
A Lesson In Love: A Inuyasha High School Experience by Erin M.

8 Parts

Light pink and orange streaks of early morning painted the sky as the girl sat on a grassy knoll on her high school campus. Her black hair breezed about her as she stared off into the array of streaks in the sky. Kagome put her head in between her knees and closed her light brown eyes.

Kagome Higurashi was an average sophomore at Sensae High School. She had friends like anyone else, she had normal classes like anyone else, and she wanted to fit like anyone else. Ever since she first started high school her freshman year, all she ever wanted to do was just fit in. But whatever she seemed to do never seemed enough for her to stand out.

The sky was starting to lighten more into a very faint light blue.

'School will be starting soon...' she thought as she got up and brushed the wet grass off her skirt.

Kagome always came to school an hour early, just to watch the sun rise. Ever since her first day of high school, she would come and sit on the grassy knoll that sloped up to the high way that was across from her school, and watch the beautiful sunrise each morning. Somehow, it seemed to calm her for the day she was about to encounter.

Kagome walked across the crosswalk, down the concrete sidewalk, and into her school's entrance courtyard, which was scattered with tall oaks and bushes. She walked up the the small set of stairs leading to the huge double doors that led her into the school.

Her school was three stories high. And to her unfortunate luck, she had a class on each level, forcing her to walk up the long stairways to each class. Mainly, the bottom floor just had lab rooms for science and computers not mention the cafeteria. The second floor had mostly English, math, and history classes. The third floor held a huge library and every junior and senior class she knew of.

'They have it easy,' she first thought when she was told this.

Kagome made up her way up the steps to the library where she spent most of her time before school and after school. The library had always seemed like a place of peace. Sort of like a haven to her, where she could just relax and not have to think about classes or popularity for one minute.

The halls were lined with windows that over looked different courtyards and fields. From the hall she was walking down now, she could see the baseball field and the track. Kagome paused for a moment and stared out at the track. She couldn't help but remember when she used to run track. At first, she only did it to be known. But after the first week, she realized she could run faster than any of the other girls on the team.

For the first time in her life, she felt like she would finally be looked up to, even though she was just a lowly freshman. But then...

Kagome turned away from the window and continued down the hall to the library. She pushed one of the heavy doors open and entered the now sunlit library. She looked all around her, searching for the school's librarian Kaede. But Kagome knew by now that not even Kaede came this early to school.

Kaede was an elderly woman with long gray hair that she kept back in a constant ponytail. Kagome met her for the first time last year after the final bell had rang, letting anxious students home for the rest of the day. Kagome wasn't thrilled about getting on the hot and sweaty bus back home, for it was early September and the temperatures had risen to over 100 degrees that day. It was the first time Kagome had ever been in the school's library. She was amazed of the size of the room, the large rows of shelves, the enormous amounts of books that filled them.

"Can I help you?" asked a sweet voice behind Kagome as she wandered father into the library.

Kagome jumped and turned around.

"Sorry! Didn't mean to startle you dear." Kaede gasped in surprise.

"Oh no! I'm sorry! I didn't even know there was anyone else in here..." Kagome said, clutching her thumping chest.

"Well there usually isn't!" Kaede said, laughing at herself.

Kaede held out a withered hand to Kagome.

"I'm Mrs. Kokomaro. But you can call me Kaede if you'd like." She said, smiling.

"I'm Kagome. Kagome Higurashi." She replied, shaking the outstretched hand in front of her.

"This is an amazing library! I've never seen so many books in my life!" She breathed, continuing to gaze at the rows and rows of books that surrounded her.

" is a lovely place. But it barely gets used." Kaede replied with a heavy sigh. "Kids these days..."

Kagome looked around and stared into Kaede's sad old eyes.

'She's been here too long.' She thought to herself.

"Well, feel free to come in anytime you'd like. And if you need help finding anything, just give me a call and I'll help you in a jiffy!"

Well Kagome did come back. She came back so much, that Kaede Kokomaro became her first real friend. She and Kaede would sit sometimes in the afternoons, discussing their families, lives, and anything else that interested them. Sometimes they would talk for so long, it would be long past dark until Kagome got home.

Kagome's fingers ran across the runs of books as she walked past row after row, looking for something that her mind could indulge in for 48 minutes. This was a daily ritual for her. She mainly read romance or some tragic love story. Her hands stopped at a fat


"Farewell My Love." She read out loud.

