Gentle by anna


A/N: I was hit by inspriration one day and wrote this little lemony oneshot in one go. Let me know what you think!

 Disclaimer: I own nothing, and can only bow to Rumiko Takahashi's genius.

Warning: Not for children's eyes!


If he were not TaiYoukai of the Western Lands and above such things, Sesshomaru would have been inclined to say that his mate looked adorable at that moment. She was many things... sexy, fiery, proud, passionate... but as she lay there, hands tucked under her chin, blankets covering up everything up to her shoulders, cheeks flushed and clutching Mokomoko-sama, there was no other word to describe her.

Sesshomaru briefly debated returning to his study in order to finish paperwork, but, at that moment, Kagome shifted restlessly and her feet kicked the blankets down to the tops of her thighs. His eyes softened as he looked at her swollen abdomen. At five months, her belly was a noticeable protrusion, enough so that she'd had to abandon her habit of sleeping facedown in his shoulder. As he moved to fix the arrangement of sheets around his mate, she stirred.

Her eyes drifted open lazily and a smile bloomed on her lips; Sesshomaru wanted to bite them, the sudden lust testimony to the long months they had not coupled. "Hi," she whispered, her voice hoarse and airy with sleep. "What time is it?" She stretched her arms above her head and tangled her fingers in her hair, her back arching in a feline manner that tempted her mate more than anyone would ever know.

"Nearly four," he answered, giving in to the urge to massage her belly and bring his nose closer to the scent that was so fertile with new life. He pressed a gentle kiss to the skin and felt an answering flutter against his lips.

"Mm," Kagome moaned, and ran her hands up his arms to clutch his shoulders as she pulled herself upright. "I can't believe how tired I am." They were both silent for several moments, enjoying a tender embrace. Sesshomaru sighed; he would die before admitting it, but he loved these quiet moments with Kagome, when it was just the two of them and he was free to be himself.

Kagome also enjoyed them, but she had other activities in mind than an embrace, although that was enjoyable--just in a different way. Her hands wandered; one circled his neck to rub with her thumb and the other drifted down his chest to whisper over the skin of his abdomen under his shirt. Sesshomaru sucked in a breath at what the intimate action hinted, and heat furled low in his belly, spreading fire to his limbs and bringing a slight blush to his cheeks. The hand began to move lower, but he caught it loosely.

"Kagome, if you do not cease, I will not be held responsible for my actions. The doctor said that you must take it easy." His voice was strained with repressed desire; he couldn't help the guttural moan that grated out his throat as his mate's skillfull hand--the one he had not captured--trailed a lazy path down his spine. Her soft, soft lips blazed a hot trail over his chin, and up his jaw to his ear, her tongue swirling out for a taste.

"I am taking it easy," she whispered, her breath against the sensitive flesh raising the hairs on the back of Sesshomaru's neck as well as the hardened length between his legs. "I'm just--" she paused to bite down on his earlobe and pulled gently, turning his muscles to jelly "--relaxing with my mate in bed."

Sesshomaru was panting and painfully aroused, but the damp cotton against his hand as he abandoned resistance and decided to fight back proved that Kagome was not unaffected by her seduction. She whimpered as he kissed her trembling lips and began rubbing gently. She had become extremely sensitive to any contact with her nether regions and her breasts in the past month, and so Sesshomaru needed only a few passes before she was rocking against his hand and moaning urgently.

"I would hardly call what we do in bed relaxing," he murmured as he pulled back from his aroused mate.

Her passion-darkened eyes focused on his as she protested, "But the doctor said sex was fine as long as you were gentle! Please!" He bit her swollen lower lip before answering, feeling fondly smug at her pleading, which she only ever did during the throes of passion.

"I can be gentle."

Her eyes lit with triumph before she began divesting him of his clothing. Sesshomaru assisted, but not without giving into the urge to suck her eager tongue into his mouth. Her throaty moan and the way she writhed in his lap informed Sesshomaru that his paperwork would have to wait until the next morning. When his mate was in this kind of mood, only the end of the world would convince her to stop.

The pregnancy had been hard at the beginning, and she'd had sudden mood swings at extremely awkward moments, but Kagome's natural sensuality had only been amplified by the pregnancy. As he sank into her wet heat, Sesshomaru groggily thought that her fluctuating hormones were all worth it.