Hey! first book, and Reviews are much appreciated, oh! and expect OOC from the characters. thank you for taking the time to read this, it means much to me.
Disclaimer: I do not, will not, own Inuyasha. It will never belong to me. Nor do I own Sesshomaru (a shame, really *wipes tear) the only things I would own would probably be my own characters, which I will tell you in later times. <3 to all!
Kagome Higurashi, a VERY normal teen, not including the fact that she can go back to the past, to the feudal era, and you can say that she’s a normal girl. Right now, she is mumbling to herself and kicking innocent rocks out her way. At a distance, one would tell right away that she is angry. That is an understatement, she is furious. And don’t forget the fact of scared and nervous, of course no one would know that, as her anger is overpowering the two.
Stupid Inuyasha! How dare he! It’s because of him I’m walking alone! I swear I’ll sit him to kingdom come the next time I see him!
“Stupid hanyou!”
kicking a rock under her feet, she flinches at the shuffling of the bushes “what was that?!” nervously looking from side to side, and suspecting that she was imagining it, she continued to walk. “This is Souta’s fault! If he hadn’t made me watch that damn movie, I’d be at the well right about now.” As she said that a slight image popped in her mind, an image where a woman with very long hair was coming out of the well “Argh! No, no! Kagome, it’s fine, it’s not the same well…yeah, that well is different than mine!” self-assuring herself, she continued to walk. As she walked, she remembered the day she and her younger brother Souta watched the movie.
“ne! Onee-chan! Let’s watch a movie!” Souta exclaimed, barging into her room.
“Hmm? What movie?” She questioned.
“The ring!” he replied
“Alright, let’s watch.” Kagome replied, thinking it was a love story because of the title.
While watching, she was already at her wits end from running like hell towards her room.
“What? Onee-chan, you’re scared aren’t you?” he teased
“Don’t f-flatter y-yourself Souta, I-I’m just excited f-for the e-ending!”
“Yeah right!” he said sarcastically.
And thus, she was forced to watch the entire movie. “If I’d just said I had something important to do, then maybe he would’ve let me off! Stupid pride! Stupid movie!!” she mumbled to herself.
“but, then again, If I’d just accept the fact that I <em>was </em>scared, maybe he would’ve let me go! Well, the past is the past, can’t do anything about that. Or more like the future at that.” While giggling at her own joke
(A/N: well, who else would giggle with her, huh?)
a slight breeze blew past her and she shivered. “haaah, it’s getting colder in the feudal era, I should pack warmer clothes.” She said.
Wait a damn minute, this is the reason I’m going back home right? For clothes! Because at the last battle, my uniform was ripped and other clothes were either ripped or very dirty.
“It’s all that Inuyasha’s fault!”
plus, I didn’t want to wear the miko clothes, because that would bring me a step closer to becoming kikyo’s replica. I don’t want to be known as kikyo’s replica! I want to be known as kagome!</em>“and I don’t even care for Inuyasha anymore! He already crushed all my hopes!
Kagome was sitting by the river cleaning the new wounds on her knees. She heard a slight shuffling sound from the back and didn’t bother looking at who it was. She already knows who it is anyways.
“what are you doing here Inuyasha?” she asked him
“….are you alright kagome?” he asked, concern basking his voice.
“I’m fine, I’m used to this anyways.”
He sat near her and just stared at the water. Kagome didn’t mind, it was relaxing not fighting like always. Then, he suddenly hugged her. She was surprised at first, but hugged him back eventually.
“I’m sorry, I should have put you away from danger, I’m sorry I’m always reckless, and you end up like this.”
“its fine, you don’t have to worry” Kagome was happy, she was happy that he was seeing her, happy that he was concerned.
“If….if anything happened to you….then…i…I would’ve….”
"its fine, Inuyasha, I’m fine.”
“NO! I should’ve protected you, because I love you……..Kikyo”
‘I love you…Kikyo’ ‘I love you….kikyo’ ‘I love you..’ ‘KIKYO’ ‘KIKYO’ 'KIKYO’
Then Kagome stood up, and ran, she ran towards the well and locked herself in her time for 2 weeks.
“stupid bastard, but thanks to him, I’ve opened my eyes and didn’t get to fall further down, where he would never catch me”
he said with a cold void-like look in her eyes. Even his cold, damn hot brother, would’ve had more modesty than him. And he was HOT!
After thinking about Sesshomaru, a breeze went by and shuffled the leaves in the vicinity. Kagome shivered and sat on the ground. She couldn’t go on anymore, she was too terrified.
“WAAHH! Inuyasha! I hate you! I can’t take this anymore, I feel like someone’s tailing me! Waaaah! What if someone was plotting to kill me? And I can’t even sense their presence cause their dead!”
She panicked; she was getting paranoid about the idea of what malicious ghosts can do to you. It’s fine if it was a youkai because she can sense and even purify the hell out of them, but ghosts?! She doesn’t even know where to begin of how she would be useless against such beings. She’d die of nervousness before the ghost could even touch her. She couldn’t even begin to comprehend why she and Inuyasha fought over her going home, he should’ve known that she would eventually go home. She was in the feudal era for 2 and a half month, for god sakes! It was a miracle her clothes lasted that long.