She gave the book a tug and pulled it out from the shelf. Kagome made her way to her favorite table. She always sat by the window, so she could see the bay, another love of hers. Kagome opened the heavy book and started to read. Kagome never finished any of her books nor checked out any of the books to take home.

'I'll finish them someday...' she always thought as she headed out the library doors.

But the thing was, Kagome liked how she just trailed off at the line she was reading, making her ache for more. She liked the feeling somehow.

The first chapter was about a lonely girl named Saiyo, living with her sister in America, far away from her family and friends. She then meets a boy named Toko at a dry-cleaning store who she then develops a crush on.

"Pathetic..." she muttered under her breath as she closed the book.

Although Kagome liked the idea of love, some of the books she read were just plain stupid to her. She didn't believe in the idea of "love at first sight." As she got up to return the book, she noticed students coming into the entrance courtyard.

'Must be time to go.' She thought to herself.

She put the book the book back into its original place and walked down the aisle of books.

"Hi Kagome!" cried an excited high-pitched voice.

Kagome gasped and almost fell over backwards as she rounded the corner.

"How ya doin'?" The voice continued to shriek.

"Oh...hello Shippo." Kagome said exasperated.

Shippo was one of the many new freshmen at Sensae High. He had dull orange hair that stuck out everywhere out of his head and he was incredibly short for his age. Every time Kagome talked with him, she always had to look down into his brilliant green eyes and try to discuss something besides school.

Kagome met Shippo in one of her science classes. Although Shippo was only a freshman, he was, as the other students put it, a geek. He had tested out of all the freshman classes and stepped up to the sophomore level of classes, even though he was only 14. Shippo had been one of her lab partners in a science project. Kagome could still remember the first day the met not more than a few months ago.

~*~*~* Flashback

"Kagome Higurashi...Shippo Higa." Mr. Dokoto said, reading off partners for the lab.

Kagome had been gazing out a near by window, chewing on her pencil, daydreaming about never having to go to high school again.

"Miss Higurashi?" Mr. Dokoto asked, raising his voice slightly.

Kagome stopped chewing on her pencil and turned her head.

"Huh?" she said stupidly.

"Get with your partner, Mr. Higa." He said, looking annoyed.

Kagome gazed about her, only to find all of her classmates paired up at each lab table, snickering at her. Kagome blushed and gathered her things.

'Who the heck is my partner?' she thought anxiously looking for a free table.

Suddenly, she spotted an empty table. She put her things down and walked around it.

"Hey there!" squeaked a tiny voice.

Kagome nearly jumped out of her skin she was so surprised. Shippo's eyes barely reached over the smooth black top of the lab table.

"Errr...hello." She said awkwardly.

"I'm Shippo. I guess were lab partners." He said smiling.

"Yeah...I guess..." she replied.

Kagome had to read the instructions written on the board at the front of the class to Shippo, for he couldn't see much above the tabletop.

"Combine citric acid with hydrogen peroxide? No problem!" He piped as Kagome finished reading the instructions.

Kagome got Shippo a stool to stand on as he started combining the substances. Kagome was both shocked and amazed at Shippo's hard work as ahe wrote down the results of the acids.

"How old are you again?" asked at the end of the project.

"I'm 14. Still a freshman, but I tested out of the other science class. Ha! They wanted us to learn all of Newton's Laws! Yeah that was completely four years ago!" He said laughing at himself.

~*~*~* End of Flashback

In a way, Kagome knew that Shippo wasn't going to have any friends his own age. But that wasn't the reason she befriended him. She liked the way she could relate to him, the way she could work out her problems with him, the way he could explain the complicated equations on her algebra homework.

"So, what are you doing in the library this early?" He asked, hopping up and down on the balls of his feet.

"Oh...I was actually leaving to go to class." She said, wanting to get the second level as quick as possible.

"Oh well...alright...I guess I'll ya later then." Shippo said, looking slightly disappointed.

"See ya!" She said as she walked briskly past him.

Kagome pushed open the double doors and headed down the hall to her second story locker.

Kagome made her way down the crowed stairs, trying to make it to the second story landing. She pushed and pulled her way through a sea of students just trying to get to locker. Suddenly, Kagome saw a familiar face standing by her locker, waiting for her as usual.

