The Power Within by Avawindwalker
The Power Within
!Disclaimer alert! I do not nor will I ever own Inuyasha! (Sits in corner and cries!)
The Power Within
A painful scream rang out through the clearing as a raven haired beauty crumpled to the ground in pain. Out of no where a barrier sprang up and surrounded the woman, now she could scream as loud as she wanted without attracting unwanted attention. The crackling of electricity had hair billowing around her lithe frame, bouncing off the sides of the barrier and dancing across her porcelain skin. Perspiration collected along her body as she once again crumpled in pain and another silent scream was ripped from her throat as wave of immense power released itself from her body. She felt like she was dieing; which she was, slowly dieing. Her only chance at surviving seemed further and further out of reach, time slipping through her delicate fingers, and not a single thing she could to slow it down or stop it completely.
"If only I could do what Keade had told me, but I don't know how much time I have nor do I now how to find the right one" The woman thought to herself.
One last burst of light exploded from her body and left her in a heap on the forest floor, trying to regain what breath she could. Her cerulean eyes looking, but not seeing, lost in thought she was. This is the way things have been now for a few months for her. The last encounter her and her group had with Naraku, that where it started.
Naraku had successfully knocked out everyone in the Inu-Tachi group, all except her and Shippo, who at the point in time was trying his hardest to create a distraction so Kagome and Kiliah could get their friends the hell out of here. That's when it happened, Shippo, her son, captured in one of Naraku's disgusting tentacles.
Seeing her beloved kit in distress ,or the fact that everyone else that was in life threatening danger as well, or maybe a combination of both factors caused a change in Kagome. Something inside her mind, body, and soul snapped like a dry twig, an overwhelming flow a power raced through her being giving her eerie glow. She felt for the first time since falling through the well those four years ago powerful, very powerful. She immediately cast a barrier around herself and fallen comrades. As she narrowed her eyes at Naraku, she lifted her hand and a bow a pure blue light manifest out of thin air in her hand. The bow had no real form but it was there none the less.
"LET HIM GO YOU PIECE OF UNWANTED TRASH!" She screamed as she took aim.
Naraku looked at her in shock. Never in his existence since becoming a half-demon, had he ever felt or seen such powered. Just her aura alone was dissolving some of his tentacles that where trying to break through her barriers. He knew he could not win right at that moment. He had used most of his energy just trying to kill the other three.
"Well my little miko, it has been fun, but alas I've grown bored and am done playing for today." He chuckled as a cloud a miasma swirled around him and he vanished.
"Dammit, that bastard!" Kagome screamed
Shippo who was none to kindly drop to the ground when Naraku vanished, was near tears as he ran to Kagome. She instantly dropped to her knees and enveloped him her protecting arms.
"I was so scared Kagome! I thought for sure we were done for this time!" Shippo exclaimed as he burrowed his face into Kagome's bosoms.
"I know so did I, but it's over for now." She stated.
"That was amazing Kagome, where did you learn to do that and where did you get some much power?!" Shippo inquired.
Kagome looked around the clearing they were fighting in and sighed, "Shippo I don't really know, but right now we need to get the other back to Keade's to heal. I'll ask her if she knows anything about what has happened here, but that is after their wounds are treated. But promise me you wont mention this to anyone alright, we don't want them to worry, they already have enough to worry about, I don't want to add anymore stress." She stated.
"I won't Kagome, I promise, but, uhhh…. How exactly are we going to get them out of here?" he asked
"You ride with Inuyasha on Kiliaha back to Keade's , we are not that from the village this time, tell her that Sango and Miroku are injured as well and to send some men to help me bring them there. I'll stay here and protect them until them." She said
As Shippo left with his cargo, Kagome sat beside her two most trusted friends inside a barrier of her creation, thinking on how she was able to actually put up a barrier along with other things she was finding out she could do with her powers. It was amazing really but she had a nagging felling there was more too it, and she by damit was going to get answers.
Little before nightfall, everyone was safely in the village, bandaged and asleep. Kagome was sitting by the fire thinking of a way to broach the subject to Keade. She took a quick peek at Inuyasha and found him to still be deeply asleep. As she tiptoed over to the old woman, Shippo reach out and grabbed her ankle.
"Please can I come with you, I want to know to?" he asked
She looked down at him and smiled, picked him up.
"Now Shippo," she whispered. "You can, but you have to promise that no matter what we find out you must not tell others, only you Keade and unfortunately Naraku, knows and that's the way it will stay for now."
"Okay I won't tell but can I ask why?" Shippo inquired.
"Because Shippo, something doesn't fell right. You remember when half my soul was taken and resides in Kikyo? Shippo nodded yes. "And how I can feel her all the time?" again he nodded. "Well I cant anymore, but the other half of my soul did not return to me, but yet I feel whole."
Shippo looked astonished "But what does that mean?"
" I don't know sweetie, all I know is that even though I feel whole, I feel as if I am running out of time for something now, this power is so immense that it's like it cant fit inside me." She stated to him. They made their way over to the old woman who was making more salve for Sango's injuries.
"Keade" Kagome asked
"Yes child."
"We need to talk" And she went into great detail of what happened earlier today.
As Keade sat there listening to the young girl, she slowly came to a startling conclusion. "Ye child are truly not the reincarnation of my sister Kikyo! Ye are something completely different!" she exclaimed
"What do you me something different?" Kagome asked.
"Ye are an elemental miko my child. Something far more powerful than an ordinary miko. Ye still have the purification powers of mikos, but you also control the elements. But oh ye poor child, this comes with a great cost to ye." Keade stated.
"What cost are you talking about? What's going to happen to me?" Kagome asked a little bit frightened.
"The cost is your life. Now wait before ye panic Kagome, there is a chance for ye, you have to find a mate that has enough power to combine with yours to balance the turbulence with in ye." Keade stated.
"What would happen if I don't find a m..m..mate?" Kagome stuttered
"The power that resides in ye will slowly try to find an outlet. When this happens it will cripple ye with so much pain that it will eventually tear ye apart from the inside." Keade told her sadly.
"But how is it that I know how to use my priestess powers without training now?" Kagome asked.
"With the release of ye powers, it unlocked the knowledge within ye past down from your ancestors." Keade stated.
As Keade sat there watching Kagome process what she had just learned, she became curious, "Kagome, are ye going to tell the others?"
"Uhhh….. No. They were unconscious like I said before, I don't want to make them worry anymore than they have to. When you said I could control the elements how can I learn to do that? I know my priestess powers but not those?" she asked.
"That my child is will be hard, either you must find someone to train you or train yourself." Keade stated.
"Well, I guess I could look through some of the scrolls that granfather gave me before the well was destroyed. There might be something in them, doesn't hurt to try." She said.
Keade sat and looked at the girl before her, (nay not girl, woman) Keade thought. (She will be the one to save us all, as long as she lives till the end.) she thought sadly