“Kagome! How could you go back in your era in this crucial time! We could be fighting Naraku at this very moment!” Inuyasha shouted.
“Then what the hell do you propose I do Inuyasha! I have my needs to you know! Can you stop thinking about yourself for just a day?!” Kagome shouted back.
“WHAT?! Needs you say?! Well, how about our needs?! We NEED to go and fight Naraku to beat him and get all the shards you singlehandedly scattered. It’s because of YOU that we even need to go on this quest, dumbass!”
“How dare you! You, Yo-“ Kagome was cut off.
“even Kikyo wouldn’t make that mistake! If Kikyo was here then, we probably would’ve found almost all the shards!!” He shouted.
“You!! SIT BOY!!! How dare you! You aren’t even grateful I’m helping you! That I’m travelling with you! If you want Kikyo so much then….. GO AND FIND HER THEN, STUPID! I HATE YOU, INUYASHA!
Sesshomaru’s Pov:
Hn. I’ve been tailing that woman for 4 hours already. Could it be that she’s lost? But she has a sense of direction; she couldn’t be lost can she?
Sesshomaru was conflicting with his inner self to either go towards her and help her, or continue to watch her.
He has already masked his presence so that Kagome wouldn’t be able to sense him. He has seen her change emotions as fast as light, and even he, the great lord of the west was confused of her behaviour. Could she possibly be at that time of the month? She went from determination, to frustration, to nervousness, to anger, to sadness, to neutral, to frustration again, and then nervousness.
But she didn’t once show a positive emotion, which was VERY unnatural for her.
Sesshomaru couldn’t begin to understand why he was feeling curious, and worried for Kagome. AND he was angered of the fact that she was traveling with Inuyasha. So in order to understand this feeling, he practically stalked her.
Of course this predicament of his started a few weeks ago, thus he was able to witness the fight that had occurred merely hours ago. He already knew his half-brother was stupid, but after the events that happened a while ago, stupid were an understatement, he was a moron. How could he choose a worthless dead priestess? She couldn’t even produce his half-brother’s pups! But Kagome on the other hand, she was refreshing and alive, she was warm and beautiful, she smelled like spring, and she would be the perfect mother for his (Sesshomaru) pups. So all in all, his half-brother was a moron for choosing the dead priestess over her, but he was also thankful, because, there was one less man aiming for Kagome.
He always got angry when there were other men beside Kagome, except for Shippou though, because Kagome thought of him as her own pup. But others like the lecherous monk, the arrogant wolf that kept claiming Kagome as his, and his own dumb half-brother, agitated him for some reason.
*grits teeth*
“they don’t deserve to even breathe the same air as her...” tsk, I need to calm down. His train of thought was cut off by the cry he heard from Kagome.
“WAAHH! Inuyasha! I hate you! I can’t take this anymore, I feel like someone’s tailing me! Waaaah! What if someone was plotting to kill me? And I can’t even sense their presence cause their dead!”
he felt happy hearing that Kagome hated his half-brother, but was also surprised that she felt that someone was tailing her. Of course that would be him and only him. If he even sense that someone dangerous could be near her, well, let’s just say that they’re the ones in most danger. After all, who wouldn’t be in danger when they’re faced off with the cold-blooded ruler of the west Sesshomaru-sama. Seconds later after Kagome’s scream, he could smell salt from her.
She was crying.
He couldn’t take her emotions any longer. She was sad and afraid. He wanted so bad to hug her, to touch her, to be near her, to comfort her. And so he did. He was, after all, the type who does whatever he wants. So he went near her, kneeled next to her, and hugged her.
Kagome’s POV:
Because she was frustrated, and sad, and scared, she couldn’t help but cry.
She didn’t want to cry, she wanted to stay strong until she was back home, on her comfy warm bed. With a cup of hot cocoa. And maybe some bit of music to comfort her.
But she just couldn’t continue. It was true that she didn’t want to go further because she was scared, but that was just one more reason. It was mainly because of the memories. She accepted the fact that Inuyasha would not see her as long as Kikyo’s there, but she could not forgive herself for being so blind and giving her heart to a man she knew would break it.
She just kept ignoring it when Inuyasha hurt her thinking one day, he’ll love her. It was her first time to love, damn it! She wanted to give her heart at least something good. Was it not good enough that she gave up her normal life for this era to help the man she loved? Apparently it was not, at least it was a good thing she realized the truth.
Why couldn’t I realize it sooner? Why couldn’t I fall in love with another person? Why not Kouga? He’d surely protect me. Maybe even Sesshomaru would do, he’d at least have the decency to turn me down forwardly and not choose an undead miko! Even of he was kinda scary..
“Why did I have to give him the heart he did not deserve?” She was suddenly surprised by strong hands that were now around her, giving her warmth. She felt comfort. And because of that, she cried out louder, and hugged that person back. She’d thank him later.
But of course, her crying was suddenly stopped when she heard the voice of the one that was hugging her.
“Because you were kind” it said.
She came out of the hug and looked at him. Looked at his golden eyes.
And whispered quietly the word…
Um....How was it? though sorry if it wasn't good, i will do try and make it better!