FIghting the times by BlueRibbon98



The only thought that went through his head was Pain...

Little by little he awoke he had no idea where he was or how long he had been out. Slowly he opened his eyes staring around he noticed what seemed to be some type of cell. The bars on the window were a good hint he hadn't been found by his side. Never in his entire life had he been made prisoner and he didn't like the thought one bit. Looking down he saw a weird bracelet on his wrist and noticed he wasn't in his usual silks but some degrading villager type clothes.

His sense of smell was coming back but everything seemed dimmed and he knew not why. His eyesight was fine and so was his hearing but his nose didn't smell like usual. Scents weren't as vivid as before or clear.

Slowly sitting up he checked his body for any damage and was surprised to see he had been out long enough that had completely healed, not that it should have taken too long, he hoped.

Clearing his mind took awhile but he slowly made himself start to think again. He tried to remember what had happened. Ah...yes. It was the in battle


The battle had been going well and his army was moving efficiently across the field against the humans, 'Weak creatures'. Then suddenly a blast from the center of the field caught his attention. His warriors were being ...purified...he changed into his hid true form and stormed to the battle field where a group of Mikos and priests had risen up out of their covered holes. They had been waiting, he realized, for the army to get nearly on top of them to do the most damage.

Wave after wave onslaughted his army and his once organized precision was crumbling before his very eyes, his blood boiled and his eyes flashed red. 'Someone is going to pay for this...' was his last coherent thought between the waves he attacked the Mikos. Their numbers were reduced to half after a few quick attacks. He almost had them all when they quickly regrouped and attacked him. So very quickly he became unconscious and had to revert to his human form to avoid crushing anyone on his side.

-Hours later-

He awoke enough to hear chanting. And pain, the pain, was beyond anything he had ever experienced. Mind numbing and all he could do was lay there as they went on. Soon lost in the darker reaches of his mind he could feel spells being placed upon him. He knew that no good end would come of this. And his mind went blank.

End Flashback

He remembered how he got here. He remembered bits and pieces from the times he had awoken but it gave no reference to how long he had been here. Sighing inwardly he waited for surely this was too good for his capturer to wait long now that he was coherent.