I know you guys are waiting on updates for Road From Perdition. My apologies, updates are coming. But my muse wouldn't be silent on this so here is a one-shot. Let me know what you guys think, i'm considering making it a full story when RFP is done.
Kagome groaned and struggled not to spit out the disgusting viscous drink in her cup. Its murky purple coloring did nothing to lighten her unease. But, she knew that all of this was the precipice to the immense preparation and training she had been undergoing up until this… it all came down to, and was for, this.
Her resolved regained and strengthened, she picked up the cup and closed her eyes as she chugged it down. As she fought back the overwhelming urge to vomit she felt familiar figures and heard noises she recognized, though she could not understand them. Then, suddenly the room was moving, and she was falling through what seemed to be endless space before finally colliding with something behind her.
“Laying down… I’m lying down. This is it, oh Kami this is it… am I ready?”
The words she thought she spoke aloud were merely her thoughts as gracefully fell into slumber.
Sesshoumaru stood a ways off, listening to every sound, and smelling for any change in sce-
Thoughts disbarred by way of instinctual reaction, Sesshoumaru growled low in his throat. Glancing around as he scented out the new comer he smirked slightly to himself, she had arrived.
Throwing his head back and letting loose a guttural howl, he made his own presence known before running toward the scent, the female, the miko, Kagome.
Kagome heard the sound, and the mix of excitement and fear running through her made her legs shake. Unsure of what to do, she simply waited; she knew it wouldn’t be long.
Nearly just as soon as the though escaped her she saw him. He was in normal all white, his markings far more prominent and jagged on his face and… assumedly elsewhere. Kagome blushed at her thought before being caught by a low growl, gasping she looked up to see his molten eyes swirled with crimson. Kagome experienced the rush of excitement and fear all over again, and this time nearly lost her footing.
Kagome looked at Sesshoumaru and bit her lip, could she do this? Oh Kami what had she gotten herself into? Did she want this? Did she…
Thoughts gone at the sound of a snarl compiled with the growl. Sesshoumaru was not moving toward her slowly.
“Miko, Run.”
Bristling at his use of that ridiculous title instead of her name, she made to correct him when she took note of him again. His entire body nearly shook with restraint and his claws dug into his own hands. The crimson swirling in amber was beginning to take more than its share of space, all the while Sesshoumaru managed to give her a look that somehow teetered on commanding and pleading.
Nodding to herself, Kagome re-centered herself. She smiled at Sesshoumaru with what she hoped was confidence and encouragement. Then, she pivoted on her feet, using the momentum to propel her forward into a sprint-style run. Vaguely remembering her training, now mostly functioning by instincts that had been branded into her over the last few months. She gathered her reiki into herself and centered it into her legs, propelling her forward far faster than the human ought to be able to. The rest she put into her eyes and ears, ever watchful and ever listening.
She could hear him, so close behind her, his growls and snarls creating adrenaline rush after adrenaline rush. She thought she heard a swipe of claws and quickly cut to the left and darted in and out of the trees, careful to not form a pattern or anything else that may give away trajectory. But she knew her time was running low as she spotted the end of the woods up ahead, leading to a wide expanse of field.
The smell of her, the site of her, and adrenaline and power in the hunt was testing every vestige of Sesshoumaru’s self control. Only his unfailing self-discipline and control kept him from letting his beast loose too soon and the catastrophic results it would bring. Smirking to himself, he too saw the end of the woods and fell back just slightly to ascertain her next movements.
He watched as she launched out of the wood and headlong toward the middle of the field. After a few moments, hesitancy built in her movements as she slowed down. He watched her smell and scan the area, before finally turning around to face the wooded area where she knew he lay. She glanced around her entire surroundings, blanching at the mountains to the back of her, and the water to the right. A vast expanse of field, with no plausible way out. No escape. Trapped.
