
Escaping Imprisonment by Kiba

Prologue: Birth to a Prince

Title: Escaping Imprisonment

Author: Kiba/KibaSin

Warning: Language/Violence/Lemons (Later In the Story)

Summary: [Sequel to Perfection] Kagome's life, after being set free of her imprisonment, has become perfect. Even when she has many responsibilities her life seems perfect. When a new evil rises, Kagome must fight it, or face being locked away once more.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. I never have, and never will. There is really no reason to go around saying I do, since I don't. In fact, I only own a few things that are my own. Everything else belongs to someone else... unless I wrote it. Like this fanfiction!

Rating: M/NC-17



Birth to a Prince

Five Months. That was all it took before she finally began the birthing process. According to the midwife she was a week early, so the process should take a bit longer then usual depending on how the child decided to enter the world. Still, the youkai child inside her womb was larger then usual, telling them that they'd been keeping it healthy. Because of this, the pain he brought to his mate, by merely planting the seed of life within her womb until he smelt them joining with her own, was greater then he thought any demoness would be able to take. She had been in there for nearly three hours, though, continuing to try and push the child into the world.

Her howls nearly brought tears to his demonic eyes, yet he held them in, telling himself a taiyoukai does not cry. He would cry for nothing, not even the pain that wrenched through his mate's body because of him. It had been mainly instincts, though, when he continued to mate with his precious Kagome until he smelt the joining of their... love. He had not thought this much pain would be brought upon her during the birthing of his child, and now he almost wished he had held back his instincts, and not created the child with her. Then he would not have had to sit there, listening to his mate's whining, and howls of pain as she bitched out the midwife, or cried for death to take her so the pain would go away.

It nearly broke his heart to know that his sweet little Kagome wished to die. She wanted death to come upon her, yet... she continued to cry for the child to come before it happened. She did not wish to risk the child's life, yet she wanted to die herself. His heart felt like it was being ripped apart with each sob she gave, or every time his nose picked up the sweat, and tears she continued to produce.

The lump in his throat seemed to grow when she gave another cry. He heard the furs they'd placed around her, before they shooed him from the room, shift, telling him that she'd moved. Her sudden howl told him that her pain had increased, placing more then any female should have to go through upon her. Yet she continued to try and bring the child into the world, crying for it to be over so she could go onto the next world. So she could cross the bridge to death and wait for him in the next life.

Youkai lived close to forever, though. He could not go on without her. He did not care if the child was born, if his dear mate died... he would not be able to go on. Even though he'd promised, that if he ever mated with another when she left the world, he'd never forget her. If she died, though, he would never mate with another female. His perfect little Kagome was all he needed... all he wanted. True, as Lord of the Western Lands, Prince of Dogs, King of the Palace Moon, he could have any female he desired, but none could ever be as desired as his Kagome.

Should his precious Kagome die... he would wait until his child was ready, and then let the child have the honor of killing him. If Kagome died, then he would raise the child as his father raised him, which would make the child want power, and to one day face him. True, the child would be different then himself, but if he raised it the exact way he was raised, it would want these things. However, he would not rut with a ningen hime like his father had, nor would he try to protect the child produced from the joining. No. He would do as his father had not, and live. He would live so he could train the child to be stronger then himself, so that when it took up the rite to strip him of the Western Lands, he would call upon it to kill him and allow him peace with his mate.

Unlike his father he would never create a hanyou, which would release him of the fear that one of his enemies would see him as weak and call him out. He would not die trying to protect the child, nor his honor, and he would not force his first child into taking over the Western Lands before it was ready. True, he had been ready, and he was sure his pup would be, but... it was still hard to know that your father died to save the honor he had, to save a child that should never have been born, or to seal another youkai away, and left you to face all the troubles of running a large piece of land by yourself. Without anyone to help you when you feared you would completely destroy the lands.

Once more, Kagome whined loud enough for the entire Palace Moon to hear. It crashed down on his heart like a wave, but also pierced his ears worse then anything had in years. More like centuries. He had the urge to go to her, but knew that he could not. The room in which was woman gave birth was not a place for men. It was said to be bad luck should a male be present while his mate pushed a pup from between her legs. Really, he did not understand that, since he'd seen the sex between his mate's legs many times, yet they did not wish him to see a pup pushed from the walls that clenched him during pleasure. If this continued for too much longer, however, he did not care about bad luck, or anything the midwife said, he was going to be at his mate's side.

