My Saviour is My Enemy by Guardian Author Anon
I hate it when he's right
My Saviour is My Enemy
Hello, here I am with a brand new story, I will bring forth some warnings though, this story does contain rape and torture, if you don't like stuff like that then you shouldn't read it. Please enjoy it
Wow. After having a few trolls decide to be cruel in their critique of my earlier chapters. I want you do know something. This chapter was first uploaded in 2008. I was 18, my writing has advanced, and developed. So, please, take my writing in the beginning with a grain of salt
Disclaimer: I don't Own these characters. There, you happy now?
Chapter One: I hate it when he's right!
Kagome let out an agonized scream as the whip bit into her back. The glass pieces within the black leather leaving an ugly laceration on her back as Naraku prepared to strike again.
This torture had been going on for two weeks. Kagome had been bathing in a hot spring on her own; which was not an easy task to achieve, at first InuYasha had flat out denied her request. He gave her the lame excuse that she wasn't strong enough should a demon threaten her. She had shot back, "Oh sure like Naraku's going to pop in out of no where and kidnap me!" She then sat him to kingdom come and stormed off to take her bath
That's where everything had gone wrong. She had been lying back relaxing in the hot spring only to be rudely interrupted the presence of a powerful demonic aura. As soon as the demonic aura had entered the area Kagome became alert
Though InuYasha didn't know it, Kagome had secretly been training with Kaede, Sango, and Miroku every chance she could. Kaede and Miroku trained her in how to control her Miko powers and Sango trained her in armed combat. She was now more then capable of defending herself from any enemy. She could also recognize quite a few aura's, and the aura she was currently feeling wasn't good.
"I hate it when InuYasha's right." moaned Kagome as she sank into the water.
"Heh, heh, heh, fancy meeting you here Kagome, all alone, without InuYasha or your friends to save or protect you…" Kagome shivered as the sadistic voice sent waves of fear down her spine.
"Naraku," spat silently as she sat in the water contemplating her options. She knew no matter how loud she yelled InuYasha would never get there in time.
"She also knew that she had no hope in hell of defeating Naraku on her own; however giving up without a fight was not something Kagome was prone to doing. So she gathered as much courage as she could, stood up, and then faced Naraku, determination set bright in her eyes as she stood stark naked before her greatest foe.
"You dare oppose me? Foolish, foolish girl, not only are you weaponless, but you are also a mere mortal who has no hope of defeating me, a powerful demon,"
"Half Demon." Spat Kagome.
"Powerful demon, that is in possession of the newly complete Shikon jewel." Naraku said maliciously as he cast lustful glances all over Kagome's curvaceous eighteen year old body that was glistening with water. For such an observant HALF-DEMON you failed to notice one crucial factor about me. I'm not just a mere mortal, I'm a Miko, and my power comes from within." Kagome shouted as she summoned as much holy powers as she could into her hands and chest, then with a final shout Kagome thrust all the collected energy forward into the form of a blue wave of power towards Naraku.
Naraku let out a shout of anguish as the wave hit him, the holy energy literally eating away at his body as it passed through him. He remained still for a moment as his body regenerated. Then with a sinister snarl he glanced up at Kagome and said, "My turn."
"Kagome watched in horror as five tentacles came spinning at her, two of them piercing the muscles and bones of her upper forearms, two of the tearing through the tendons and bones in her thighs, and the largest of the five tearing a fair sized hole through her abdomen, ripping through her upper and lower intestines and successfully knocking him out.
"Naraku let out a villainous laugh as he caught Kagome's falling form in his tentacles.
"Now that all the pieces are in place, it's time to play." Sneered as Naraku, as he ran his claws over Kagome's cheek; his miasma leaving four red welts upon her cheek.