criticat Profile Page

About Me


My name is Lidiya and I am a fanfictionoholic :) I am a rather hyperactive 21 year old Russian who loves the SessxKags pairing. They are just great together. I love music, writing and art. I'm not that great an artist but I do enjoy drawing immensely. At the moment I am working and trying to complete my Uni course :).

Thanks to the lovely Sugar0o my stories are here!

I appreciate any constructive criticism but will not reply when people are just clearly meanies. I will try to update all my stories as often as I can unless I feel that the quality is starting to slip, which is why it may longer for some chapters to appear (which is why drabbles work better for me lately, no word limit and all).


Kindly give some love to Rin and Jaken :)

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09/28/2018 02:40:05Re:Dokuga Holiday Exchange Sign-ups!Off-Topic Discussion15621
10/18/2017 12:59:23Kagome meets different versions of herselfSearching for a Fic...2304
08/26/2017 11:20:52Re:Holiday Exchange Sign Ups!General Discussion7916
09/28/2015 04:11:28Re:Banner ShopForum Games86250
09/27/2015 10:10:35Re:Banner ShopForum Games86250
08/03/2014 01:18:48Re:DRG is back again!Dokuga Reviewers Guild3127
08/03/2014 01:15:19Re:MUST BE READ BY ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD 2014Dokuga Reviewers Guild5282
07/26/2013 02:38:09Re:Happy Birthday JeniNeji!!!!!!!Off-Topic Discussion3864
06/01/2013 02:19:20Looking for an older ficSearching for a Fic...2061
03/10/2013 08:32:10Re:2012/2013 Raffle sign up; support our supporters!General Discussion48325
12/06/2012 08:28:59Re:Dokuga Holiday Exchange 2012!General Discussion17524
10/08/2012 09:50:20Re:Romantic Outburst FicsSearching for a Fic...3717
09/02/2012 08:03:00Re:anybody know the title?Searching for a Fic...2552
08/26/2012 01:29:52Re:HAPPY BIRTHDAY WICCAN!Off-Topic Discussion6205
08/24/2012 00:57:19Re:2012/2013 Raffle sign up; support our supporters!General Discussion48325
07/25/2012 06:31:06Re:Happy Birthday JeniNejiOff-Topic Discussion7660
05/13/2012 07:21:02Re:Happy Mother's Day Dokuga!Off-Topic Discussion5937
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03/15/2012 09:04:11Re:Association GameForum Games1905260

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  Alysia DeMaggio
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criticat has 11 stories

Taking in his tired, red-rimmed eyes and dishevelled hair, Kagome saw desperation for what it was. ‘Super’ nanny or not, she would have to do.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 06 Oct 2019  -  Updated: 09 Apr 2024
Genre: Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 23  -  Reviews: 37  -  Words: 3,235  -  Reads: 43,244
The jewel is complete and although Naraku is yet to be defeated, Kagome makes her wish. But who would have thought that the Shikon has a mind of its own and twists her wish to suit itself?
Rating: M  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 12 Dec 2010  -  Updated: 12 Dec 2010
Genre: Action, Angst, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 6  -  Reviews: 4  -  Words: 17,201  -  Reads: 10,701
A youkai and a miko. Such a pair would be unable to produce offspring. Or so they all thought until the amber-eyed girl was born.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 12 Dec 2010  -  Updated: 14 May 2011
Genre: Action, Angst, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 25  -  Reviews: 55  -  Words: 30,636  -  Reads: 56,752
Written for AmaViarra's 'No strings attached' challenge. It was all so simple initially. He was to find a miko and thus not worry about being tricked into producing an heir. This is the perfect arrangement for him and so it shall remain, no matter what.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 07 Feb 2011  -  Updated: 07 Feb 2011
Genre: Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 2  -  Reviews: 5  -  Words: 2,089  -  Reads: 7,301
What are little girls made of? Sugar, spice and a wish gone wrong apparently. For ROo's GenderBender challenge.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 22 Mar 2011  -  Updated: 05 Nov 2011
Genre: Action, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 11  -  Reviews: 23  -  Words: 7,019  -  Reads: 14,834
For R0o! Happy Mod Appreciation day! Sesshomaru just could not, would not believe that he is the problem. Must be the miko.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 19 Apr 2011  -  Updated: 19 Apr 2011
Genre: Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 10  -  Reviews: 10  -  Words: 3,695  -  Reads: 17,794
The desert... so much and so little changed over time. In this world, filled with cruelty, betrayal of those close and superstition, an ancient prophecy birthed the belief into strength greater than any witnessed before. The being that wields the power shall surpass any other, but wish for more, this hunger being its downfall unless it shall find the desert's greatest treasure. A collection of Drabbles for different prompts.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 01 May 2011  -  Updated: 13 Mar 2012
Genre: Action, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 137  -  Reviews: 200  -  Words: 35,292  -  Reads: 134,182
For him love was a waste of time. For her love was merely her job. Neither failed to get what they desired until the time came for the Kami of Love to take on her hardest task yet - find the perfect match for Takahashi Sesshomaru.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 20 Nov 2011  -  Updated: 03 Feb 2018
Genre: Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 5  -  Reviews: 27  -  Words: 8,199  -  Reads: 12,742
Headstrong, loud, clumsy, annoying ... he loved it all. As strange as it was, rather than loving her despite her faults he loved her for them. He may not know exactly what drew him to her but he knew when it all started. It all began with a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich. **Written for my Dokuga's Secret Valentine: JeniNeji**
Rating: M  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 16 Feb 2012  -  Updated: 16 Feb 2012
Genre: Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 3,741  -  Reads: 7,599
Raffle prize for Danielle. Spicing things up has never been this detrimental to one's health.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 10 Mar 2013  -  Updated: 10 Mar 2013
Genre: Erotica, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 1,528  -  Reads: 4,642
Kagome knew that she could have at least left a note. Although there wasn't really a way to sugarcoat "I'm leaving you" just days before Christmas. My Dokuga Exchange gift for Kaoruhana!
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 26 Jan 2018  -  Updated: 26 Jan 2018
Genre: Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 3,353  -  Reads: 7,124