If his Kagome needed him, he would be there. No one would stop him. He was lord! He said if he could be in the birthing room while his mate brought a child into the world. His word was law, and no one would go against it. If his Kagome called out his name even once, he was going into that room, and staying by her side. No youkai midwife would stop him. No miko could stop him! He would help his mate through this if she needed him.

Trying to block the sound of her cries from his ears, he tilted his head against the wall next to the door. He'd slid to the floor long ago, trying to possibly stop his mate's discomfort by putting himself into a mediation state to calm his mind. However, even their link, formed by their mating marks, could not help his mate. All it did was put him into a tenser situation, because while mediating he could feel his mate's pain more then before. He'd given up after that.

Sometimes he wondered if getting her pregnant in her puberty years was the best idea. She was so much younger then himself, which in ningen eyes would have been disgusting, but since they were youkai it was natural. However, since she was going through her puberty years for over fifty or so more summers, it only made her pregnancy worse. He'd often been told by the other lords', the ones with pups' already born, that he was going to have a very emotional mate. However, they had all gotten their mate's pregnant long after her puberty, so they did not have to deal with the double time. Sometimes he would wake up to her crying, and when he asked her what was wrong, she would tell him that he didn't love her, or something utterly ridiculous. When he tried to prove his love to her through actions of pleasure she'd only cry harder, telling him that he was only trying to use her for his own bodily pleasures. Though it was not true, he often had to sooth his mate through soft kisses, and tender embraces while they were alone. Which usually caused her sudden outlets during the night; something about him not giving her enough attention because he did not want others to know of his love. That he wanted another mate, and would merely leave her to rot in her grave after he killed her once the pup was born. This, too, was not true, but his mate got so emotional that his beast would end up in such a panic that it would begin letting tears flow from his eyes when he tried everything to stop them. He would end up in such a daze that his mate would have to comfort him in return, which, amazingly, stopped her own sudden outburst. During her pregnancy he went through many things that the other lords' and ladies would probably laugh at, yet it only brought him closer to his mate.

This was probably the main reason why he wished to be at her side when she gave birth to their first child. That stupid midwife wouldn't allow him in the room, though. He was afraid that if he tried once more the midwife would take his nose off. She was a vicious one, who was currently asking his mate to push, but only got a gurgled response.

His mate was probably flooding with tears by now. He'd gotten to know her during the last five months, even though... their mating had been sudden. Usually it took a decade to court a female into mating, yet it only took her a few nights... perhaps a week before he got her into his bed. They'd been stricken by love when they first met, which caused their mating to be quick. Even now he wished he'd gotten to know his mate better before he jumped onto the fully mated ship. Then he wouldn't have gone into those states where he did not know how to react when his mate went over the edge. He could handle her anger, but he could not handle her sadness. Even after so many nights of sitting in the garden together, speaking of many things, he could not understand his mate's ningen like actions. If he hadn't known any better, he would have thought she was ningen herself, yet he knew she was not.

Still, it was what made his beautiful Kagome, Kagome. It was what made her his perfect mate. Her scent, now heavy with the smell of child, still smelled perfect to his nose. He often thought he could open his mouth and taste it at night, while trying to force his easily excited body into sleep. Her scent, of moonflowers after a thunderstorm, often caused him to rise on occasions where his cock needed to be down. Still, her scent was so lovely that he wanted to taste it, and on a few nights he almost thought he had. Her scent, her beauty, and her mind were some of the many things that got him through the hard times, even when she was trying to get him to prove his love.

He'd still never understand why a female wanted to constantly be told she was loved. Kagome, while the pup was still so small within her womb you could not see the slow changes, would sit on his stomach after mating and beg him to admit his affections. Afterward her eyes would twinkle, and he could not help but answer, as long as she continued to gaze down at him with that lovely expression. As long as she continued to beg him, and her eyes never let go of the light they suddenly held, he would continue to tell her he loved her, until finally he could not take it any longer and showed her with his body. Though he did not understand why a female constantly needed to be reassured of a males' love, or merely even their mild affection, he told Kagome often. As long as it made her happy, he would forever tell her. Even long after they burned her remains, and he waited for death to take him, he would sit beside the grave and tell her of his love. Tell her that no one would ever take her place, and that he would join her as soon as he could.