Sesshoumaru saw the conclusion come to her face with a smirk. But then, then, when her face changed and set into fierce determination both he and his beast could not contain their howl. It pierced through the wood, the night, and right through to where Kagome stood, into her heart. Sesshoumaru responded to the heat in his belly through the action of taking a brutal and unhindered charge.
Kagome heard him coming before she saw him. Grimacing she grabbed her bow and set her aim. They would be no use to stop him, but perhaps she could derail him ever so slightly.
Sesshoumaru cleared the edge of the forest with a ferocity that matched his stature and his determination. His eyes set on her and he growled low before he began to charge.
Kagome Shot.
Sesshoumaru dodged.
Kagome shot.
Sesshoumaru dodged.
Kagome shot one last time.
Sesshoumaru dodged, but just a hair-fraction to late, and the arrow hit its mark in his side. Knocking him back and pausing him in his moves for the split second Kagome hoped she could gain.
Grabbing her dirk in her left hand and her sword in the other, she spread her reiki to fill her and her chosen weapons. Running towards him, she threw the dirk hoping her luck would hold out just another moment.
She watched as it caught the hem of his clothing and went into the ground, the holy powers created a stake that help him in place. She pushed the reiki out and upward, a temporary hold on the daiyoukai.
Sesshoumaru looked down at the dirk and snarled, pulled at it with a certainty that it could be broken. However, the time would have to wait as he saw the miko charging him with her sword in hand, he drew his.
Their swords clashed over and over again, Sesshoumaru’s finding a home far more often. Kagome, however, was relentless in finding her opening to create the cut or stab available to her when it came. Disregarding her own wounds that seeped with blood or the sweat that threatened to blind her as she fought. Finally, after Sesshoumaru found her side one more, she saw her opening as she nailed a blow right below his ribs.
Sesshoumaru roared. The sound, coupled with the blast of his youki, sent Kagome flying back. Landing with a thud to the ground, she groaned in pain as she sought to right herself, still if she could continue on. Especially when she knew what it meant.
After sitting herself up, and wiping her eyes, she looked to where Sesshoumaru was only to see the swirling storm of his transformation. As it came to it’s end she breathed out a sigh of awe and the majestic and mighty dog who’s white fur seemed to glow all of it’s own.
The beast snarled at her, Kagome groaned. Slowly coming to her feat, body battered and worn she breathed in deeply.
In and out. In and out.
Collecting every amount of energy she had left, she pulled her reiki within herself, straight to her center. She prayed to the Kami to grant her this access to her very soul and compressed all of the spiritual energy, wisdom, and power she had into her very core. Pressing, and pressing further till the ball was so tight knit there would be no space for anything else. Then, she closed her eyes, she remembered the form, she remembered the size, she remembered the power, and most importantly she remembered the why…
And then she released it.
Screaming in a mix of pain and overwhelming triumph as well as the all-consuming nature in the release of her power, she held her eyes closed until it subsided.
And then it did, and then she opened her eyes.
The ground so low below her now shone with a light pink, she assumed that to be the glow coming off of her own form. She raised her head, and saw Sesshoumaru still standing there in his form, still snarling. Only now, he wasn’t so large to her.
She took a tentative step forward, and took note of the paws that replaced where her feet should be. She inwardly rejoiced and cowered at the insanity of it all.
Sesshoumaru watched the transformation with fire in his eyes and in his stomach. He had been slightly apprehensive in this, afraid of the outcome had it not succeeded. But now, now that he saw her in her full power in a form like his own. He could wait no longer. His snarls grew in intensity and volume as he snapped at her.
She immediately fell into stance, and he immediately pounced.
Neither sure where one of them began and the other ended, teeth ripped while growls and snarls were thrown back and forth. Claws raked against fur and the wrestling continued. Kagome landed a bite on his neck; he caught his claws on her side. Sesshoumaru tore along her shoulder, and Kagome charged him with enough power to send him flying back.
