Vacation Week by angel

Day 01: Forced Vacation

This fan fiction was not re-written, I just combined chapter 1 and 2 when I noticed that they were the same day and added a new story as chapter 2. lol even I confused myself ^.^

The characters of Inuyasha are in no way mine and no amount of wishing will make that happen. They all belong to Rumiko Takahashi (?) and I can only dream and drool about them. Reviews are nice and very much appreciated.

Pitter Patter... He could sense it, someone was defiling his being at this moment. He couldn't help it, the warring period had already finished a long time ago but his well honed skills had never abated. No matter where he was, he couldn't help but stay attuned to his senses.

He could feel it now, the hands that were skimming his form as he lay in bed on his stomach. He couldn't help the grin that escaped him, it was laughable; their attempt at stealth. He felt them way before they entered his rooms, waking up the moment they opened the door.

'The creaking sound the door makes has already disappeared.'

At this point he could not help but muse that his mate had been busy.

As the hands moved to take hold of his person, he made a grab at the small set of hands and enclosed them with one of his. The other one grabbing a small form by the foot of the bed.

“Shinichi, Shouta... must I tell you every time to not use me for your practice?”. At his deep baritone voice reached the twitching ears of his 5 year old twin heirs, the whimpers started.

“But Otou-san, Oka-chan said we needed to wake you up because you were being a sleepy head.” Piped his eldest, Shinichi. “She said to use any means necessary!” Chimed his second son Shouta.

 When he heard their explanations, he couldn't help but shake his head. His mate was back to her antics.

This was the first day of his vacation from work and she would not allow him to waste more than he needed to on sleep. He quietly muttered 'cheeky mate' to which his sons just ignored as they were staring at something behind him. When he noticed their odd behaviour he was a minute too late, a small bundle suddenly attached at his back and proceeded to attack him with what his mate had tenderly dubbed 'Baby Kisses'.

His youngest child Mariko was now in the process of hugging him and showering him with the so called kisses. He let go of his sons hands and moved to gather his daughter who was always following her brothers. He sat there impressed at his daughter's surprise attack, usually it was the boys that always tried to get him but it seemed that his daughter had started to mimic her siblings. As he caressed her chubby cheeks and stared at her golden eyes he could not help but be impressed. His daughter had a knack for sneak attacks, he wasn't even able to detect her not until he noticed where his boys eyes were trained.

He moved to rise from the bed. Keeping a hold on his giggling daughter, he patted each of his sons on the head. Shinichi returned his gesture with a small smile while Shouta rubbed his head further into his hand until he could not help but rub the base of one of his ears as his mate was wont to do on al their children. After the morning affections were dispensed with, he led his children outside of the room and went in search of his mate.

 Seshoumaru had sensed Kagome's aura outside on the veranda, when he reached the outside, he saw her dozing on one of the lounge chairs sun bathing. It would never cease to amaze him that after years of being mated he still had this level of attraction towards her. She was wearing a pale yellow sundress and her hands were wrapped around her bulging midsection. Pregnancy did not lessen her appeal in his eyes.

 When the children spotted their mother, he stopped the barrage of noises that would soon follow. He pointed towards her and met his sons eyes.

 It was payback time.

As he and his children cautiously approached the chair, everyone focused on their own ideas on how to surprise the sleeping woman, even Mariko was holding her lips to stifle the giggling that her father was feeling through her.

 “All of you make one wrong move and fun time for today will be over... and I mean for ALL of you”, Kagome uttered the end of the sentence with her gaze capturing her mate's. Then a smile followed to ease the sting of her reproach, she loved her family but enjoyed their attempts at surprising and getting each other but with the way she was feeling right now it just was not worth it. When her eyes opened to reveal bright cerulean orbs, her children started their yips of “mama” and whatever versions they had of it.

 Seshoumaru assisted her with sitting up from her lounge chair then she opened her arms to engulf her boys in a hug, “Good morning you little rascals, what have you two been getting yourself into hhhmmm?”

 “It was my understanding that you had sent them on a mission mate and this Seshoumaru believes that they accomplished their goal however their procedure needs a little more work”, he sat next to his mate on the chair and gave her a chaste kiss which she answered back with one of her passionate ones. His was a taste that she could never get over no matter how much she tried, especially with the pregnancy, her hormones were always on over drive but showing too much affection was not something her boys to see.

 With a regretful sigh, Kagome slowly moved apart.

 Upon seeing the tempered heat in her eyes, Seshoumaru moved his hand over Mariko's eyes and told his sons to cover their eyes, to which they promptly obeyed. Then he used his free hand to wrap around her waist and bring her closer to him. He then gave her another more all consuming kiss, using his teeth and tongue to make love to her mouth. He built up the heat almost to her breaking point until she moaned into the kiss, when he let go of her plump lips, she released a contented sigh and gave a small smile. Her eyes were hooded but deep within lay his seductress mate.

“As much as I would like to finish this mate, I believe it is time for breakfast”, he had put in place his indifferent mask then assisted Kagome with standing up, all the while keeping his arm around her. She had always been a clumsy being, more so whenever she was pregnant. But he would never utter a single word, he learned all his hard lessons during her first pregnancy and seeing as she was having another set of twins, he was in no rush to repeat his mistakes.

They were supposed to visit the shrine today and bring the kids so that Kagome's mother could have some time babying her grand children. So, after breakfast, Kagome had Jaken and a maid take the children to help them get ready for the trip.

 While Kagome sat in front of her dresser combing her hair, she watched as Seshoumaru finished getting ready. Then, as was his usual routine when he was home, he went towards his computer to check on work.

