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Hello there, everyone!
At first i was gonna wait to put this up, but eh, let's just get it out of the way the last one too haha
Here's another sketch of these two, still trying to draw them right... hopefully, i'll eventually come to draw them in a way that i'll be satisfied with.
This thing gave me a bit of a hard time, especially Kag's face! (and i'm not even gonna start on Sessh in general).Please ignore the horrid barcode on the side (i did this on a piece of scrap paper lol)and the terrible anatomy.
There are so many mistakes in this(alas, nothing unusual in my case) but i hope it gives off a bit of a sweet and comfortable feeling nonetheless ^_^
Hope you guys like!
At first i was gonna wait to put this up, but eh, let's just get it out of the way the last one too haha
Here's another sketch of these two, still trying to draw them right... hopefully, i'll eventually come to draw them in a way that i'll be satisfied with.
This thing gave me a bit of a hard time, especially Kag's face! (and i'm not even gonna start on Sessh in general).Please ignore the horrid barcode on the side (i did this on a piece of scrap paper lol)and the terrible anatomy.
There are so many mistakes in this(alas, nothing unusual in my case) but i hope it gives off a bit of a sweet and comfortable feeling nonetheless ^_^
Hope you guys like!
17.11.2013 21:00:31
haha thanks, glad you like it! ^_^
GAAH thank you! *hug*
Thank you so much! It means alot! :)
AGAIN! you're seriously killing me right now haha Thanks so much for both faves! I'm glad someone likes my version of sessh, it gives me hope that i won't mess up too badly on all future male artwork lol
Nice work!