"Sango!" Kagome called.

Sango turned her head, gave Kagome a big smile, and waved. Sango was one of Kagome's very few friends. She had met her on the track team last year. Sango was a junior this year and was always happy to see Kagome's face. She was a sprinter on the track team, just like Kagome. When they had been practicing the 4x4 relay, Sango discovered Kagome's amazing gift of speed and they immediately began to practice together. Not only did Kagome like Sango for her amazing track skills, but also for her smooth style for making friends. All she had to do was smile and talk about something and, just like that, she was liked. Everyday, Kagome wished she had that power as well.

"What took you so long?" She asked impatiently.

"I guess I just lost track of time in the library..." She said, trying to catch her breath.

"Well come on let's go! Or else we'll be late for English!" She replied, grabbing Kagome's arm and pulling her to the next class.

"Hey wait! I have to get my books out of my locker!" she protested as she wormed her arm away from Sango's strong grasp.

"Hurry!" she called anxiously.

Kagome quickly thumbed her combination into her locker, and flung the door back. She grabbed both her English book and her Algebra textbook and hurried back towards Sango. But as she turned back around to head off to class with Sango...BAM! Kagome felt herself hit the floor hard, her books flying everywhere.

"You idiot! Watch where you're going!" a voice screamed at her.

Kagome scrambled off the floor and faced her. She turned sheet white and retreated back to the floor to pick up not only her books, but her collisions' as well.

"Oh my gosh Kikyo!" She cried. "I'! It was a total accident! Let me get your books for you!"

Kikyo Nakasaki was the most popular junior at Sensae High. She had beautiful pale skin, long black hair, and deep brown eyes that seemed to burn into you. She was perhaps the prettiest girl Kagome had ever seen, though she wasn't crazy about her attitude. Ever since Kagome's first year at high school, Kikyo always seemed to pick on Kagome in particular, tripping her in the halls, knocking her books out of her hands, ripping up her homework. Kagome only had one theory why Kikyo would do these things to her and that was-

"Here you go Kikyo," Kagome said, handing Kikyo back her Chemistry and Advanced Calculus books, "I'm really really sorry!"

Kikyo snatched her books back from Kagome with an evil glare in her brown eyes.

"Freak." She said with a disgusted look.

"Did you just call her a freak?" Sango said stepping in front of Kagome.

The nice thing about Sango was that she was never afraid to stand up for herself or for her friends. Plus, Sango was about twice as tall as Kikyo, and twice as strong.

"She has to be a freak to be your friend." She replied with an evil smile. "I mean...what are you? A girl? Or a 10 foot monster?"

"Alright! That's it!" Sango screamed throwing down her books and clenching her fists.

"What? You want to fight me?" she said looking somewhat confused.

"Yeah! Let's go!" She shouted back in her face.

"Sango!" Kagome cried, trying to restrain her. "Don't!"

"Be quiet Kagome!" Sango snapped back. "You know she has it coming to her!"

"Want some? Get some!" Kikyo yelled back, dropping her books to the ground.

"Hey? What the heck's goin' on here?" Said a voice.

Kikyo froze to the spot. Sango and Kagome turned around and faced him.

"Oh Inuyasha!" Kikyo said in her sweetest voice, flipping back her ruffled hair.

Kagome couldn't stop staring. Inuyasha was a junior here at Sensae. He had long silver hair and beautiful golden eyes (weird family trait). Standing behind him was his brother, Sesshoumaru and his best friend, Miroku. Kagome had met Inuyasha in her English class last year, seeing that he hadn't taken it when he was a freshman. Kagome's mind flashed back to that day, back when she was only a freshman.

~*~*~* Flashback

Kagome entered the brightly lit classroom on that first day back from summer break, not sure where to sit. She chose a window seat, so she could see just a little slit of the bay peeking out from the bottom of the window. Her English teacher, however, had other plans for her.

"Higurashi, Kagome..." Mr. Ikimodo said as he assigned a seating chart from an attendance sheet clutched in his hand. "You will be by...Himura, Inuyasha."

Kagome caught her breath. She had heard things about Inuyasha Himura. He was charming, handsome, and one of the most popular boys in the sophomore class. And now...she got the chance to sit by him! Kagome gathered her things and moved over to the desk opposite of Inuyasha's. She set her things down and sat in the chair, noticing Inuyasha's eyes following her.

