
Questionable Actions by Dreaming Kitara


Kagome sat happily in a field surrounded by her companions. "Hey Kagome?' InuYasha asked "Yah" "When do you want to get started" the hanyou asked again. "Hmmm.... well being my birthday and all I say we should set off tomorrow at noon" ....... "Oh".


"Sesshoumaru-sama?" Rin said happily as she rode Ah and Uhn, "Hn", "Rin thinks Sesshoumaru-sama would be happier with a Mommy" "That is not possible Rin" "Why not?" Jaken squawked "DO YOU DARE QUESTION SESSHOUMARU-SAMA?" Jaken was then punted towards a poor unsuspecting tree, *THAWK*


Rin giggled as she dressed a screaming Jaken in a women's kimono as the beaten servant struggled from his uncomfortable position of being tied to a tree. Sesshoumaru sat on the ground in his usual comfortable position with his tail wrapped around him. The lord's eyes were shut as he feigned sleep.

\\'This Sesshoumaru senses the evil hanyou'\\

"Rin", "Yes Sesshoumaru-sama?", "Stop playing with Jaken and get ready to depart" "Okey Dokey Sesshoumaru-sama" Rin nodded sleepily and wrapped herself in a blanket as she climbed onto Ah and Un, the girl fell into a deep sleep in a matter of minutes, after what felt like hours, Sesshoumaru finally felt the presence come nearer to the campsite.

"Sesshoumara-sama" a cruel voice said as the lord got up. "What do you want Naraku?" the lord said emotionlessly. "You trespass upon my lands hanyou" Naraku stepped into the clearing in his usual white baboon pelt, with his usual added flourish and drama to the act. "I only wish to strike up a deal with you Sesshoumaru" the being within the pelt taunted. "Jaken, we are leaving" the lord said as he obviously ignored the hanyou. Naraku chuckled evilly "Ku, ku, ku, you have no choice Taiyoukai" The evil hanyou said as he suddenly shot a pointed limb at the lord who had his back turned to him.


"INUYASHA YOU UNGRATEFUL JERK ... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Kagome yelled at the frightened hanyou. "Kagome, calm down I was just going to teach this ungrateful little punk a less-" The hanyou did not get to finish as for the fact that his face was planted in the dirt "SIT!! YOU JERK! YOU NEARLY KILLED SHIPPOU" she yelled. InuYasha calmly got up and even more calmly (AN: notice the SARCASIM *heh heh*) yelled back at Kagome "YOU UNGRATEFUL WENCH I TAKE CARE OF YOU Aanndd ..." InuYasha said as he felt the presence of his half-brother coming towards the group. "You guys get ready" InuYasha warned Sango looked questioningly at Kagome. Kagome just shook her head and motioned for the demon slayer to get her boomerang out. Miroku shrugged and continued looking cheerfully at the demon slayer's butt.

Sesshoumaru soon became easy to see against the afternoon sky, since, he was riding that two headed dragon. Sesshoumaru gracefully jumped off the dragon, as on the other hand, the dragon landed haphazardly, apparently injured. "This, Sesshoumaru has come to fight with the hanyou" the lord said even more coldly than usual, the demons eyes being shielded by his bangs, making it even harder for the group to read his emotions.(Kagome: like you could read them before *rolls eyes*) "How did you find us? You psychotic jerk." the hanyou yelled "That was easy enough, idiot, I requested to fight with my hanyou brother did I not" Sesshoumaru asked icily as he stalked forward. "Do you dare wish to test this Sesshoumaru's generosity?" InuYasha huffed "You guys should do what he sa..." "NO" the group yelled at him. A deep laughing was heard, all the living beings in the clearing looked at the demon lord who was, chuckling, evilly. "So be it"

~=~=~=~=~=~Sesshoumaru's (really fast) Flash back~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~

The cursed limb of the Hanyou raced towards Sesshoumaru. As soon as the root like thing got close enough to pierce through the demons back, Sesshoumaru was in the air, with a graceful swing of his only arm Sesshoumaru easily beheaded the fake Naraku, but missed one important thing, Rin.

Rin had fallen from Ah and Un's back after Sesshoumaru had gotten up, Soon after that poison insects appeared and picked the girl up and left behind what appeared to be a piece of paper.

Sesshoumaru ignored the paper and flew towards a swarm of bugs easily slicing them to pieces, only to realize that these bugs were a decoy.

\\'What the hell?'\\

Sesshoumaru thought as he cut through the air. When the demon lord landed on the ground he found that Ah and Uh had been killed with Jaken.

