Into the Jewel

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She was falling. She could feel it, even as she was floating, just as she could feel her mate with her even as he was so far away. Kagome cradled her belly as she drifted deeper into the heart of purity. She was terrified, and yet she was comforted. It felt as if she was the child she carried within her womb. Her mating mark bled, an indication of how far from Sesshoumaru she actually was. The mark from Midoriko pulsed on her breast, above her heart. It was her guide and her protecter as she traversed the path of the Jewel
Yes, i know her legs are kinda wonky, i colored it with a glidepad. anyone who wants to use the snippet as a story is welcome
I dont own kagome
Yes, i know her legs are kinda wonky, i colored it with a glidepad. anyone who wants to use the snippet as a story is welcome
I dont own kagome
20.03.2012 21:28:13