Suffering in Silence by Anna
Chapter 1
The sidewalk protested beneath the shuffling soles of his loafers, loose pieces of gravel scattering this way and that with each dragging step he took. Long, nimble fingers slid from the pockets of his navy blazer, collecting the white headphones that hung from his neck, sliding them into place atop his head. His hands lingered over the earpieces, securing them tightly over his pointed ears. With a peaceful sigh, the world around him faded away as the music soothed his irritation. His golden orbs shifted to the pair at his side, pleased to find Sayuu drowned out whatever animated conversation they were currently immersed in. He quickly averted his gaze as both males glanced in his direction, the nearest rolling his eyes as he said some crude thing, Sesshomaru imagined, as he hiked his thumb at his elder brother in gesture. Whatever it was, it wasn't worth the effort exuded to eavesdrop. More groups of students gathered along their shared sidewalk, each clad in the same navy blazer with white piping that signified their origin: Hoseki-Kōkō. The white building itself came to view as they rounded the corner, standing tall in proud as its students filed through the courtyard. As they strolled past the open gates, Inuyasha and his companion Miroku branched off to join their friends. Sesshomaru continued on, weaving through the sea of bodies, avoiding the longing gazes from various gaggles of swooning girls as he passed. He resisted the urge to scoff at their shameless displays, giggling loudly as they pointed him out in the growing crowd.
“Takahashi-senpai!” They greeted, their words falling on deaf ears as Sesshomaru found himself thankful that his headphones provided him with an excuse to ignore them. While every fiber of his being desired to scold and put them in their place; as he glanced through the blushing cheeks and dolled-up faces, he recognized a few as daughters of men whom worked alongside his father. Rude behavior would not be acceptable, no matter how satisfying the thought. As he came to head the group gathered around the class listings posted just outside the doors, his golden gaze lazily seeking out his own name.
'Takahashi, Sesshomaru...class 2-A.' He mused, casually slinging his book bag over his shoulder, making his way inside before his classmates further attempted to engage him in conversation.
With an indignant huff she glared down at the map in her hands, briefly giving it a look over before craning her neck to scan the street signs for any recognizable name. She was becoming increasingly worried of being late by the second. How could anyone find anything in this damnable concrete jungle? Tokyo was too big. Too many people. Too many buildings. She would never get used to it, she decided.
'Ugh! This is so frustrating.' She seethed, continuing on down the sidewalk, pausing every minute or so to confirm her direction on the sloppily sketched out map in her hand. She immediately perked up she turned a corner, spotting three girls clad the same posh uniform she wore. Kagome heaved a relieved sigh, stuffing paper map into her bag as she trotted after them, keeping a careful distance between them, not wanting to draw attention to herself. Being new would be challenge enough without being labeled a stalker on her first day.
Their conversation was just barely audible from the distance between them, Kagome trying entirely too hard not to eavesdrop as she tailed them, silently hoping Hoseki-Kōkō wasn't much further along.
“I hope we don't get the dragon lady for homeroom again.” One chirped, her red-curls bouncing with every step she took.
“Ugh, me too! I'm pretty sure she hated me...I had chalkboard cleaning duty almost every day last year.” Another laughed, her hands busied with her long, brown hair, weaving the silky tresses into an intricate braid.
“I don't care who I have for homeroom as long as I'm in the same class as Takahashi-senpai!” The third swooned, the other two sighing dreamily in sync.
“Takahashi-senpai~” They cooed together, leaving Kagome reeling behind them. How was it girls like this had nothing better to do than think about boys? She resisted the urge to roll her eyes, her hands tightly balled at her sides. Wouldn't it be nice if she had nothing better to do but worry about such silly things? She was relieved when the building came into view, not wanting to listen to their girlish chatter any longer. She immediately sought out the classroom assignments as she passed the gates, wanting desperately to find her classroom and blend in in fear of being the last and suffering through the 'new kid' introductions. She drew her shoulders in as she squeezed through the lingering crowd that blocked her way. She cursed her poor luck in genes, always the shortest, swaying on her tip toes as she tried to peer over the shoulder of the dark haired boy in front of her.
'Higurashi...Higurashi...' She chanted, eagerly searching out her name among the many listed. 'Aha! Higurashi, Kagome...class 2-A.'
'Best hurry.' She concluded, sparing a look at the large, golden clock above her head. She had approximately fifteen minutes to hunt down her classroom, and Hoseki-Kōkō was quite large in all it's grandeur. She immediately retreated inside, pausing to slip off her black loafers as she fished out the brand new pair of white slippers and the sticky note that held her locker number. Kagome was happy to find gold-trimmed, marble plaques that held directions, and once having located her locker and depositing both her loafers and gym shoes inside she returned to it.
'Class 2 A through D...second floor.' She read slowly, glancing over it a few more times for safe measure, burning it into her brain as she started down the hall the arrow indicated, quickly finding herself at the foot of a large staircase. She gaped for a moment as she glanced up the stairwell, a beautiful, crystal chandelier hanging above from the domed ceiling. 'Wow.'