Sesshoumaru retrieved the tenseguia (sp?) and sliced the now visible messengers of death to bits.

Jaken groaned as he came back to life. While Jaken recovered from being killed ... again ... Sesshoumaru picked up the piece of paper that the insects had left and read the slightly legible writing.


This is my business proposition to you Sesshoumaru-sama. I have the girl, and yes, I knew you were interested in keeping her safe, so I know you will help me just to get the girl back.

Are you mad yet?

Your hanyou brother has gotten quite tiresome, don't you believe? I would like for you to slay him, and him alone, after that is done I will send a servant to you and you will receive another set of instructions and be able to see the girl again. What a nice deal, Hn?

Have a nice hunt,


~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~Back to the Present~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~

InuYasha yelled as Kagome flew across the clearing hitting a tree, "KAGOME", "I told you half-brother to have your companions flee from you" "YOU GUYS LEAVE NOW!" InuYasha yelled "But..." "LEAVE" InuYasha yelled again threateningly. Miroku and Sango quickly gathered Kagome up and left. It was no use to try to convince the hanyou now.

InuYasha glared at his brother "You will pay for this Sesshoumaru ... you went to far... ag-" were supposedly the last words InuYasha said as Sesshoumaru cut him down.

Seemingly what the lord had once thought would be one of his greatest accomplishments was turned into a forced kill. Sesshoumaru looked at his half-brother's dead body, then sniffed and turned away.


Sesshoumaru sensed the youkai before he saw it, a tall neko youkai appear at the edge of the clearing, small cat ears were atop her head, the girl had long brownish hair with lavender eyes, she wore a blue kimono that was loose but still showed slight curves, the neko had a just visible Rin hiding behind her, Rin looked at Sesshoumaru for a moment then ran towards him happily. "Sessshouuuummmaarruuuu-*sniff*sammmmaaaaa, Wahhhhhh" the girl cried as she wrapped her small arms around Sesshoumaru's legs.

The girl that was apparently the messenger coughed, Sesshoumaru looked at the neko with apparent hatred in his eyes. "What is it Messenger?" the lord said coldly. The demon smirked "A message from Naraku is in order" the girl said as she pulled out a scroll from her kimono. The neko threw the message to the ground, and it was retrieved by the now alive Jaken, and then handed to the Taiyoukai. Sesshoumaru looked at it then turned to leave with Rin, only to find that he could not move.

\\ What the ...? \\

"Hmm it appears you have found out about the spell on the girl" The neko said calmly. The demon smiled evilly "Really the spell is quite funny if you think about it" the youkai said as she waited for the lord to read the scroll.

Sesshoumaru opened the scroll with well hidden fury.

~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~Start Scroll~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~


Obviously if you have received this you have killed your brother. I applaud you for a wonderful performance. Rin is obviously unharmed, but, cannot leave with you, as I am sure you found out by both Kithara and process of elimination. So how does it feel to have killed your own brother ... wonderful? ... I would expect so. But enough of the insults let's get to the point, what I want you to do next is simple, and the last thing you need to do before the girl is free. Sounds nice hn? Well you and Kithara's group will join the band of travelers your brother was in, Sound hard? Heh that's the point, after you have done that, retrieve the shards that the miko carries. Once this is accomplished give the shards to my servant.


~=~==~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~End Scroll~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~

Sesshoumaru growled softly as he liquefied the scroll with his poison, and then punted Jaken across the clearing. *THAWK*

The demon lord then pried Rin off of him. "Sesshoummaruu-sammmaa?" the girl asked as she looked up at him. "Rin, this Sesshoumaru is forced to return you to your caretaker." Sesshoumaru said, Rin looked tearfully at her protector then nodded and headed back towards the neko youkai.

Sesshoumaru retrieved the tensegia (sp), yet again, and did something totally unexpected, used the sword to awaken his brother. Much to the protest of the neko.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!" the neko and hanyou cried out at the same time. Kithara glared at InuYasha as he got up and dusted himself off. Also glaring at the girl, full force. "Why did you bring the hanyou back? You will make Naraku punish you." The girl said icily. "Naraku never said I could not bring my dear half-brother back to life did he?" the lord questioned as he glared at the neko "Should you not return the ningen before she 'gets away'" the lord said as he walked up to InuYasha and suddenly punched him in the stomach. *WHOSH*

Kithara looked wide eyed at the now unconscious hanyou, "Well that was a total waste of my time" Kithara murmured as she left the clearing with a slightly sniffling Rin in tow.

