I have two stories in the making posted on fanfiction.net. If you want to read them I'm afraid you will have to go there to do so because I do not want to post them here yet. I'm braindead on both of them and until I figure out how to get past this writing block I don't want to post them here as well as there. Check em out though and share any ideas you get, they're all welcome :)
They're called: Dance For Me & Miko by Blood
Also...I have waaaaay too many ideas floating around in my head...so if anyone needs ideas or would like to help me with writing any of them out give me a shout. However if we do write anything together, or you write one of my ideas, I'm going to have to read a sample of your writing to make sure I like your writing style. I'm greedy...I only share with those who I think can truly capture what I want to be said in the story. (If you are like me and want a writing sample let me know...though I only have two posted stories on fanfiction...and they are not even my best pieces... I have others that I can show you.) |