A prehistoric b-day present for r0o!
Picture information
I present to our beloved Sugar0o a present. This little pic was inspired by Naqaashi's Sugar0o's Birthday Challenge posted in the Fanfiction Challenge forum. Alas and alack, it was only for fanfiction. However, I could not resist the insane mental images that bombarded me. A prehistoric r0ozilla. That is a slice of fried gold, my friends.
R0o, have fun coloring this bad boy. And that is a lemon you are biting into (a double entandre and triple word score!). I hope you enjoy having a half nekkid Naraku licking your leg!
I hope you r0ck out on you B-day!
*pounces and huggles*
R0o, have fun coloring this bad boy. And that is a lemon you are biting into (a double entandre and triple word score!). I hope you enjoy having a half nekkid Naraku licking your leg!
I hope you r0ck out on you B-day!
*pounces and huggles*
01.05.2010 02:37:16
А вам где нравится?
А вам где нравится?
Great job!
Thanks Naraku! *giggles and hands bottle of Visine*
You need that eyeitch looked at.