Finally, Sesshoumaru saw his opening. As Kagome weakened and became more weary her movements slowed. He paced around her slowly, growling and waiting for the time. She, following him with her eyes and body, slipped ever so slightly, and spelled out her defeat.
Sesshoumaru pounced, and knocked her on to her side. His paws on her chest and side and his jaws at her neck, a heavy pressure with a clear indication. Submit or die.
After a few moments of struggle, Kagome began to whimper, and finally, she let her head drop.
Sesshoumaru quickly changed his stance, now standing over her instead of on her. He immediately bent to begin licking and tending to her wounds. Kagome passed out.
Kagome came to slowly; unaware of her surrounding other than that they were dark and yes soft. She held up her hand and was relieved to see it was her hand again, and not a clawed paw of a beast. She went to sit up but quickly chose against it as pain shot through her entire body and she grunted out a whine. Suddenly, on the other end of the room a torch was lit, and placed on the wall to illuminate the room.
Sesshoumaru stood there, his face black but his eyes full of emotion, Kagome still could not read either. He came up to her slowly, before sitting at the side of the bed; it dipped where he sat making Kagome flinch again in pain. He let out a light sigh as he began carefully tracing the wounds on her body. Kagome wasn’t sure if she wanted him to stop or continue, even though it hurt it still lit something in her core.
“I’m so sorry, Sesshoumaru. I know I wasn’t supposed to pass out, oh Kami. Did I ruin the whole thing?”
Sesshoumaru looked at her and this time she was sure she saw a level of shock in his gaze, though it was quickly replaced with that other unreadable expression.
“Quite the contrary, Miko. For a female to pass out shows she has fought her absolute, that her submission is at it’s utmost, that she has fully given herself. You honor me.”
Kagome blanched and blushed, “Oh… well, well that’s good then. That means that, that it’s done then?”
“Hn,” Sesshoumaru grunted as he slowly turned and slid down her body, “Again, quite the contrary, little miko. Now is when we complete what was started.”
Kagome lost all color in her face at this, “But, um, uh, the injuries and you know, I don’t really know how this… works, or whatever. They talked about it but the training didn’t inclu-“
“Hn, quiet now. You’re injuries will be tended to, your concerns will be tended to you, and then, you will be tended to.”
Kagome shivered at his words, and went to speak again but found her breath taken away as he pulled an ankle toward himself and began to lave at the injuries from her foot to calve.
“Don’t you know, little miko, that after the honor you have given me, that now I must also bestow that same honor on you? Besides,” with this he paused and pulled a long draw along a deep calf injury, causing her to grimace in pain and moan at the sensuality of it. “Of course you would have no training, but trust that you will be taught.”
Kagome had no words, nor any breath to make them with, she merely laid there as he cleaned her wounds, a tingling flowing through her whole body even as she felt the tickle of his rough tongue and the tickle of the healing power in his saliva. As he finished one leg and moved to the other, she feared that the contentedness and the pleasantness of it would lull her to sleep again. But then, when he found her hips, with claws gently scraping them and that tongue methodically moving up her body, she realized how drastically she was mistake.
Somewhere around the time he reached her stomach she noted the deep rumbling coming from him, more near to a purr. Hesitantly she laid her hands on his head, and ran her fingers through his hair to his scalp. He nipped at her gently, a sign she took as approval as she continued, and weaving her hands to his shoulders, then across and down his muscle toned arms. The skin so soft it had her wondering at how it didn’t tear from the lean muscle that rippled underneath it at her touch.
The purr was louder now, no, not louder. It was closer. He was closer, she realized as she looked up and saw his face looking down at hers. His mission temporarily abandoned as amber orbed pierced the blue of her own. She smiled at him and continued her exploration, running her hands across the broad expanse of his chest, down over his toned and sleek abs. She took note of the light glean of sweat that shown over his skin, another sign of his restraint.
