
Picture information
EDIT-I'M AN IDIOT ...forgot the moon...
This is a fanart from my lovely roommate's fiction: Practice Makes Perfect This is from her Chapter 64: Snoop.
I wouldn't mind if anyone would like to color, just do me a favor or two: Credit me in your Author's Note, and send me a link ;) I would be extremely interested and flattered. If you would like a higher resolution, I will post it to my dA account as well, where you can download the actual size image. Caution it's pretty big.
Please ask if you come across any other linearts...(they wouldn't be fanart, they are my originals.)
P.S. I had to use Inuyasha's feet as a template for Sesshomaru's...hahahaha...
This is a fanart from my lovely roommate's fiction: Practice Makes Perfect This is from her Chapter 64: Snoop.
I wouldn't mind if anyone would like to color, just do me a favor or two: Credit me in your Author's Note, and send me a link ;) I would be extremely interested and flattered. If you would like a higher resolution, I will post it to my dA account as well, where you can download the actual size image. Caution it's pretty big.
Please ask if you come across any other linearts...(they wouldn't be fanart, they are my originals.)
P.S. I had to use Inuyasha's feet as a template for Sesshomaru's...hahahaha...
06.08.2012 01:13:57
...Or I'll just procrastinate and enjoy looking at it... that's more than likely too.