She quickly corrected herself as as a group of boys gave her an odd look as they passed, each appraising her with curious looks over their shoulders as they ascended the stairs. Her face immediately flushed, mentally scolding herself for unintentionally doing the very thing she had planned to avoid. 'Way to make yourself stand out, gawking about like an idiot. No time to waste, I'll get lost in the crowd if I don't find this class soon.'
Class 2-A was easy enough to find much to Kagome's relief, the classrooms sharing the same hallway as she reached the first landing. Giving it a quick appraisal, she noted that classrooms 2-A & B were separated from classes 2-C & D by a singular hallway to which the signs indicated led to the restrooms.
'Easy enough to navigate.' She smirked, jumping slightly as a loud chime echoed throughout the hall. Kagome could hear the roar of students filling the entrance hall from the stairway, panic setting in as she hurried to the door of class 2-A. She noted the sliding door was already open as she slipped inside, relieved to find only two others occupying the classroom. A silver-haired male; demon obviously, who's face could not be seen sat with his gaze was fixed outside the window from his desk in the back row and the other a short, mousy girl with brown hair and rounded glasses, the latter of which who was quietly scrawling a welcome message across the chalkboard.
Kagome glanced along the rows of desks, deciding it probably didn't matter where she decided to seat herself, as there was traditionally seating assignments. For the time being she chose the last desk on the first row as she entered, neither classmate seeming to notice as she settled in. One by one the students filed in, some in groups, chattering lively amongst themselves as they took up desks near their friends. Most paid her no mind, a few spared her a glance, noting the new face amongst them. Kagome silently prayed they would not give her away to the teacher. A second chime filled the classroom minutes later, the mousy girl still standing before the chalkboard as her large brown eyes nervously flickering across her classmates from behind her wire-rim spectacles, her small lips parted as though she wanted to say something.
“O-ohayo.” She finally squeaked out, stepping onto the podium and clearing her throat before repeating the greeting, this time catching her classmates' attention. She smiled nervously as she tucked a stray lock of her hair behind her ear. “Welcome back, Class 2-A. For the new faces that have joined us, welcome, I am your class representative Namasaki Aoi. Before attendance I have a few annou-...”
The door slid open a little too sharply, cutting Aoi off as two girls strolled in, not at all phased by the frustrated look Aoi gave them as they continued on their conversation, taking up the remaining seats beside each other. Aoi cleared her throat again, the girls rolling their eyes with a shared laugh as they turned over their attention to her.
“As I was saying, before attendance there are a few announcements. Calligraphy club will now be held in classroom 3-F along with yearbook club and the track team will be now be meeting at 6:30am rather than 3:30pm. Anyone wishing to join a club, I have posted the sign-up sheets on the bulletin board.” She finished, gesturing towards the large bulletin board occupying the wall at the back of the classroom, filled completely with various sheets of paper. “After attendance, please line up at the front of the classroom for seating assignments.”
Aoi shuffled through the stack of papers for a moment before turning her attention back to the class. “Just come and stand at the front as I take names. Arata, Naoki...”
Kagome held her breath anxiously, going over her plan again once in her mind. It was risky, but it was necessary. When her name was called she quickly gathered her things, joining the others that had gathered at the front. As the last student joined the rest, Aoi gestured to a cardboard box with a large slit cut through the top.
“Everyone take one, please.” She instructed, moving to stand in front of the first row of desks, pointing out the first. “They are numbered. Number one starts here and and goes down the end of this row and starts again at the start of the second row. Ok? Go ahead.”
Kagome waited until everyone else had taken a slip of paper before dipping her hand inside, fishing out the last slip.
'Twenty-five.' She read, glancing towards the second to last row across the classroom. She mentally sighed in relief, pleased to find that she had managed to procure a desk in the back row. Perhaps things would go her way after all. She silently moved to her place as the rest of her classmates too shuffled down the rows to seek out their seats. Some high-fiving their friends in celebration in finding themselves seated next to one another, others grumpily sinking into their chairs. Kagome noted the silver-haired boy from earlier had been one of the few who managed to keep his original seat as she settled in across from him. He still faced away from her, having taken up his original position; head propped up by his elbow as he stared out the window. She had only just leaned over to fish out her course book when a pair of feet paused at her desk.
“Hey, you. Trade me.” A bored voice came. Kagome refused to look up, keeping her best poker-face as she rummaged through her bag.
“Hey, you! I said trade me!” The voice commanded again, this time loud enough that the chatter around them came to a still, each pair of eyes now focused on Kagome.
'Shit.' Kagome cursed, struggling to keep herself from shaking as she refused to acknowledge the voice until the owner roughly shoved her shoulder. Kagome finally allowed herself to look up, finding a petite, beautiful demoness glaring down at her with sharp yellow eyes. Her long black hair was fixed in elegant curls, a dangerous scowl on her pretty face. Kagome immediately recognized her as one of the two girls who had interrupted Aoi's morning announcements.