He lowered his head down to her, their foreheads touching as he breathed her in slowly. Please with the scent of her arousal spiking, a sweetly tangy musk permeated through oranges with cinnamon and the lightest hint of evergreen. He ran his nose slowly over her cheeks to nuzzle her as well as place his own clove and thunder scent to hers. Finally he moved down to her neck to clean the last of the wounds, as well as to prepare the spot where he would make her his.
Kagome’s eyes hazed over and her mind had almost completely fogged over when he spoke.
“How do you feel?”
Kagome blinked as she looked up at him, as he now hovered over her again. Hesitantly at first, she began to move her arms and legs, twisting around to check for pain. She found none. Save for the growing need in her stomach that threatened to breach into pain. She smiled at him.
“You have indeed tended to me!”
Sesshoumaru shook his head, “No, my miko, I have only tended your wounds.”
Kagome swallowed hard, “My concerns?”
Sesshoumaru bent down to run soft and slow kisses along her collarbone, “Speak them.”
Kagome wracked her brain. She knew she should have concerns, questions. But after months of preparation and training, she knew what she had decided. Months of conversation and courting, told her what he had decided. Now they were here, and there was not much else to that, she had nothing to say. So she simply answered with a shake of her head, and the winding of her fingers through his hair.
He smirked against her skin, nipping at it gently and relishing in her soft gasp, “And now you.”
Kagome gulped sharply as his words clicked into her brain. But ability to think washed away again quickly as his lips moved so languidly over her collarbone and neck while his claws traced such light circles and swirls up and over her hips and stomach. Kagome silently thanked the Kami for the gift of his restored arm, both for him and for her.
Sesshoumaru’s hands slowly ascended before finding one full mound, tracing the underside of it gently before palming the cool skin fully in his warm hand.
Kagome gasped again.
Sesshoumaru looked up at her as he kissed up her jaw to her lips. And then so slowly she feared he would change his mind, he lowered his lips to hers.
Kagome reached up to lay a hand across his cheek, nearly moved to tears by the tenderness. His lips moved so gently over hers that she almost didn’t register it when she felt his tongue swipe across her lower lip. Helpless to stop it, she giggled at the tickle of the sensation, though it quickly was swallowed in a moan as he began to explore. Thoroughly, from the top of her cavern to the flats of her blunt teeth, before finally turning to her to bring her into the dance with him. Moving against each other in an erotic dance. Kagome found her back arching of its own accord when the hand forgotten on her began to smoothly rub and massage her breast.
When finally Kagome was afraid she would not breathe in time, Sesshoumaru pulled away and began to blaze a trail back down her neck and chest with his lips. When he reached her other breast, she nearly cried out. When his fangs scraped ever so slightly on sensitive skin, she did cry out.
Ever moving hands continued to caress and rub along her stomach and hips as Sesshoumaru praised Kagome’s body with his mouth, pulling swollen tip into his mouth and suckling it with the gentle roll of his teeth before moving on to the other. The small pop that accompanied his end with each was echoed by a small gasp or mewls from the goddess beneath him.
Finally moving further down, he paused to shower her belly and hips with his kisses and tongue, playing along her navel until he could practically feel the dampness in the air from her readiness. Knowing it was time, he moved lower again. Laying with his head at her core, and setting her legs on each of his shoulders he inhaled deeply and growled low, sending the reverberations straight to her core.
His name was cut off from his ears and he lunged forward to clasp her bud in his lips and sucked slowly and firmly. Her cry much louder now, and he having to hold her hips down as they moved to arch on their own.
He sucked and pulled until it fell from his mouth, before moving to run his tongue along her opening in one long slow pull, relishing in the taste for the first time. He lost all sense of anything but her as he feasted, his tongue rolling in and out, couples with his nipping, sucking and flicking of her swollen nub. Her hands were in his hair, but he ignored the pulling. Her voice permeated the air with her moans and cries, but his ears barely heard them. He was too focused on breaching the damn that was so close, so close…
Finally sweat broke across her entire body and her back arched, her cries as broken as the gates as he lapped up every drop she gave until it was gone. Until she lay there motionless and breathless, and then, he crawled back up her body.
