Chapter 1
Kagome POV
I watch as the large bug demon charged at us. It is incredibly fast so Inuyasha couldn't get to me fast enough. I gasp as I am thrown back , the shards flying off my neck. I watch as Inuyasha dove for the shards, instead of me.
The demon grabs me, starting to run as fast as he could, which was really fast as we were soon out of there and far away. The demon throws me down, starting to chuckle.
"Don't worry young human, you wont be for this world much longer. The half demon ran off with the shards but you will at least fill my belly before I search for the half demon."
I couldn't belive Inuyasha would leave me behind but it was true. I am forced to sit in the corner of the cave as the demon prepares to eat me.
Sesshomaru POV
The smell of the miko that travels with Inuyasha fills tha air as I walk, but I could not smell Inuyasha close. Is she by herself? It would very dangerous, I would need to go see for myself, my brother has a habit of letting her get in danger.
"Jaken, stay here with Rin."
I turn walking from the camp towards the smell, soon coming across a large bug demon that looks like is is making dinner. The bug demon jumps upon seeing me, it's senses obviously very weak.
"Lord Sesshomaru, i'm sorry for not seeing you. Is there anything you need, I am just about to eat, so I hope you don't mind that I want you to leave."
I look behind the demon and see the miko sitting there. I couldn't let her die, Rin would be sad, I couldn't let her be sad. I dive at the bug demon ripping him open with my claws. Looking back at the miko her eyes were wide at me. I walk over as she scoots back.
Kagome POV
It is Sesshomaru! Inuyasha's half brother that wants to kill him! That walks into camp. The bug demon is obviously afraid of him which was reasonable cause seconds later he rips the demon in half with his claws.
I gulp as he turns to be and I start to scoot backwards trying to get away from him. He grabs the rope I am tied in and slices it open with his claws as if it was nothing.
"Come miko."
He says coldly and turns walking away. It is to dangerous to stay here alone so I stand and follow him as he walks away from the camp.
Chapter 2
Kagome POV
I follow Sesshomaru away from the demon's camp back into his camp. I look over and see Rin sitting there.
"Lady Kagome! This Rin did not know you were coming. Are you staying?"
"I do not know Rin." I said and follow her back into the camp. I see Sesshomaru sit under a tree and I knew I would not be returning to Inuyasha tonight. I lay down beside the fire with Rin close.
"This Sesshomaru warns you to get some sleep we will walk for a long time tomorrow."
I nod and close my eyes quickly falling into sleep as Rin cuddles up to my side.
Sesshomaru POV
I look at the miko and Rin as they sleep against Ah-Un. The miko slept peacefully but Rin woke up a little later. She walked over to me and sat down beside me cuddling into my side. I saw the tears in her eyes and knew she must be dreaming of the wolf attack.
"Calm, Rin, This Sesshomaru is here." I said softly and let her sleep beside me tonight.
Kagome POV
I woke up in the morning feeling no Rin beside me. I quickly look for her and spot her next to Sesshomaru. Thinking he was asleep since he had his eyes closed I stood and started to walk to them, maybe he wasn't all that bad if he let her do this.
"This Sesshomaru suggests you stop Miko if you value your hands."
"I was just gonna check is Rin was alright, you don't have to get so upity."
"This Sesshomaru shall do as he likes."
I watch him wake up Rin before she and I left camp to find some food. Rin showed me some berries to eat and we then returned to camp after washing up.
Sesshomaru just started walking with Jaken behind him. Rin and I walked beside Ah-Un at the back of the little group.
Chapter 3
Sesshomaru POV
I watch the miko as we came to a rest for the night. I could smell the peach scent that always followed her was coming off into more a sweat smell. She also needed a new kimono.
"Jaken, watch them."
I left camp quickly and headed to a near by village. I bought a simple kimono and then a bit of fruit as a gift for Rin. I headed back to camp afterwards.
When I walked into camp I could tell the girls had gone off to bathe. I throw the kimono at the miko and then drop the fruit in front of Rin.
"This Rin thanks you for this Lord Sesshomaru."
Kagome POV
"Miko, switch your kimono, that one is dirty."
I couldn't beleive Sesshomaru was telling me what to wear! On top of it he called me miko! I know he knews my name from the past.
"My name is Kagome! Ka-go-me!" I yelled at him before walking off and changing. when I return Rin is already starting a fire and Sesshomaru was gone again.
"Rin? Where did Sesshomaru go?"
"Lord Sesshomaru said he would be back with some food."
If only I had my bag. I could have food right away. I sit down beside Rin just in time to recive a bonk to the head from Jaken.
"Wench, you will not speak of Lord Sesshomaru like that!"
I turned around ready to pummel him. Grabbing his staff I swing it at him and hit him with it.
"You shouldn't hit a defenseless girl on the head, how would you like it if that girl or someone stronger hit you back!"
Chapter 4
Shippo POV
Inuyasha landed in the destriod demon's camp, kagome's scent was all over the place so she had to be somewhere near. I hopped off his shoulder and started to sniff around as Sango and Miroku landed with Kirara.
"Hey Brat, do you smell what I smell?"
Inuyasha snapped at me, I just sighed and keep sniffing. It does smell like someone we knew had been here before us, I just couldn't place who until I saw more of the camp, it looked like a dog fight.
"Inuyasha, how could Sesshomaru be here, we are not ear the western lands. I made sure of that yesterday."
"Shut up Miroku, my half-brother does as he pleases, I bet he would have done this just to tick me off!"
I watched them argue a bit more till Inuyasha took off towards the west. I sighed and climbed up on Sango's shoulder as we started to follow him. I hoped this wouldn't end in a fight.
Chapter 5
Sesshomaru POV
I got back just in time to see Kagome beat Jaken with his own staff. I hold back a smile and walk over dropping the two dead bunnies by the fire before walking off.
"Jaken, watch them."
I walked up to a nearby hill and sat down looking at the stars. Why did Kagome not try to run away? I had prepared myself to chase her, maybe she thought traveling with me would get her back to her lover, my half-brother, quicker?
"Sesshomaru, I brought some rabit up for you."
I looked over seeing Kagome with a little bit of cooked rabbit in her hand.
"I do not need to eat, I will hunt for myself if I need it."
"Oh, sorry then, I noticed you left without any food and you haven't eaten the past couple of days so I thought you might want something."
I sigh and stand walking over to her. Her midnight colored hair glowed in the moonlight, her brown eyes reflected the moonlight back. If she was a yokai she would be the most beautiful yokai out there.
"You should go back to camp, you can save that food for tomorrow night, or morning."
Kagome POV
As Sesshomaru walked over to me, He had his yukata open a bit and had taken off his armor, I felt my cheeks growing red. His hair looked like moonlight and his golden amber eyes made him seem other worldly, well he was a taiyokai. I couldn't do this, I liked Inuyasha, who cared if he only had a much hotter older brother!
Once he told me to go back to camp I nodded and hurried away quickly. Afraid if I stayed there any longer I might start drooling. He was hot so it was granted, but I had to stay to Inuyasha, even though he left me for dead and went after the jewel shards that I dropped when I was hit.
Sesshomaru POV
I could smell the arousal on her. I watch as she walked back to camp. So she liked me, I always thought she was my half-brothers lover, mabe I was wrong, I know he liked that walking corpse but enough that Kagome would be thinking that when she looked at me, was he really this bad?
I walk back and put my armor back on before walking back to camp. When I got there Rin and Kagome were asleep against Ah-Un. I took a spot under a tree nearby and closed my eyes. I didn't fall asleep, I just sat there calmly and thought about what I would do about Kagome.