"I love that author," he said leaning over so she could hear him.

Kagome looked down and saw the book he had been talking about. She remembered bringing it from her house to school, thinking that it might make her look more intellectual.

"I've read all of his books," Inuyasha continued, "he's a genius."

Kagome was quite speechless. For one, the most popular sophomore in school was actually making conversation with her, and secondly, he liked the same author she did.

"Me too." She replied in a small voice.

"I'm Inuyasha." He said, giving her a big smile.

Kagome turned to him and returned the smile with one of her own.

"I'm Kagome." She said, practically beaming at him.

From then on, Kagome and Inuyasha were friends, best friends at times. She told him everything she felt comfortable telling him. She felt like she could be herself around him, like she could be strong around him. She felt like her and Inuyasha had something special. Like some sort of connection...

~*~*~* End of Flashback

Kikyo bent down and picked up her books she dropped.

"Well...better get to class," Kikyo said sweetly with a fake smile. "See you later Inuyasha."

Kikyo turned on her heel, and flipped her long hair, whipping it straight Sango's face. Sango turned beet red with anger and started at her. Miroku launched himself around Sango, restraining her from beating Kikyo to death.

"Get a hold of yourself Sango!" He said as Sango flung her arms and legs trying to release herself.

When Sango had finally calmed herself down, the final bell had rung. Inuyasha bent down and picked up Kagome's books and handed them to her.

"Sorry about her," Inuyasha said as Kagome grasped her books in her arms. "I know Kikyo gives you crap all the time."

"Yeah..." Kagome replied, trying not to look in his eyes.

Suddenly, Inuyasha reached out and touched her tightly clenched fingers, brushing them softly with his.

"See you at lunch?" He said with a reassuring smile.

"Uh-huh..." Kagome said dumbstruck.

Inuyasha gave her another smile before heading off to his class on the third floor. Kagome ran down the hall, chasing after Sango, and flung open the door to her English class.

"Nice of you to join us Mrs. Higurashi." Her teacher said with a disapproving look.

Kagome took her seat by Sango, her cheeks warming up with another wave of embarrassment.

Kagome always ate lunch in the same place with the same people. They went around to the back of the school and ate lunch in the grandstand metal bleachers that overlooked the track and the football field. Everyday after Algebra, she would go and meet Sango, Miroku, Inuyasha, and Inuyasha's brother, Sesshoumaru at the bleachers and sit in silence as she ate her lunch.

It always seemed awkward to Kagome, how Sesshoumaru would join them too. Sesshoumaru was a senior at Sensae this year. He looked a lot like his brother, long silver hair, narrow golden eyes, tall and masculine. Somehow it dawned on Kagome that she knew everyone in the group pretty well except for Sesshoumaru.

Kagome unwrapped her sandwich and nibbled on it, staring at Sesshoumaru.

'Most seniors leave for lunch,' She thought as she continued to gaze at him. 'I wonder why he doesn't...'

"HELLO! Kagome? Are you listening?" Miroku asked waving his hands in front of her face.

"Huh?" Kagome said, turning her head away from Sesshoumaru.

"I asked you what you did to Kikyo to make muscle-woman here want to beat the snot out of her." He replied.

Miroku was also a junior. He had short black hair and deep blue eyes. Kagome didn't recall ever introducing herself to Miroku. He was just that kind of guy that hung out with everybody. He was fun, cute, and a major flirt. Kagome could remember once when she talking with Inuyasha, he come up behind her and touch her butt. Of course, after he did this, Sango conked him on the side of his head and gave him a good talking to.

"Oh...I just..." She said, but trailed off.

"She accidentally knocked Kikyo's books out her hands." Sango replied looking repulsed at the memory. "Gosh! I wish she would just get off her-"

But before she could go on, she saw Kagome's eyes grow big and her hands waving around as a signal to stop. Even though it didn't seem possible, Inuyasha actually dated Kikyo at one point. It had been last year during their sophomore year. They had began dating at the beginning of the year and Kagome could remember every time Kagome would talk with Inuyasha, Kikyo would give her jealous looks and butt into their conversation. Kikyo had dumped Inuyasha during the spring, right when Kagome...