The door opened, and he looked over to see the assistant running down the hall, two bowls in her hands. She called for another woman, before telling her to fill one bowl with cold water, and to heat the water in the other bowl before bringing it to the room. After the other woman left, she hitched up her kimono and raced back into the room, slamming the door behind her. However, even the protection of the door could not block out the sudden howl of pain his mate gave off.

She was crying, once again, he could tell. Her breathing had turned to sobs, and he had to bite his lip to stop himself from racing into the room and trying to take the pain from her. He was pretty sure that reaching up inside of her, like he'd done so many times before, and yanking the pup out would not be a good thing. It would probably put his mate in more pain then she was already experiencing. Plus, his claws would cut up her insides, which if he was correct could kill her because even the best healing miko could not close an internal wound.

His claws sank into the stone floor, leaving five thin indents behind when he finally pulled them out of the stone. The holes were filled with a green looking liquid, which began melting through the stone, and would probably continue until it hit the dirt. If the Dakkasou went through someone's head once it sank through the second floor, then it was their fault for being there at the time. He was going through enough hell just by hearing his mate's screams, but he was also going through his own wrenching pain as the birthing continued.

The mating bond continued to link them together, which pulsed pain through his body. Not just his body, just mainly his cock, since that was mainly where Kagome's pain was currently. He was sure, from what he smelled, that birthing fluids were beginning to flow from his mate's body.

It was the next sound his mate gave off that had him on his feet. The roar must have traveled clear over to the Eastern Lands, but he did not care. All he cared about was helping his mate, since he heard his name whispered at the end. The roar had been so loud that Kagome probably tore her throat from the inside. It would heal within a day or so, but she could not continue this way. She needed something, and he was going to try and give it to her.

The pain he felt would have killed any lesser youkai, yet his mate continued to hang onto life. She continued to try and push the pup into the world, while trying to block out the pain by... giving it to him. Most likely for his sin of getting her pregnant in the first place, Kagome was very forgiving, but when the birthing began he'd heard many things. Things that hinted that he'd never get her pregnant again unless he wished for an early death. Things that told him should she survive this he wasn't going to get any for a long time. Which was all right with him, since most inuyoukai females' needed at least three weeks to recover after the birthing. She'd need a while to recover, but after that he would rule her body once more, showing her that sex was a wonderful thing.

His fingers merely pushed on the door and it went flying open. He paid no attention as it hit the wall, nor did he pay any attention as the midwife tried to shoo him from the room once more. His attention was completely on his mate, who'd been propped up on some pillows, while her legs were spread wider then he'd ever tried to get them. His thoughts did not go down that road, however, as he went to kneel at her left side. She was now gazing up at him with her pain-clouded eyes, her clawed hand coming up to wrap around the silk sleeve of his white kimono.

She whined, her body tensing under the sudden contraction. Her grip on his sleeve slip the material apart, but he didn't mind, as he reached down. His hand gently came down to caress the silver strip on her cheek, while his other rested gently on her stomach. He could feel the pup moving inside her, and began rubbing circles on her stomach, listening as her whimpers became softer while she continued to try and birth the pup within her body.

"Milord," the midwife cried, "you should not be here. You must leave! A woman's pain should not be seen by a man, since it is her only moment of weakness."

His beast begged him to stay, but his mind knew the midwife was right. He should not be here to see his pup's birth. It would only embarrass his mate until she could no longer think about anything except trying to make him leave. She might lose the pup that way, and though he did not wish it, he would leave. So, he stood, but before he could stand to full height a hand grabbed his haori sleeve once more.

"Sesshoumaru," Kagome whispered, her voice small. "Don't leave me, Sesshoumaru. Please don't leave me." She went into tears again, the small crystal like streams coursing down her cheeks, as she begged him to stay with her. She didn't care what her midwife thought she needed Sesshoumaru's support. She felt like she was going to die if he wasn't there.

