Change of Heart by pinklight
Dreams So Real
Large Hazel eyes glanced around a misty dark field, she sat in the middle of it. It looked as if there had been a battle the earth was scarred where there had once been lush green grass. Kagome stood slowly trying get a better look at her surroundings. She didn’t recognize the area at all it was new to her. She couldn’t tell why or how she had come to this place yet she felt this was where she was meant to be.
The ground suddenly shook beneath her feet as loud crashing sounds seemingly came from nowhere. Before she could comprehend what was happening a large white figure came out of the darkness. There in front of her stood Sesshomaru in his true form. She fell to her butt trying to walk backwards to quickly as the giant dog demon stood there in all his glory. He lifted his head high towards the sky to open his large mouth and let out a terrifying loud howl.
Kagome’s mouth hung slightly open as she stared at the demon before her, he never looked as powerful and majestic as well as gorgeous to her before that moment. She sat stunned watching as light surrounded him to shift back into his humanoid form. Once he was back to the form she was familiar with, he approached her. His golden eyes looking into her very soul as he came fourth, she felt frozen upon the ground from pure shock.
“Come.” His deep voice called out to her as he extended a hand out to her.
“Sesshomaru?” Kagome whispered as she looked at his waiting hand.
“Come now.” His voice so deep it was almost a growl.
Without hesitating any longer she grabbed his hand. He pulled her to her without any struggle only to pull her against his hard armored chest. He lowered his head to the crook of her neck leaning gently on her. Kagome was having a hard time comprehending what was happening or what was wrong with Sesshomaru.
“You are mine.” He practically whispered into her ear sending chills throughout her body.
“What?” she looked into his molten eyes to see them brimmed with red, fear didn’t fill her instead she felt need spread from her stomach into her abdomen.
Sesshomaru held her tightly to his body with one arm as the other slid down her thigh. What was happening to her, to Sesshomaru she never thought this was possible. Inuyasha was usually always on her mind until recently. She knew she was becoming distant with him but never thought she would feel a need for Sesshomaru this strong.
As she was lost within her thoughts he had moved his lips to hers snapping her out of her musing. His lips were smooth and warm against hers, never had Inuyasha’s felt this good to her. She melted to him instantly, allowing him to take control over. It felt so good to have another being held her as if she were their lifeline.
Never had Sesshomaru showed her any attention that lead her to think he had any feelings for her, sure he saved her a few times. But they hardly ever said anything to each other before. What could have brought out this passion in him out of nowhere? She let go all her thoughts just wanting to indulge in the passion coming from Sesshomaru.
He pulled away from her slowly, she still had her as her eyes closed and lips pushed together. Opening her eyes she looked at him, his eyes had turned crimson as his fangs also enlarged and his stripes were jagged. She gasped at his image, she was unsure if he was upset at something she had done.
“Sessh…” she was stopped as he lowered his head to bite into the right side of her neck.
Kagome tried pulling away as well as pushing on him to get him off her. Nothing seemed to work, it was as if she pushed on steel. Before she knew it he withdrew from her. She placed her hands on the burning neck where he bit her. Tears stung the edges of her eyes.
“You were not intended for Inuyasha, you would always be this Sesshomaru’s.”
Sitting up quickly in her bed with her had on her neck she looked around to see she was in her hut on her futon. It was all a dream, yet she felt the stinging sensation on her neck where Sesshomaru bit her. What was that dream supposed to mean.
Shaking her head before standing up, she needed to start her day as well as see Keade; maybe she would be able to help her understand her dream better. She needed to figure out why she felt so deeply for Sesshomaru in the land of deems and why he would tell her she was never meant for Inuyasha.