"Well, track season kicks off today," Miroku said, trying to avoid the subject of Kikyo.

"Who's trying out?"

Kagome knew Inuyasha would. He was a long-distance runner and held the record for the mile. As for Kagome...


"Dude! I didn't even get to finish my lunch!" Miroku whined.

Kagome got up and threw the rest of her lunch away. Suddenly, as she was going down the steps of the bleachers, her foot caught and felt herself falling. She wanted to scream or yell for help, but she was in shock as her body declined to the metal ground below. That's when she felt a pair of hands on her shoulders, catching on to he. Kagome opened her eyes and breathed in deep, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Are you alright?" said a deep voice.

Kagome stared into Sesshoumaru eyes. She caught her breath and tried to speak.

"Y...yeah..."she replied, trying not to turn red again.

For a moment, nothing happened. Kagome just couldn't get herself to take her eyes off of him. Trying to remind herself that her friends were watching her, she quickly straightened herself up, feeling Sesshoumaru's hands glide off her shoulders. Kagome grabbed her bag and quickly left the stands, her friends watching her with a confused look.

'It's not like I wanted to leave,' She thought as she walked briskly back up to the school, 'I just didn't want to look like a cherry in front of the hottest senior in school.'

The final bell for school had rung. Kagome gathered her books into her backpack and headed for the third floor to the library. On her way, she looked out one of the windows and saw Sango and Inuyasha heading down the track for their first practice of the season.

Kagome touched the window and sighed deeply, wishing she could be with them. She finally turned away and opened the double doors to the stifling hot library. As she walked in she noticed that every window was open, trying to let in a little breeze. Kaede was sitting behind the checkout counter, fanning herself with a magazine.

"Man, Kaede!" Kagome said walking up to her. "This place REALLY needs an air-conditioner."

"Tell me about it." She replied lazily. "Hey! I just got a new book in. Though you might want to take a look at it."

Kaede reached under the desk and brought up a heavy paperback novel, tossing it towards Kagome. Kagome picked it up and read the title out loud.

"A Lesson In Love..." she said staring at the cover.

"It's a romance." Kaede replied. "It's got some pretty good points."

Kagome started walking over to her table by the window, reading the back of the book. As she sat down in her chair, she felt herself land in someone's lap. She gasped and bolted straight up. She turned around and was shocked at who she saw. Sesshoumaru stopped reading his book, and stared back up at her.

"Oh gosh!" She said, backing away. "I am so sorry!"

Sesshoumaru continued just to stare up at her. He had with legs up on the table, crossed in a casual way, and on his eyes...were glasses?! Kagome had never seen Sesshoumaru wear glasses before.

"I'll...I'll just leave." She said, as she turned away.

"No please. Stay." He said in his deep voice.

Kagome turned back around and looked at him with disbelieve as he gestured her to sit across from him.

"Okay." She said in a tiny voice.

She sat down in the chair and set her book on the table in front of her, trying not to stare at him.

"What are you reading?" He questioned, putting down his own book.

She picked up the book and held it in front of her. A small smile came upon his face.

"You like romance?" He asked with a small smile.

Suddenly, Kagome felt incredibly embarrassed.

"Yeah...I know." She said, trying to shield her face so he wouldn't see her blush. "It's kind of stupid-"

"I like romance too." He replied in a quiet voice, still smiling.

Sesshoumaru picked up his paperback and showed her the cover. Kagome recognized the title and remembered reading it not too long ago. Kagome smiled at him, then quickly giggled.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Oh...I just remembered reading this book." She replied, not being able to keep her eyes off of him. "It's a really good one. Probably one of the best I've read so far."

"Really?" He said, picking the book back up. "Well maybe you could help me out. See, I'm only in the first chapter, but I don't really get the plot. It's kind of confusing."

Kagome couldn't believe it. She was talking to senior, and not just any senior. The most popular senior in the entire school!

"Well...okay." She said, moving over to the seat next to him. "You see...Chihiro is the main character in the story. And basically she's really oppressed because her mother passed away..."

And so Kagome went on and on, about the plot of the story, always pausing for when Sesshoumaru said things like, "oh" and "really?".

'This is what Shippo must feel like...' She thought happily to herself as she continued to explain Chihiro's main love interest, Yusuke.

