Hacker's reboot by Christine
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Damn, why did she have to be here?
She hated it so much whenever she came to this place. It wasn't the same place every time though. They usually called her when they gave her a new mission because it was simple! A phone call!
It didn't bother her that she was called here instead of informed on the phone but the only reason she dreaded going to a place to find out the new mission was for one reason: it always meant that she was going onto a long one. When she meant long, it was prolonged into years. Not good because that meant she had to be extra careful.
That one thing she, Kagome Higurashi, was NOT good at: Patience.
Besides, it broke her sometimes to break other people. She always wanted trust from others so she hated breaking those that trusted in her for it only to get torn to shreds when she just disappeared into thin air or come out-right and let them know who she was, after she accomplished what she needed.
Did they live? Well, of course not! If they did then she would be dead herself. At least if the bosses found out.
Kagome kept the sigh that tried to escape from between her lips.
She definitely didn't need to show her emotions. That was the only thing she was good at: Acting. The only reason, well maybe not the only, that she was mainly the one elected to go on the deep missions.
She shifted a little in her seat as she thought what her new target or mission was. Maybe it was another code. That always seemed to be something she was always after. Or some papers? She just hoped that it was not a need for someone's death.
Oh, she forgot, she was called here instead of just informed over the phone. Good, no one's eminent death wasn't coming.
Kagome came from her thoughts when the door opened to the area she was waiting to enter. It squeaked and she wanted to tear the thing off its hinges but that would be too emotional to show. So instead she just sat there and tried not to let it bother her. Did she mention her eye? She tried so hard to keep her eye from twitching in annoyance. Phew! It worked!
A good-looking woman dressed in a black and gold suit stepped out.
"Your turn Higurashi," her most hated enemy growled out, glaring daggers at her in jealous.
She of course ignored the woman and stood, starting to walk past her with the most blank face ever. As Kagome got closer, the woman grabbed her upper arm in a tight grip. She turned her head to look at the woman, "what do you want?" She wasn't going to let her worry show with the smirk that was showing on the woman's face. She would not show any emotion!
"Good luck," the bitch told Kagome and she just arched a brow as she let her arm go and walked off.
What was her problem? The bitch was jealous that Kagome always got the good missions, even though most of them were very well paid. The woman had always hated that Kagome was chosen for most of them while she was not.
What worried her though was that she hadn't said it in sarcasm. She had said it with sincere honesty but why would she need all that luck, even from someone like her?
All of this she pondered in a mere couple seconds as she watched the bitch walk off with pleasure pouring off her in waves.
Narrowing her eyes at her back, Kagome turned around and stepped inside the room, letting the door squeak and click closed.
It was dark in the room except for one person sitting behind a desk, a light flaring beside him, showing his facial features in a scary light.
It was always funny seeing these 'thugs', her bosses, act like they were the shits with the mystery and scary surroundings. She wasn't scared but she still wasn't going to fuck with them.
She bowed her head towards the man a little, noticing this man was pudgy and giving a perverted grin as he watched her. She already disliked the way he was eyeing her. But he was a boss so she couldn't do anything.
She took a couple steps closer to the man, her heels clicking gently on the tile. He stood and held a hand out and she took one step closer, grasping his ugly, fat hand that she was so happy to let go of. The damn thing was sweaty as hell, for whatever reason. Though she bet it was because of her, the men always seemed to get so clammy when they saw her. Whatever though because she was tired of it and was used to it happening everywhere she went.
"Nice to finally meet you Higurashi. You finally get to do something in my domain."
She shrugged, trying to keep her hand still at her side instead of wiping the sweat from his nasty appendage onto her nice dress slacks. "It won't matter because I travel so much."
He seemed to not like that answer but grinned, "that might change. The big bosses have decided to you are up to the challenge that they are giving you. Any idea?" He asked, chuckling when she didn't answer.
"Many have ended up dead or disappeared because of him." He stated and paused to let her guess.
Did Kagome ever mention that she hated guessing games too? Well, she couldn't stand it and she told him that. "Hurry it up. I have places to go."
His eyes narrowed at her because she didn't play along. "Fine, I'll show you instead." He reached into drawer in the desk and pulled a thick file out. It was about an inch thick and she was a little intimidated by it. Surely that wasn't all the information about one person? She sure hoped not because this WAS going to be a long mission otherwise. DAMN!
He didn't hand the file over to her and was using a finger to fan it. "Who do you think this is?" He asked, once more spurring his guessing game on.
"I have no tolerance for this," she told him and reached forward to grab the file - no, binder.
He stopped her though as he grabbed her wrist back in his sweaty palm and she growled in a human voice, actually showing her annoyance. "You can't do this," he told her, face growing serious.
"Whatever," she told her and snatched her wrist back, grabbing the folder in the process and took a couple steps back as she glared cold eyes down at him. "I've had my very good share of challenges." She told him as she turned to the folder, flipping it open to the first page.
Kagome froze at was in front of her and clearly some emotion was showing on her face because he burst out with a loud laugh that just kept coming and coming.
"What is this!? This is a joke!" She told him and turned to him, slamming the binder on the desk.
He stopped enough of his laughter to answer her, "no, this is a challenge, like you said. The big boys think you are up to it."
"No," she told him and his laughter died immediately.
His eyes turned dark and serious as he slowly stood. "What did you say?"
"No," she told him again and turned around.
"That is what we thought you would say." He said and reached under the desk to do something. A buzz sounded and Kagome's hand went immediately to her gun as a couple men poured in but it was too late because she was shot in the shoulder. She held onto her hand that was pouring blood from the wound and she ground her teeth together from the pain. She flipped the gun into her other working hand as it her useless one dropped it.
Turning her back to the walk, she backed up as she faced both the men coming into the room and the boss.
There was a click behind her head and she froze, too late. Damn, how had she moved too slow!?
"Too late Higurashi. You are going take this mission and finish it. Either with your life or his." The boss told her, coming around her as he still had a gun pointed at her head but he stepped away so she couldn't injure him. "Of course you will be dead if he is. Mission fail."
"That's why I am not going to take it. He kills as soon as he finds out who they are."
"Then don't let him. Remember why you are here in the first place." He told her and she erased her emotions completely. A picture of her family appeared in her head. She hated them so much, these people that turned her life around so much. Her family's life. Her husband and child were the only one that mattered to her but they were the reason why she had to still here, in this hell-hole. Shippo, Miroku, she thought as their faces appeared then turned fuzzy. She hated seen her family in years but she couldn't go to them. They thought she was dead because she just disappeared from the face of the earth.
But she knew that if she didn't take this evil, one way mission then she was dead. Either by him hands or her boss's. Either way, her family would die because she failed.
"Fuck you," she whispered, good hand twitching as she wanted to kill them.
"Good, you accept," he stated and went to desk, grabbing the folder to rip the first page out and shove it into her face. "Now take a good look at this face because this," he chuckled and pulled the page from her and tapped the page with his gun. "This will be your new life."
Kagome stared at the picture and name of the person plastered onto the page. "Tell me what I need to do." She quietly said and was silently devoting her life to kill everyone after she was done. She especially hated the man that she was staring at a picture of. She hated him because she knew he was going to be her downfall; her family's downfall. Damn him! Damn you Sesshoumaru Taisho! She yelled into her mind then she was out like a light as she was hit on the head.