Picture information
Fanart for Miss Teaks wonderful fanfic Wisteria.
The latest chapters (34, 35, 36) randomly inspired me, because I just love it when things get complicated and difficult (hooray angst and drama XD ). Keep in mind that I likely have their clothes/hair/surroundings wrong because I didn\'t do any research (as this was one of those sudden pictures). I put Kagome in red because I think I recall her wearing red at some point in the fic, and her clothes seemed to often be described as quite bright and vibrant. Sesshoumaru has his shirt off simply because I didn\'t want to hide his chest/arms :P
The latest chapters (34, 35, 36) randomly inspired me, because I just love it when things get complicated and difficult (hooray angst and drama XD ). Keep in mind that I likely have their clothes/hair/surroundings wrong because I didn\'t do any research (as this was one of those sudden pictures). I put Kagome in red because I think I recall her wearing red at some point in the fic, and her clothes seemed to often be described as quite bright and vibrant. Sesshoumaru has his shirt off simply because I didn\'t want to hide his chest/arms :P
07.01.2010 01:31:22
Thank you, I'm glad you like it I put her in a kimono because it popped into my mind like that ^^; (and I kinda liked the contrast between her bright clothing and really unhappy mood) I'll certainly be doing more when I have time, SessKag are too pretty to resist
I think it goes well with that part of the story!
It's called Wisteria