The midwife, Suki, sighed, watching as Lord Sesshoumaru knelt down beside his mate once more. His hand began rubbing at her stomach, and though she didn't like it, she knew it would help this birth. When a pup became restless it was the male who soothed it, which was why the female was at such a loss during pregnancies. The birthing usually went well as long as the male was close by, but Lady Kagome would need Lord Sesshoumaru inside the room. Even as her face lit up with a soft blush, which proved her embarrassment of being weak, she gripped Lord Sesshoumaru's hand like a lifeline.

"Shh, Kagome, shh," Sesshoumaru whispered. He once again began running his thumb over the silver marking on her cheek, and smiled down at her sweaty exterior. It was only a small smile, but it proved that he would stay with her. Plus, his reward was a large fanged grin from his mate, who appeared to have calmed some with his presence.

"Here, milord." Sesshoumaru looked up to find a hand holding a wet cloth out to him. He nodded, taking the wet cloth from the young assistant, who was someday going to follow in the midwife's footsteps, before looking back down at his mate. Gently he dabbed her forehead with the cold rag, and felt her begin purring against his touch, rubbing her head closer to his hand. This made his smile grow a bit, since it was obvious she was in great pain, yet she continued to try and be affectionate.

It warmed his heart. His little butterfly was like a light to the darkness. She would always be able to pull him from the darkness dwelling deep inside his soul. Her mere presence seemed to do wonders for him, yet the inner light she radiated made his own inner youkai flutter with joy. It was like she was the only candlelight in one locked room, the same room that you felt like you could never get out of, but once you found that little candle you could fight off the darkness around you. Kagome would not let even this pain she was feeling fight off her kind nature, nor the affection she showed throughout each day and night.

Settling the cloth on her forehead, Sesshoumaru once more began caressing the soft silver marking on her cheek. He could feel her silent purr, which stopped when she gave another scream, the midwife yelling for her to push once more. As he watched, he took notice that Suki was now settled between Kagome's legs, pushing her knees into a better position, before saying something about nearly there. He was not quite sure what was happening, but after a few minutes, and finally something about the head, he began rubbing soothing circles over Kagome's stomach once more.

Kagome breathed in deeply, trying to maintain her breathing like Suki had told her to. However, she couldn't breath through her mouth any longer, it hurt too much, so she sucked in large amounts of air through her nose. Her attention turned toward her mate when he placed his cheek to her own, hunching his body over at an odd angle, before letting out a purr of satisfaction. Though she didn't know what it was for, she nuzzled into his cheek with her own, trying to let out her own purr. However, after a while he began focusing on her breathing again, and forgot about the growl of content. He was making enough noise for them both, anyway, so why should she try.

"Your almost there, milady," Suki said, giving the couple a smile. She grinned a little as Sesshoumaru's knees slid further on the stone floor, bending him more onto the pillows surrounding his mate then his own legs. However, he did not seem to notice, so she didn't think about telling him. At the moment she was just glad he hadn't decided to put on his armor and go on portal like he'd wanted to. His mate might have died before he could return from checking the entire Western Lands.

Kagome nodded, gasping for air. Her entire lower body was on fire suddenly, and she felt like something huge was being forced out of her body. On instinct she pushed again, and felt the pain subside for a moment before it came back, Suki yelling for another cloth to place the new pup in. It was then her entire body was taken by another dose of pain, and she pushed against it, feeling the new life burst through her skin and out of her body.

Suki helped, of course, by gripping the pup and gently coaxing him out before Lady Kagome could feel too much pain. However, it didn't seem to work fast enough, because the Lady of the West pushed a few more times then she thought she would. Lady Kagome was mainly relying on instincts, but they were good, since the pup came smoothly afterward, sliding from her body with a single push, and a bit of pulling from her. Then, without much warning, her hand was on the pup's back, cradling the new babe before it let out a gurgled wail.

Without much thinking she flipped the pup over and patted its back with a few forceful swats, before hearing it cough. Once satisfied the pup would no choke on its mother's fluids, she cradled it against her chest once more, waiting for the cloth to be brought to her, which only took a moment or two. Once she had it, she asked if the warm water was ready, and sent her assistant to see, before beginning to wipe the young one.

"You did very well, milady," Suki said. She noticed that Sesshoumaru had moved some of the pillows in record time, before settling himself next to his mate, holding her exhausted body close to his own. Though she normally would have shouted for him to leave, like she'd done so many others, she allowed him to stay, while tending to the child once more.