Neither Kagome nor Sesshoumaru noticed a pair of withered eyes gazing at them from behind the library checkout counter, a content smile placed among her winkles.

Dusk was just starting to fall as Kagome rode the bus back to home. She walked up the many stairs that led to the shrine that Kagome's family owned. She slid the sliding door open and took off her shoes and dropped her backpack. She walked into the kitchen where her mother was preparing dinner.

"Oh hello Kagome!" She said with a smile. "You're just in time for supper."

Kagome sat down at the table by her brother, Souta, who was looking at her strangely.

"What's your problem?" she asked returning the weird stare he was giving her.

"Why are you so happy?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"Huh?" She said, sure she didn't know what he was talking about.

"You're smiling and junk." Souta replied as his mother handed him a plate of food.

"What? I am not!" she said, trying not to smile again.

"Yes you are!" Her Grandpa said, joining the conversation.

Kagome couldn't help it. She had been smiling ever since Sesshoumaru waved her good-bye at the school. She couldn't help but think about all they had talked about. About school, their friends, their lives. It felt like Kagome had finally opened up to someone. She hadn't done that in a long time.

"Well...I just had a good day, that's all." She said, hopping that it would drop the subject.

"Uh-huh...sure." Souta leaned over to his grandfather and mumbled, "I bet it's a boy."

Grandpa closed his eyes, and nodded wisely.

"What are you two whispering?!" Kagome yelled.

"Nothing!" Souta said, smiling an evil smile.

"Yes you were!" Kagome shrieked, dropping her chopsticks. "You just said, 'I bet it's a boy'!"

"HA! I knew it!" Souta laughed and pointed a finger. "It IS about a boy! I was right!"

"Is not!" Kagome shouted back, trying not to blush.

"Souta! Stop teasing your sister! Kagome! Stop yelling! We're trying to have a family dinner!"

Kagome huffed and ate her dinner in a hurry. She put her dish in the sink and stomped upstairs to her room, while Souta chanted, "Kagome has a boyfriend! Kagome has a boyfriend!"

Kagome shut the door to her room and sighed deeply.

'Do not have a boyfriend...' she thought furiously as she let herself fall on her bed.

But Kagome just couldn't stop thinking about him. She hadn't felt this way about a boy since...Kagome turned over and stuffed her face in her pillow. She just wanted someone to talk to. She picked up her phone and dialed Sango's number. One ring...two rings...Kagome hung on to the cord with dear life. After the seventh ring, Kagome slowly put the phone back on the receiver and got ready for bed. As she climbed into her bed, she set her alarm for 6 a.m., the time she got up and headed off to school. Her mind was jumbled with thoughts.

'Wow...' she thought as she started to doze off. 'I actually had a conversation with a senior. And just not any senior...Sesshoumaru!'

Kagome fell asleep, waiting for the morning to come soon.


Kagome's alarm rung loud in her ears at precisely 6 a.m. She smacked it off her bed stand and slowly opened her eyes. It was still pretty dark outside, as always. Kagome got out of bed and trudged to the bathroom to take her shower. She locked the door and slipped off her pajamas. She waited for the water to get hot, then stepped inside.

After 10 minutes, Kagome wrapped a towel around her and brushed her wet black hair. As she was brushing, she opened her medicine cabinet and was surprised to see what was inside. Sprawled across the shelves was old makeup that she had bought at the beginning of the year. She picked up some face powder and examined it.

Kagome had never worn makeup before. Even though her mother taught her how to put it on successfully, she never had any desire to spend five minutes in front of a mirror putting on mascara. She dabbed the brush that came with it into the fine powder, and swiped it across her cheeks. Instantly, her normal blotchy cheeks, turned into a normal natural skin tone.

'Hey...' she thought as she swiped some powder on the other cheek, 'this isn't so bad.'

Kagome played with the makeup. She put blush on her cheeks and mascara on her lashes. When she was finished, she didn't even recognize herself. She finally looked like a normal person. She turned on her blow dryer and, for the first time in months, dried her hair to a smooth, natural fluff.

Finally, at 6:30, Kagome was ready to head out the door and take the half an hour walk to school. There was enough light in the sky for her to see her way around the sidewalks to school. Finally, Kagome had made it to Sensae High. Just as she was at the top of the ledge to climb down, something caught her eyes. There, below her, was a figure sitting in Sensae's black school uniform. She walked down cautiously, not sure what kind of person would do exactly what she did every morning. She was shocked at who she saw.

