Duty to The West by KeyToLife
In the Dead of Night
This drabble will contain lots of references to flowers. I will give you the meaning of each flower at the end of each chapter. The chapters will be short, and I will try not to exceed 200 words. There won’t be any explicit sexual scenes in this. While the suggestions will be strong, it won’t be anything over the top lemon. That said, on with the show...
Prompt: The Flowers
It arrived at the estate in the dead of night. Its contents were written in a scroll, neatly tied with a blue ribbon. The color of her house. She didn’t need to open it to know what it was about. It came with a single yellow camellia, a single cactus flower and a single primrose. It was then that she knew. And it was then that her heart broke and she cried.
She cried for her sister and she cried for herself. She cried for her mate and her brother-in-law. And even though she didn’t want to admit it, she cried because she was happy that her sister’ dream was dying so that her own could live.
Word Count: 117
Primroses is a flower that is used to represent desperation.
Yellow Camellia represent longing.
Cactus Flowers represent motherhood or the love of a mother