She cut the cord connecting him to his mother, before tying it at the end with a piece of cord she carried, as her assistant, Yue, came into the room, a bowl under each arm. After watching her assistant nearly drop both, she scowled, and placed the child in Yue's care while she got rid of the after birth. Being a youkai, she merely used demonic speed, and got the job done as quickly as she could, before allowing Lady Kagome's natural healing abilities to begin healing her tired body.

"Suki," Yue said, as she came closer, "isn't he cute?"

"He?" Suki asked. She hadn't really looked, but from the scent she was pretty sure it was a male. She'd birthed so many pups', though, that her nose was beginning to go out on her. After all, she was the one who had to sit between a female's legs and continuously sniff at the fluid the female produced, right before blood and even more birthing liquid came bursting from the female, along with the pup. Her nose wasn't as good as it used to be.

Yue, who'd cleansed the child in warm water, cleaning him of everything that once clung to his skin, nodded in excitement. "Hai, Suki. Look!" she said, her voice soft so she wouldn't bother the Lady of the West, or Lord Sesshoumaru. She glanced down at the pup once more, taking in the silver strips on its cheeks, and the crescent moon upon its forehead. The male's hair would resemble his father's in color, but his mother's from the way it was flowing from his head. Thick and wavy, unlike his father's thin and straight. The soft golden eyes that stared up at her were flecked with small bits of blue, which were so small you had to look extremely close to see them.

Indeed, glancing between the pups' wiggling legs, she found a penis. That, along with the scent, proved the pup to be male, though it was obvious. She smiled, reaching out to take the child, before lifting him into her arms. The pup would still need a name. That she knew.

Sesshoumaru sighed in relief, listening as his mate's heartbeat began to slow. However, before she could be coaxed into the land of dreams, a pair of wrapped feet came into view. He glanced up, which moved his cheek away from his mate's, which caused her to look up. He watched as Suki covered the pup further in her arms with the cloth around it, before coming closer to them. He would have growled, since his mate was in such a weakened state, but knew that this woman was here to help Kagome. So he swashed his instincts, and allowed her to come forward.

Suki knelt beside them, gently offering the pup within her arms to Lady Kagome, as the tired demoness reached out to take him. She smiled again, as Lady Kagome gently brought the pup to her chest, staring down into its chubby little face. She watched as Sesshoumaru's hand came up, and began counting each finger, as Kagome counted toes, while they growled. A simple ritual to tell the pup that they were his parents, and that they were they ones who would take care of him. It was still beautiful to see, though, as Sesshoumaru rose up only to bend over the pup and gently rub his cheek to the small cheek of his son. Kagome, meanwhile, rubbed the back of her hand against the other cheek, growling the same song her mate was, while the pup let out a series of his own little growls.

Once they were finished, though, Suki watched as Sesshoumaru covered the pup once more. As any protective male, he pulled one of the furs toward them, covering their bodies so not only his new pup could sleep, but also his tired mate. However, she still had one question, so she could go out and tell everyone that the Western Lands had a new prince. "What shall you name him, Lord Sesshoumaru?" she whispered, trying not to disturb their moment.

The soft voice that replied was Kagome's. "He will be named Ryo." The statement was final, even though she felt her mate glare down at her for a moment. "After my grandfather."

Sesshoumaru sighed, allowing the pup to grasp his clawed fingers between his own, only to watch as the pup popped them into his small mouth. Though he wished his mate would have let him answer, since they'd discussed this many times, he was not displeased with the name. It would be a great honor for the pup to be named after Kagome's grandfather, who, surprisingly, he'd heard of. He had not even known the old inu was related to Kagome, yet he was. "He shall be named Ryo," he repeated, placing his face down on Kagome's shoulder.

Suki bowed, saying, "As you wish milord. I shall inform the castle, and the other lords' that the Western Lands now has a new prince."

With that she left the couple inside the room, their future with their new pup seeming bright, as they cuddled to one another. She left them to go to the next youkai family who needed her, since she usually did not stay long in one place. Still, she glanced back once more before leaving completely, and wished them the best of luck, as she did with each family. It was the least she could do.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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