"Sesshoumaru?" She gasped.

He turned around sharply, his silver hair whipping back. His golden eyes calmed down as he saw it was Kagome.

"Oh hey." He said, giving her a smile. "Sit down."

Kagome put her backpack down and sat herself down beside Sesshoumaru, still in shock in the fact that he was here.

"What are you doing here?" she dared to ask.

"I come here sometimes...just to think." He said, staring off into the bay.

Kagome sat by him in silence as the sun slowly rose, sending the darkness away and transforming the sky into a masterpiece of red, pink, orange, and yellow.

"So...what are you doing here?" Sesshoumaru asked, finally turning his head and looking at her.

Kagome was shaken out of her daydreaming and she brought herself back into the real world.

"I come here every morning..." She said, trying to not to stare into his mysterious eyes.

"Why?" He asked.

"I's because I feel like I can be myself here. I don't have to worry about popularity or school for just a little while. I just sit here and I feel calm about everything."

Sesshoumaru couldn't help but relate with her. He indulged her with conversation about some of the things he went through when he was a lower classman. They continued to talk until the sun had fully risen and students started to come onto the campus. They sky was once again a crystal spring blue.

"Well...I should be going." Kagome said starting to get up.

"Here, let me help you." Sesshoumaru said extending a hand.

"Oh...thank you." She said, blushing as she put her hand in his.

But as she was standing up, she lost her footing and crashed back down into the grass.

"Hey! Are you o-"

He cut short. His eyes peered down at Kagome's left leg. Her skirt had slipped to reveal a part of a long pink scar running down the upper part of her leg. Kagome glanced at him, then at her leg. She quickly grabbed the edge of her skirt and covered the scar back up. She snatched her backpack and quickly made her way back up the ledge.

"Hey wait!" Sesshoumaru called as he scrambled up the ledge after her.

But Kagome was already on the other side of the street when Sesshoumaru finally climbed to the top of the hill. He saw her escape through the entrance doors and disappear into the school.

'What...was that thing?' he wondered as he crossed onto the other side and headed to his 1st period class.

Kagome tried to keep her mind off of her morning with Sesshoumaru and continued to study for a History exam. But she couldn't help it.

He saw. He saw the one thing she wanted to keep a secret from everyone. Now what would he think of her? A freak just like everyone else?

"Mrs. Higurashi!" her History teacher loudly said.

Kagome shook her mind off her problems and turned her head to the front of the class.

"Err...yes?" she said, trying to act natural.

"I asked you who signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862 during the civil war in America?"

"Uhhh..." Kagome mumbled. "George...Washington?"

She heard her fellow classmates giggle and saw her teacher shake his head as he told her the correct answer was Abraham Lincoln. Kagome sighed and rested her head on her desk.

'Can this day get any worse?' she thought as she longed for the day to end.



The final bell rung, and Kagome chased her classmates out her 4th period class. She just wanted out. She sprinted down the stairs and headed for the exit doors, which would lead her to a weekend full of relief.

"Hey girl!" she heard someone call behind her.

Kagome spun around and saw Sango beaming and running at her.

"I haven't seen you all day!" she said. "Where were you at lunch and during passing period?"

Kagome suddenly felt very guilty. She had actually avoided seeing any of her friends throughout the school day. She just wanted some time to herself before the weekend started up.

"Oh...I was just...around." Kagome shrugged.

"Oh..." Sango said, then leaned in and whispered in her ear, "did you hear about Inuyasha?"

Kagome was now was alert and focused. She turned and faced Sango.

"What?" she said worried. "What happened to him? Is he alright?"

"Oh yeah." She replied. "He's definitely alright."

Suddenly, Kagome saw a familiar face walk through the school doors. His silver hair was gleaming in the sunlight and his golden eyes shimmering in delight. Sango turned around and glared at him. Following him was Kikyo. She was smiling and holding his hand and they walked down the steps together. Kagome's heart stopped as she watched them pass her without even a glance towards her. Kikyo flipped her long silky hair behind her and kissed Inuyasha's cheek. He laughed playfully and returned the favor by planting a kiss on her soft pale cheek. Then, they let out giggles of love and walked out of the courtyard.