He smirked to himself at the sight of her. She was disheveled, slick with sweat, her breathing labored with her eyes closed and a smile plastered on her face. He nuzzled her once more with his nose along her cheek, silently requesting her eyes on him. She obliged.
“God Sesshoumaru, I had no ide-“ his lips cut hers off as he took her much more aggressively, dominated her mouth and mind as he settled himself between her legs. He rubbed up and down along her thigh as he gently nudged her apart to make room for him, then he took ahold of himself as he lined up to her center.
He pulled back from her lips for a moment, “This will hurt for a moment, try not to fight it.”
When she nodded he captured her lips again and surged forward, groaning into her mouth at the tightness and swallowing her cry of pain. He held himself still, the ultimate test of his control. He gently began peppering her face with his kisses, waiting for her readiness. Kagome wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him close, he obliged.
Moments went by like hours, but finally, Sesshoumaru felt Kagome shift beneath him, the scent of her arousal returning and the soft sound of her mewls returning to his ears. Slowly, he withdrew, and slowly, he drew in.
She gasped.
He continued.
A slow rhythm became a faster one, Kagome ran her hands down his back and Sesshoumaru nipped along her shoulders. One hand running down her back to the swell of her cheeks to pull her up to him, as he came down to her. Soon, she began to return his rhythm on her own. Her hands moved from his back to along his chest and down his stomach, back up over his shoulders and down his arms.
He picked up his pace yet again, his beast slipping out as his end came closer. She ceased her exploring to clutch at him as an anchor. Her gasps quickly escalating to cries until she finally bit into his shoulder to muffle the scream of her second release.
Sesshoumaru roared.
Pushing her head to the side as gently as he could with his own, he continued his unstoppable push forward into her as he began to lick and nip at the juncture between his neck and shoulder. Every time he pulled back he fought the urge to whimper at the loss of her until he found it again. It never seemed to be deep enough. He never seemed to be able to get close enough, all the while feeling this tiny slip of a woman may just consume him.
He pressed harder.
She moaned.
He changed his angle and surged forward in triumph.
She screamed her release.
He sank his fangs into the juncture he had been preparing as his seed drove forward to claim her as his forever in mind and body. His youki poured into his mark to claim her as his forever in soul.
He retracted his fangs, purring to comfort her soft whines from the pain of it, and lapped at the blood and the wound until it closed over. Only then did he feel satisfied to lower himself to roll next to her and pull him flush against his chest as she sighed in contentment.
“Are you well tended to, my mate?”
Kagome hummed and nestled back further into him before turning her head, “Almost.”
Sesshoumaru raised a brow at her.
She laid her hand over his and caressed it softly, “Say it.”
Sesshoumaru bent his head and nuzzled the back of her neck, “Hn. Sleep, Kagome.”
Grinning like a fool, Kagome did just that.
Kagome awoke in a fog, her memories still in tact but her current surrounding unfamiliar. She smiled to herself as she felt a shift next to her, slightly startled when she felt a hand splay across her stomach.
“Hn. I see you have awoken finally.”
Kagome turned in the arms holding her, “So it’s really done?”
Sesshoumaru nodded, his hand running small circles over her back.
“How does that work? How could we… while asleep…”
Sesshoumaru shifted and Kagome blushed as she felt the bulge pressing into her stomach.
“It is not a dream, it is another space. One all inu must enter into for the mating.”
Kagome shook her head, “I still don’t get it.”
“Hn. Perhaps I will explain more, at another time. At present, there are much more important issues at hand.”
Kagome laughed as he rolled her on to her back and began kissing and nipping at the mark that now lay on her neck.
“I suppose you’re right.”