 She let him go as far as the desk, “Ah ah ah... mate, you promised me you wouldn't do anything work related this week. I implore you to keep your promise or did you want to sleep on the guest room for the remainder of the week?”. She gave her mate an alluring look over her dresser mirror when he looked towards her.

 Over the mirror, she could see that his eyes had flashed red for a moment then returned to their vibrant molten gold. His beast had never scared her before and it would not start today, she knew that he knew she was not undermining his authority. After the last acquisition that he led, Seshoumaru really did need a few days to just relax a bit or else he would be stressed and that would transfer to their work. She never tried to control him and Seshoumaru was grateful for that, his was a constant need to provide for his family and be a strong Alpha. He was used to pushing himself to the limit and that was all fine and dandy but as Kagome had once told him before, 'Life is not all about winning, sometimes you need to slow down and savour the here and now before it's too late’.

He walked over towards her and placed his hands on her shoulder, she had worn a sweater over her dress for she knew that the pups and her brother Souta would spend the entire visit out in the sun. He caught his mate's gaze through the mirror and he gave her a warm smile, his hands massaging her neck near the base of her skull.

 “And what would be this Seshoumaru's reward after this week of relaxation as you put it is done and over with mate?”

 Kagome moved to stand up and faced him, she perused his facial markings and gave a charming smile. “That's for me to know and you to find out koi.”. With that she left the room in search of her puppies to make sure everyone was finished getting ready to go to Grandma Higurashi.

Seshoumaru moved to put his laptop inside one of his drawers and locked it. No sense in keeping it out of the open to tease him. His mate was a shy being but when the doors were closed she let loose her inner vixen. Through the years her confidence had built up to the point where he almost thought he had created a monster, a sexually fiendish monster but a monster nonetheless.

 He made his way towards the door and left the room, he was either going to die of sexual frustration or he would have one hell of a romp by this weeks end. 6 more days to go then.

They had arrived at the Higurashi shrine just in time for lunch, as Seshoumaru unpacked the van with the pups play things and necessities, Kagome herded the children inside to see their grandparents. At this moment, he was thanking every heavenly being out there for making him youkai, he didn’t know how a normal male would be able to carry bags and bags of toys, clothes and diaper bags. When he came inside the door, he was met by his mother-in-law Manami along with her father and her son Souta. The hall was filled with cries of “Grandma, Jiji and Souta” from the pups trying to get the adults attention towards themselves.


“Hello to you too grandfather.” Seshoumaru answered Kagome’s grandfather monotonously. No matter how many times he came here he never ceased to disappoint. 

As the Higurashi women chastised their grandfather, Souta thankfully removed the ofuda from his face and took some of the bags he was carrying. “Nice to see you Seshoumaru, hope you and Kagome have been doing well”, the men exchanged pleasantries while they headed for Kagome’s old room to put all the bags in. If they left them all on the living room then either one of the pups would just rummage through all of it. Better to have a set of stairs in between the little heathens.

When they went down, everyone sat for lunch and Souta dragged the boys outside for a game of soccer while Manami kept a hold of Mariko. The toddler was content holding on while she tried to swipe at her grandmother’s hair to chew on.

A few hours later, a car arrived within the premise and Seshoumaru was surprised to see his father along with his mother and Izayoi coming out of the vehicle. He greeted them along with the Higurashi matriarch then inquired as to why they were there.

“We were just heading home when we felt that the grand pups were in the vicinity”, Inutaisho answered with and easy grin. By the look of the two females with his father, he felt that there was something more behind this impromptu visit. When he raised his eyebrow at his father, he was met with the same raised eyebrow, so he changed tactics. 

He looked towards his mother and Izayoi and was promptly answered. “He decided he wanted to play hooky and tried to surprise you at home.” his mother answered, “When he couldn’t find you there, he had Mariko’s fluffy bear tracked then found you here”, Izayoi piped up. He could do nothing but shake his head, if his father had his way then the pups would all be living with him at the manor and he would have spoiled them rotten. As it was, he invited them to were the pups were playing with their uncle. 

As soon as Inutaisho saw the boys in the field he took off his jacket and went to join them. Seshoumaru gave his seat to his mother then went inside to grab 2 more for Izayoi and himself. When the females were all situated, Mariko was passed around so that the grandmothers all had their turn snuggling the baby. Seshoumaru went to sit beside his mate and enjoyed kept watch over the gathering.

This was his new normal, the quiet life and peaceful times. His family was content and he was happy for them but often times he would remember the past. He could do without all the gore and violence but he definitely missed the adventure. When it was just Kagome and him, they would go over the world whenever they could. His mate had a sense of wanderlust as strong as his and they complimented each other well. The first time that she got pregnant was when everything started quieting down, she had once said that she would never give up the life she had now. The pups would give her all the adventure she would ever crave.

As the sun started going down, everyone started packing up to head inside and start on dinner. When he helped Kagome stand from her chair, he was surprised when she rushed towards were the pups were playing only to see that Shinichi had his uncle pinned down to the ground trying to wrestle the ball away and Shouta climbing over his grandfather trying to stand up on his head. To make matters worse, Mariko had somehow found herself within the hubbub and his father was trying not to step on her while dealing with Shouta.

“BOYS! Stop this right this instant! Shinichi stop wrestling your uncle! Shouta don’t climb on your grandfather! And Seshoumaru grab Mariko!”

“Yes dear”.

Aaaahhhh this was the life.

Bwahahahahahaha!!! Remember everyone, reviews feed the muse so please leave one before you make an exit! Ja Ne!