"Are...are they-" Kagome studdered.

"Going out?" Sango finished. "Yeah. They got back together last night at some party. Apparently they've been longing for each other ever since summer."

Kagome remembered when Inuyasha and Kikyo dated on and off throughout the summer. Sometimes Kikyo would break up with Inuyasha and sometimes Inuyasha would break up with Kikyo. But each and every time they split up, Inuyasha would always call Kagome and cry into the phone about how stupid he was to go back to her.

"It is so disgusting!" Sango exclaimed giving a disgusted look. "He could do SO much better!"

That's when Sango glanced over at Kagome. She looked like she was about to fall apart. Tears were in her eyes and her cheeks were as pale as snow.

"Oh Kagome..." she said, leaning in to give her a hug. "I'm sorry..."

But Kagome pulled away from Sango's embrace. She just couldn't handle it, the thought of Inuyasha actually dating that awful girl Kikyo. It was nauseating! Kagome whipped around and ran out of the courtyard.

"Kagome!" Sango called after her.

But Kagome didn't stop. She just wanted to get away.

Kagome sprinted down the sidewalk, just wanting to return to the comfort of her own home. Suddenly, she heard of familiar voice behind her.

"Hey Kagome!" she heard him call.

"Go away!" She shouted behind her, letting her legs run faster.

"Hey! Wait up!" he yelled back, trying to catch up with her.

"Leave me alone Inuyasha!" She shouted.

Suddenly, felt a hand grasped around her wrist and force her to stop.

"Whoa! Hold up!" he said, trying to stop her from wriggling out his clutch.

"Look! I don't want to talk to you Inu-" she started, turning around.

She gasped as her brown eyes met his.

"Sesshoumaru!" she cried. "I'm so sorry! I thought you were...someone else..."

"It's alright." He said, finally releasing her wrist.

She turned away from him. She didn't want him to see her, her cheeks red with heat and embarrassment, the tears in her eyes and on her face. She turned on her heel and started to quickly walk away.

"Hey..." He said, following after her. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." She sniffed, wiping away another tear.

"Hey," He said quietly, putting his hand on her shoulder. "You can tell me."

Kagome turned around, tears glassing over her eyes again.

'I...can't trust him.' She thought as she stared up into those big amber eyes. 'Can I?'

"Say..." He said, smiling a little. "Let me walk you home. It's the least I can do."

"Oh no...that's okay." She replied, dabbing her tears with the side of her blouse. "You probably have more important things to do than walk me home."

"No not really." He said. "Come on."

Kagome still wasn't sure, but without realizing it, her mouth formed the word, "Okay."

Kagome and Sesshoumaru walked side by side down the long sidewalk to her home. Kagome started telling Sesshoumaru the deal with Inuyasha and Kikyo and why she was upset. The fact was, was that Kagome had developed a crush on Inuyasha. Ever since the first day she met him way back in that English class last year, she had grown immensely fond of him, and wanted to be with him. Of course, Kagome didn't go into TOO much detail telling this to Sesshoumaru.

"I don't know where he picks these girls up," Sesshoumaru said as Kagome ended her story, "I never liked that Kikyo girl. She was always so snobby to everyone."

Kagome let out a small laugh.

"Yeah..." she said.

Suddenly, Kagome saw the steps that led up to her family's shrine right in front of her. She stopped in her tracks, not really wanting to go home anymore.

"Well..." She said. "This is me."

She turned and looked at Sesshoumaru.

"I'm glad you and me got to talking." He said, smiling that dazzling smile of his at her. "I knew you'd come around."

He reached for her hand and gave it a quick squeeze before turning around and heading in the same direction that they'd came.

"See you around!" He called, waving at her as he walked backwards down the sidewalk.

"Bye!" she said, trying not to blush too much.

Kagome stood at the base of the stairs until she couldn't see Sesshoumaru's silver hair gleaming in the sunlight. She sighed and headed up the long set of stairs, smiling as the sunlight warmed her flushed cheeks.

'Man! He is so prefect! He definitely has more sensitivity than Inuyasha.' She thought as she stepped up the last stair.

She tilted her head and looked up at the clear blue sky. Then, she started to giggle at herself.

'Inuyasha? Inuyasha who?' she thought as a smile lighted up her face.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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