Momo Rei Profile Page
Momo Rei

About Me

A Bit About Me

Hi, I'm Mo. I love to write, draw and read. I'm only good at one of those things. The others, I do as a hobby and I will let you guess which ones are which, hehe!

I've been writing since I was a kid - which was a long time ago ?????. I am still growing as a writer and, obviously, have much more room to grow. But I am so happy that you are on that journey with me.

I have a long list of interests and stuff...but I won't bore you with details because that's not what you are here for. Or is it?

I just want to say that if you've stumbled here, thanks for popping by.


Update on me:

If you're curious. I'm still around. I have been very, very busy with work and family stuff. I'll be trucking along with writing soon. Sorry for the wait :(

User Status

5 years ago
3 months ago
3 years ago
Momo Rei


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts1

Forum Posts
08/03/2021 20:55:08Re:FanartBug Reports/Feature Requests2981


  Alysia DeMaggio
  Kagome's Love


Momo Rei has 2 stories

Sesshomaru finds himself drawn to the Bone Eater's Well. Written as a songfic.
Rating: K  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 04 Jun 2020  -  Updated: 04 Jun 2020
Genre: Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 0  -  Words: 1,417  -  Reads: 4,057
A witch brews up a love spell and casts it upon the yokai who crossed her hundreds of years ago. Problem is, that it also affects the first mortal woman the yokai comes in contact with, and it only lasts one night. Did I mention that the witch has amnesia? What might the implications be from a one night stand between Sesshomaru and Kagome? Love? Hate? Or something else?
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 12 Oct 2019  -  Updated: 22 Jan 2023
Genre: Angst, Dark, Drama, Romance  -  Chapters: 62  -  Reviews: 155  -  Words: 166,364  -  Reads: 126,688


Total number of images: 22

Drag Me Down
  • Drag Me Down
  • Category: Fanart
Meadow Snooze
  • Meadow Snooze
  • Category: Fanart
Reluctant Lovers
  • Reluctant Lovers
  • Category: Fanart
Sesshy Babe WIP
  • Sesshy Babe WIP
  • Category: Fanart
Sesshy Babe - Redo
  • Sesshy Babe - Redo
  • Category: Fanart
Reflections - Redo
  • Reflections - Redo
  • Category: Fanart
Tender Moments - Redo
  • Tender Moments - Redo
  • Category: Fanart
Caught Up - Redo
  • Caught Up - Redo
  • Category: Fanart
Sugar - Redo
  • Sugar - Redo
  • Category: Fanart
Caught Up
Tender Moments with Background
  • Tender Moments with Background
  • Category: Fanart
Tender Moments
  • Tender Moments
  • Category: Fanart
  • Reflections
  • Category: Fanart
Sapphire in Moonlight
  • Sapphire in Moonlight
  • Category: Fanart
Moonlight Kiss
  • Moonlight Kiss
  • Category: Fanart
Blind To Love
  • Blind To Love
  • Category: Fanart
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 Next > End >>

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 1

Life after loss


Name Entry

Created On: 04/17/2020 19:31:21

Hello! Just dropping by to say thank you for creating a wonderful piece of work. You are very talented and we’re very blessed to have you in our community. Thank you for continuing to update when you can, it’s always a delight. Hope you’re doing well
Feedback from Momo Rei: Um, so I somehow missed this for an entire year?! Thank you so much for your kind words!

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