Almost Done Kagome

Picture information
Slowly but surely progressing in this picture... This is my first time EVER doing hair like this so please pity me DX. I tried to make it shiny, pretty and added some strands make it... fuller? Pls let me know if I succeeded or if you have any tips XD
27.08.2012 00:26:07
I'm using Photoshop Elements version 8.0
Ty Raven, Aurora and Cathyrin. I noticed the hand as well. Darnit. Well I wont be able to edit his hand until the VERY last part. Will probably have to do all his colors then simplify the layers into one and then add one more to edit his hand? Im pretty sure that's how to go around it. I am kind of pleased with Kag's hair just wish I had put more lines/strands in its instead of it being one spiky, shiny ball on her head XD Next tim Ill add more detailing/strand work in it.