Unworthy One
Picture information
About: OKay so a few days or weeks ago, someone had been looking for a fic, turned out it was:
Unworthy One by Vyncent
VOTED BEST ANGST/DRAMA by SINGLE SPARK - Tied for FIRST PLACE BEST ANGST in the SAVAGE AWAKENING FANFICTION CONTEST - NOMINATED BEST DRAMA 4th QUARTER 2004 by the INUYASHA FANGUILD The Lord of the West learns of Naraku's defeat and the completion of the Shikon no Tama. So why does Kagome want him to inflict excruciatingly painful torture upon her already bleeding and seriously injured body and where is Inuyasha and the gang? rn(Complete!)
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 08-21-05 - Chapters: 22 - Words 111,464
: I had, actually Never read this before, i had started it at least twice and got either sidetracked or put it off, either way, i finally sat down and plowed through it, and this was something i felt i wanted/needed to draw. it's not a blood, gory or grusome as it should be but it's pgish for the moment.
In this moment, kagome is supposed to be looking out at a lake, having walked for 7 days with no rest, food, water, after the final battle for the jewel. I wont say more then that, other then Sess is in the freground but all you can see is his boot and pant leg, that fuzzy thing on the right hand side of the pic.
Other then that, if you feel like reading the fic, by all means, do if your old enough for it.
Kagome/Sesshoamru©Rumiko Takahashi
Art by r0o
-1st quarter arts
Unworthy One by Vyncent
VOTED BEST ANGST/DRAMA by SINGLE SPARK - Tied for FIRST PLACE BEST ANGST in the SAVAGE AWAKENING FANFICTION CONTEST - NOMINATED BEST DRAMA 4th QUARTER 2004 by the INUYASHA FANGUILD The Lord of the West learns of Naraku's defeat and the completion of the Shikon no Tama. So why does Kagome want him to inflict excruciatingly painful torture upon her already bleeding and seriously injured body and where is Inuyasha and the gang? rn(Complete!)
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Genre: Angst/Drama
Updated: 08-21-05 - Chapters: 22 - Words 111,464
: I had, actually Never read this before, i had started it at least twice and got either sidetracked or put it off, either way, i finally sat down and plowed through it, and this was something i felt i wanted/needed to draw. it's not a blood, gory or grusome as it should be but it's pgish for the moment.
In this moment, kagome is supposed to be looking out at a lake, having walked for 7 days with no rest, food, water, after the final battle for the jewel. I wont say more then that, other then Sess is in the freground but all you can see is his boot and pant leg, that fuzzy thing on the right hand side of the pic.
Other then that, if you feel like reading the fic, by all means, do if your old enough for it.
Kagome/Sesshoamru©Rumiko Takahashi
Art by r0o
-1st quarter arts
27.01.2011 04:16:35