Need My Advice? We On Our Way! by K.T.A
Dating tips?
K.T.A: Need some tips about finding for life time mate? Ehhh...that a little complex...lets try dating!
K.T.A: If your personality like Sesshomaru and desperately in need of a date mate you should demand the victom to have it your way. Here Sesshomaru dating way:
Sesshomaru: Human wench, this Sesshomaru need a date.
Kagome: W-what?
Sesshomaru: I will kill Inuyasha if you don't follow this Sesshomaru wishes...
Kagome: O-ok!
Sesshomaru: Good, although this Sesshomaru have no idea of "O-ok" is, I persume that is your human scum way of saying yes...Again if you don't attend the date, the halfbreed shall suffer under this Sesshomaru claws.
Kagome: Yes sir!
End...or is it?
K.T.A: Okkkk...That was weird...
Sesshomaru: Tell me about it,human wench.
Kagome and K.T.A: *roll eyes*