SunMoon1285: Hello you guys! I'm SunMoon1285 and just a freshman in college er... make that transferring to another college
Inuyasha: Why? Are you too dumb? (get smacked on the head)
SunMoon1285: Simple... I want to get out of the state
Sesshomaru: This writer has a very short temper (ducks flying book)
Inuyasha: And very bad aim (get hit smack on the forehead by a steel toed stiletto)
SunMoon1285: Anyway, I am currently working part-time/ college classes/ writing stories... I love Sess/Kag pairings! They're the perfect example of opposites attracting
Sesshomaru: And that I am incredibly good looking
Inuyasha: Don't mind me... I'm chopped liver
SunMoon1285: Feel free to talk to me anytime... I'm a friendly human
Works: Belonging to You (Complete in FF)
Wheels of Destiny (Incomplete)
Second Chance at Things (Incomplete)