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted *glares at Sesshoumaru* I hope you guys enjoy the show...story...fanfic...whatever


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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