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 524

“I fell in love with the way u touched me”
What Would You Like?
Shatter Me
Running Out of Time
The Clingy One...
No Dawn, No Day
Winds of Change
Stealing a Kiss
With the Rain (Title Page Preview 2)
Fade Out
Kagome Mama and Shippo - Braiding : Colored
  • Kagome Mama and Shippo - Braiding : Colored
  • Author: Blackthorn
  • Category: Fanart
Can I touch You?
[SessKag] Chibi Adventures I
Forgive Me?
[SessKag] Chibi Bath
My Precious
Conundrum sketch
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Name Entry

Created On: 10/16/2019 01:45:58

Thank you so much for your kind compliments and such a sweet review on Sengoku Love Story!

It is such a fun premise to write for, I still remember being blasted away by the plot bunny all "Oh wow I can't believe no one's ever done this before????"
Feedback from criticat: I like your human Sesshomaru, he's still himself but it feels like he is less certain somehow? As if he is more aware of the fragility of life.

I love all your stories! It's always a treat to see that you've updated! Thank you for writing!


Created On: 06/27/2014 22:40:56

Long time no see! Thanks for commenting in my fanart :3 How has life treated you lately?
Feedback from criticat: I know! It's been ages!
Your art is wonderful, as always. I love the dark background and the contrasting colours. The whip and the light added to it nicely.
I'm good, thanks. Off work for the next two weeks, so I'm using my free time well

LM Bluejay

Created On: 09/26/2013 21:11:05

You don't know I happy you made me when I read your review! Some of the anons I could understand to an extent while with others it was just plain ridiculous! Lol. But I guess as an amateur fanfic writer dealing with "critics" comes with turf. But I digress...
Thank you so much for your lovely comment about the story! And I hope that you will enjoy the future chapters that will definitely come.


Created On: 04/18/2013 05:10:13

Thank you for your reviews on Just Imagine! I'm glad you are enjoying it. Also, you hit the nail on the head; they will be meeting in a more canon way later :] I hope you keep enjoying the story, thanks again.


Created On: 03/30/2012 04:18:55

Yes, it is completed. I wrote it to the end as a oneshot, but because it had so many short scenes in the beginning of the story I decided it would work even better as a drabble series, so once I got the story back from my beta I went through a minor editing process.

It's also why I dare to update it daily. My inspiration is often inconsistent at best. ^^;
Feedback from criticat: I like the daily updates, look forward to them very much!
Muses can be fickle, which is annoying, you feel like you are letting someone down by not updating but writing something not-as-good-as-it-should-be is worse.


Created On: 03/29/2012 14:27:01

Yes, Sesshoumaru did indeed consider starting something with Kagome. As this story was originally a oneshot, I didn't want to make it overly complicated.
Feedback from criticat: Simplicity is often best . I'm awfully guilty of making my stories far too complicated at times, I just can't help myself lol Oooh does that mean that it was completed? I'm glad! Means we will find out what happens soon ^^


Created On: 03/23/2012 05:33:41

Thank you for your review to Unforeseen!

That was actually exactly how I planned it to be - this is indeed just what she needs to be able to continue her life.


Created On: 03/14/2012 14:02:26

Thanks so much for reviewing Bewitched!


Created On: 03/07/2012 11:51:54

Thank you so much for your reviews on my story "Unwanted Desires" I'm glad you like it so far. I really need to get back at it and try to start adding more chapters.


Created On: 02/02/2012 03:44:23
Edited By Sora On: 02/02/2012 03:47:31

Thanks for your review on Armor of the Emperor.
Thank you for the congratulations
P.S. You were right, russian letters come out like ??????

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