Sesshoumaru waited patiently for about five seconds but then left, as he figured the neko could follow his scent. "Jaken go back to the castle and wait for me there" Sesshoumaru said as he left the clearing. Jaken nodded and then climbed onto the Ah and Uhn, hoping that the dragon would find the way there without his help.


"Where is he?" Kagome mumbled to herself as she started to fix Ramen.

Yes Kagome realized InuYasha was probably in danger, heck he was probably in deep poop, but whenever Kagome heated up the Ramen InuYasha was there to whine. 'Hurry up wench my stomach hurts' 'That looks good, at least you can do something'. It aggravated her so. But Kagome was too worried to care at the moment, well at least she was, until she felt the hanyou approaching on her demon radar, '

\\ 'Wait... who was that with him? Oh no... not him ... Why is he coming this way?' 'Probably following InuYasha' \\

Sango, Miroku, Kagome, and Shippo, all looked up at once to see an unconscious hanyou arrive on his half brothers shoulder, while Kiara continued sleeping. "What did you do to InuYasha you big jerk?" Shippo cried as he launched himself at the demon lord, only to find his face planted in the bark of a tree.


Sesshoumaru sat in the outskirts of the group's grounds; the lord seemed to watch them all with cold yet fierce eyes.

"Sesshoumaru, where is the girl you spoke of" the lord looked at the monk who dared to speak to him "She should be here soon" Sesshoumaru said coldly. "Keh, with your luck she should be here, right ...about...nowww..."

A rustling was heard in the bushes as both InuYasha and Kagome straitened at about the same time. Then a scream was heard as Kithara fell through the bushes to land in an ungraceful heap, with a kitsune, on top of her.

Both the lord and InuYasha made their famous dismissal phrase "Hn." "Feh." An angry face became visible under a mass of now unruly brown and golden red kitsune and neko hair. Shippo giggled and went over to her, as what appeared to be a sign of peace. "Hi I'm Shippo, what's your name?" the young kitsune asked pleasantly. The neko youkai sighed as she tried to sit up, the older kitsune on top of her getting off only to fall over by her side.

"Oh my gosh, are you ok" Kagome asked as she came over to accompany Shippo and Kithara, "Yeah I'm fine, why don't you ask him that?" the neko said as she motioned to the kitsune that seemed to be in a state of silly unconsciousness. Kagome gave a large slightly nervous smile "Um, what is your name anyway?" Kagome said as she fiddled with the pot of Ramen that was about done. (Just pretend Kagome is reeeealllly fast ... for a human at least) Kithara looked at Shippo and answered grumpily "Kithara ... and this jerk" she said as she motioned behind her with a clawed hand "Is Kin" she said huffily.

Shippo looked at Kin "Hi I'm Shippo and that's Kagome" Shippo said as he pointed to Kagome "That guy with the doggy ears is InuYasha, that's Miroku, you should watch out for his hands, and then Sango she's a demon slayer, and then Kirara" Shippo said pointing them all out.

Kithara only nodded 'Gesse, Naraku tried to send me into a death trap' she thought to herself.

Kin shook his head as he slowly recuperated, 'The last thing I remember' he thought 'is attacking Kithara ..... Ah hah ... at least I wasn't at my full size...' The Kitsune thought to himself as he yawned then curled into a protective ball, getting ready to fall asleep again. 'Hmm that was a nice experience' was the last thing Kin as he fell back asleep.

Sesshoumaru mentally sighed, oh how this group was annoying, "Hey anyone want Ramen?" the miko asked before a great amount of moving was made by InuYasha and Shippo to get the first bowl, Sesshoumaru continued to look off into the distance before being interrupted by the miko ... again ... "Sesshoumaru ... Kithara ... do you guys want some soup?" Kagome asked Kithara nodded curiosity in her eyes, Sesshoumaru mentally chuckled, 'Curiosity killed the cat'. "No" Sesshoumaru said coldly, yearning a few stares from the participants in the group. Kagome backed away from the demon that had knocked her out only a few hours ago. "A-are you sure Sesshoumaru?" something in her tone made the lord look at her instead of giving her his usual rude answer and making countless people gasp, "Fine".


DK: HAH yet again Sesshoumaru-sama makes me laugh at his foolish attempts of hiding his love for Kagome.

*Sounds of Kagome laughing in background*

Sesshou: *twitching eyebrow* It is in your best interests to stop the flow of insane ranting .... Now.

Inu: You know that was the weirdest thing I think you have ever said ...wench

DK: Why thank you ... please review people :)

Kithara: You know DK you need a muse!

DK: (!) I DO? That is so off-topic!


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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