Mary Profile Page

About Me

Hello there.

I'm Mary. I'm 18 years old. I'm from Venezuela.

I wish I was a kitten.

I love sess/kag. But sometimes I ship Nar/kag. For real, I love opposite relationships.

I am mentally married to the lord of the west.

And I love Dokuga.


User Status

12 years ago
2 years ago
9 years ago


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts8

Forum Posts
03/29/2013 00:42:21Re:Last Letter First. (revised)Forum Games728356
03/29/2013 00:40:46Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say.Forum Games569694
03/29/2013 00:39:11Re:Bad Advice ColumnForum Games211757
03/27/2013 18:19:39Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say.Forum Games569694
03/27/2013 18:16:04Re:Bad Advice ColumnForum Games211757
03/27/2013 18:11:29Re:Last Letter First. (revised)Forum Games728356
03/27/2013 17:57:37Re:Anyone want a Dokugasona?Fanart4431
03/27/2013 17:45:11Re:How to create sub-folders for Doujinshi?Fanart4392




Mary has 0 stories


Total number of images: 16

Ch 1 Heroes Pg 7
  • Ch 1 Heroes Pg 7
  • Category: Chances
Ch 1 Heroes Pg 6
  • Ch 1 Heroes Pg 6
  • Category: Chances
Ch 1 Heroes pg 5
  • Ch 1 Heroes pg 5
  • Category: Chances
Ch 1 Heroes Pg 4
  • Ch 1 Heroes Pg 4
  • Category: Chances
Ch 1 Heroes pg 3
  • Ch 1 Heroes pg 3
  • Category: Chances
Chances Ch 1 Heroes Pg 2
  • Chances Ch 1 Heroes Pg 2
  • Category: Chances
Chances Chapter 1 pg 1
  • Chances Chapter 1 pg 1
  • Category: Chances
Chances Chapter 1 Heroes cover
  • Chances Chapter 1 Heroes cover
  • Category: Chances
Between heaven and hell
  • Between heaven and hell
  • Category: Fanart
Chances prologue pg 6
  • Chances prologue pg 6
  • Category: Chances
Chances prologue pg 5
  • Chances prologue pg 5
  • Category: Chances
Chances prologue pg 4
  • Chances prologue pg 4
  • Category: Chances
Chances prologue pg 3
  • Chances prologue pg 3
  • Category: Chances
Chances prologue pg 2
  • Chances prologue pg 2
  • Category: Chances
Chances prologue, pg 1
  • Chances prologue, pg 1
  • Category: Chances
Chances Cover

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 8

Tears Of The Fallen 03-31
Forbidden Affections
A Moment of Weakness Page 13
we could have had it all
Remembering Chapter 6
Remembering Chapter 3
RN PG 69
A Passing Fancy p. 39


Name Entry

Created On: 09/03/2012 03:12:10

Aw, Mary! Haha, but I guess those kinds of reactions are great to hear about, from a writer’s standpoint! ^^

Yes, this Sesshomaru is a bit different from most, a little OC perhaps if you compare it to the canon. I’m glad you don’t mind it though! I wanted to portray a different side to Sesshomaru in this story, one that cares at a deeper level than he lets on. I hope I can reveal him to the readers layer by layer as Kagome discovers him. I have to admit, this type of Sesshomaru is a challenge to write. It’s tough portraying his character while making him believable at the same time.

I won’t hold you to it, but I would love to see that! I’m so glad you like it enough to make art for it ^^ I always love seeing the story as the reader pictures it!


Created On: 09/02/2012 16:04:49

*Sighs* I know, Sesshomaru is frustrating me too, haha. Hopefully he'll come around soon.

Thanks for supporting Between Heaven and Hell!


P.S. Still squealing over your wonderful fanart!


Created On: 07/31/2012 22:03:44
Edited By JeniNeji On: 07/31/2012 22:04:07


Sorry? I luv this story
Updates... well... will be coming soon, I guess xD

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