'Please go away...' Kagome silently begged her, nervously gnawing her bottom lip as she pretended to remain ignorant. 'Just go away...please, just leave. Why won't you just go sit down, you stupid bitch? Kami forgive me for what I'm about to do...'
“Hey! Are you deaf?” She hissed, slapping a manicured hand down on Kagome's desk, making her flinch. Kagome took in a sharp breath before fixing the girl with a confused expression, her hands trembling as she signed out her question: “What?”
Several of her classmates gasped, a few girls covering their mouths in surprise, others just fixing her with shocked expressions; their eyes wide and mouths agape while a few others seemed amused by the irony.
“Who do you think you're playing with? You're not actually deaf are you?” The girl asked haughtily, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. “Fine, is that so? Either way, you can still move.”
She pointed an accusing finger at Kagome before turning to gesture at an empty desk near the front that Kagome assumed to be hers. “You. There. Move!”
“What exactly is it that you're doing right now?” Another voice demanded. Kagome kept her focus on the angry girl in front of her, not acknowledging the new voice until the owner came to stand at her side. Kagome glanced up to find a tall, lean girl with dark hair pulled into a tight pony-tail at the top of her head. Her chocolate eyes were slit in disgust as she fixed the pretty girl with a harsh glare.
“No one asked you to interfere, Tachibana.” The pretty girl sneered.
“No one had to. What you're doing right now is wrong. Go sit down and leave her alone.” Tachibana spat defensively, placing a protective hand on Kagome's shoulder. The pretty girl's glossed lips parted to say something before Aoi suddenly found her voice and chimed in.
“There is no trading!” She squeaked. “Please take your seat Uchida-san.”
The Uchida girl's cheeks colored as every set of eyes fell on her, regarding her with a mix of varied emotion. She clenched her teeth as she turned around with a huff, stomping her way back to her seat. After a moment, Aoi took Uchida's place as she stood herself before Kagome's desk, fixing her with a confused expression.
“Are you really deaf?” She mused aloud, her head tilting as her large brown eyes probed Kagome's nervous stare. “You got up when I called your name...”
Kagome hesitated for a moment before nervously signing: “I can read lips.”
“She said she can read lips. It's pretty common for the deaf to be able to do so.” The Tachibana girl answered for her. Kagome had to resist the urge to question how she had understood. The girl gently patted Kagome's shoulder encouragingly, offering her a friendly smile as Kagome met her gaze.
“My brother is deaf.” She answered, both speaking and singing for Kagome's sake, as if she had somehow read Kagome's train of thought. She immediately felt guilty as she shyly returned Tachibana's kind smile, bowing her head politely.
“Oh, so that's how.” Aoi concluded in awe, turning to Tachibana. “Tachibana-san, why don't you move next to Higurashi-san, in case you should need to translate?”
“Hai.” Tachibana smiled, giving Kagome's shoulder a gentle squeeze before going to fetch her things, the dark-haired boy seated in front of Kagome suddenly popping up, the small pony-tail at the nape of his neck waggling slightly as he frantically waved his hand, reminding Kagome of a excited puppy's tail.
“You may take my seat, Sango-san~” He eagerly offered, fixing the tall girl with a suave smile.
“Er...thanks, Kawasaki-san...” Sango answered dryly, hesitantly taking up his offer as she moved to take his place.
“You said 'no trading!” The Uchida girl whined, slapping her hand down on her desk childishly. Sango rolled her eyes as she took her seat.
“You are unbelievably childish, Uchida.” Sango scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. Whatever Uchida had intended to say was interrupted once again as the door slid open, a middle-aged man whom Kagome assumed to be the teacher, emerged from the hall.
“Ohayo!” The class greeted in unison, rising from their seats to bow to their instructor.
“Ohayo.” He answered lamely, beckoning them to retake their seats. He turned his attention to Aoi, who was the only left standing. “Have you finished, Aoi?”
“Oh, there was one more thing.” She replied sheepishly, turning to address her classmates. “Weekly cleaning duties will be assigned at the end of class, so please don't leave before getting yours. Thank you.”
“Thank you, Ms. Namasaki, please have a seat.” The teacher instructed. Kagome heaved a relieved sigh as the tension simmered down, thankful for the shift in attention. She zoned in and out of the teacher's introduction speech, taking the opportunity to dig out her pencil case in case she should need to take notes. She froze as she turned to lean over, the silver-haired male seated across from her now staring at her intently with vibrant gold eyes. She was in awe of him, he was...beautiful, for a lack of better words. His features were almost feminine; soft angles, high cheekbones, perfect lips and long, silver hair that any girl would be jealous of, but even so, he was unmistakably male with his aristocratic nose, defined brow and lean musculature visible even beneath his black gakuran. But what sent shivers down her spine was the unreadable expression on his face as his eyes, piercing and catlike in nature held her in place, almost staring right through her. His face never gave any indication of emotion as he continued to study her, almost bored, she thought before turning his attention back to the window.
'That was...odd.' She mused, snatching her pencil-case from her bag and returning her attention back to the front.